#7 Fated

2105 Words

They have been driving nonstop for a very long time. But neither Samael was interested in telling Madelyn more about their destination, nor did she ask. Thousands of things kept going back and forth in her head, and everything felt inconclusive or a vicious circle. Samael has shown his brutal side while hurting Lucian. He had proven to what extent he could go when he left Lucian on the verge of dying. Besides that, he had threatened her to harm her family if she betrayed him and ran away. "You should rest," Samael mumbled.  He knew Madelyn heard him and chose to ignore it. It has been a while since he noticed her disheveled hair, puffy and swollen eyes, and pale face. She looked exhausted, but the worry on her face was more evident. It bothered Samael that Madelyn was still thinking abou

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