Chapter 20 Wedding day

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Planning a wedding is not easy acpesially after all these two have come through but this was just a reminder how preciouses life is and just how lucky they are to be together and The Queen  would not stand to see her only daughter not have the best wedding this world has ever seen .Only two weeks ago Anna was held hostage and Drake almost died and that is why they waited a bit longer to get married and today is the big day were the two lovebirds can finally spread their wings and become one and Anna was a bit nervous but everything about this felt as it should be and she would soon  be a wife and Queen of the Dragon Kingdom. Ones again mother asked he royal dressmakers to make anna the most elegant wedding dress and as always she got the most stunningly made dress and before getting into it she was baved and her mother braided her hair as the age old traditions was told how it should be and she loved it , it was a part of who she is and who she will become and if she has a daughter ,this was to be the same with her. Getting dressed was taking a bit longer and as they neared the end Anna looked like a dream in her pure white lace wedding dress with a very long vail and it was finished of with Diamonds and pearls just to give it that final flair. Her makeup as done to perfection and she looked like a true fairy tail Princess and last but not least her flower and butterfly fae crown came out decorating her head . Drake (Pov)  Today is our wedding day and I can't wait to see Anna , I just know she will look like a goddess that's sure and me whell I will be wearing a white suit with silver and blue and as I make my way to the cherry blossom garden I can see why Anna insisted we get married here , it is breathtakingly beautiful and the smell of all the extra flowers has turned this garden into a true wonderland except Alice won't be showing up nore the rabbit . There are already guests sitting down and I decide to take my place waiting next to Josef as my best man while Jo sits in the front and every now and then I see a single tear escape her eye but I do not let her see for I know just how special she is to me stepping in as my mother like she always was  and today is just a reminder of our material bond , so I just smile at her in acknowledgement. Soon soft music starts to play and all the daylight is setting slowly and as you look up you can see the stars coming out slowly and so does the fairy lights they have hung up also as décor along with candles , giving a romantic feeling to this spesial evening were we become one. After the wedding I will whisk my bride away to a special little cottage near my castle were we will complete our bond .I marked Anna two days ago again and now I can feel our bond again and my heart is beating so fast for that woman and if we do not deserve this then I truly do not know who does. I love her and today we will seal the deal. Anna (Pov)  Walking out of my room my father waits for me in the passage and then mother gives the signal to start as father takes my hand he says softly to my ear, "You look stunning my child and today you are showing the world that witch we already know , that you are a true Queen and a blessing to all ,We love you ,now lets go meet your groom shall we", father says kissing my forehead and taking my arm in his as we walk to the doors opening ."I love you father" I say feeling ready to meet my love and start our life as one. "Then lets do this". he say smiling happy and we walk in to the garden. As I walk in the music starts to play and at the end I see him my dragon King smiling while his eyes turn silver just like mine that's when I get chills all over my body and my heart beats faster as we get near, this is bittersweet when my father hands me to him , shaking his hand as all dads do and then as I feel his hand in mine its like magic colliding and then the priests greet us and all and the ceremonies begins .. After all the formality's we are pronounced as husband and wife and then we kiss the most softest gentle kiss and everyone in the garden a plough us and claps .Now it is our turn to drink a first drink with my parents and Jo and it was a unique tradition we always want to keep up with , its secret. "You look like a fission, my love and believe me it is so hard to keep my hands of you tonight , but I will for now" Drake says making me shiver knowing soon I will be his completely, body and soul and I can't wait. "We can always hurry everything along love but I do not think my mother or Jo will approve so come on let's cut our cake I am starving already" I say dragging my husband to our cake as Josef announce we will be cuttiing it. It is a six layer cake and it is decorated with cherry blossoms in pure white icing and dusted in silver and blue sparkles making it look like a castle in itself and the cake was a double chocolate cake and cherry filling making it so yummy and it it something me and Drake love. We cut the cake and everyone loves it and as much as I want to eat it all ,it is time to mingle with the guests and who better then my brother . " Sister you look so pretty and this garden looks spectacular indeed I wish we thought of it on our wedding ", Erick says hugging me and then as their song comes up Margaret grabs him to dance and I just laugh at their silliness and it makes me think how much I will miss them but they promise to visit us and we them all the time so at least I can count on that.  When the song is done Josef announce that me and Drake will be dancing our first dance as husband and wife and in seconds Drake is beside me taking me onto the dance floor and then our song 'You are the reason ' starts to play and we start to dance slow loving the closeness and the love surrounding us at that moment in time, we sway and he turns me and then I think back to the very first time I saw him in at the market , were he almost killed me while bumping into me and I just laugh making him look at me as if I suddenly went mad but he just laugh back kissing me on the lips and then as the night went by we had so much fun ,celebrating our union. After the toss of my bouquet we said our goodbyes and that's when Drake turns into Ice and we descend to the cottage. Getting there it was quite and the night sky is full of stars and the moon was the brightest  it ever was making the ambiance unique , the cottage was big and walking inside it was warm and the fireplace was lid and on the table there was two fluit glasses filled with bubbly and next to it all sorts of treats and whell the bed looked so inviting with all the fluffy pillows and rose petals was scattered on it making it seem like a cloud filled with tender loving just for us. Drake came in after turning back into Drake and he just smiled handing me a glass and taking one for himself then we toasted , "To us my love and to our life together" he say making me smile. After drinking and eating he leans in and kiss me slowly then suddenly he picks me up bridal style an slowly lays me on the bed hovering over me while still kissing me passionately as if he needs me to breath ,then I knew as we made out I wanted him , all of him ."I want you Drake, make love to me " I say making his hands and mine explore every part of each others body's. The night was full of love making and afterwards we fell asleep in each others arms loving married life so far. As morning came we woke up and Drake being the gentleman he is ran a hot bath for me seeing last night we did a lot of lovemaking and it was my first time so I thought it was sweet of him and it made me just love him more. we soaked in the tub and talked about everything we went through this last month and we knew all this only made us stronger and now that I am Queen and his true mate the world is our playground and the Dragon Kingdom will now one's again shrive like in the past... so for now the Dragon and his Princess were happy in love and wished to live a happy and healthy life and the prophecy did come true the angel fae did find her true love in the one and only living blue ice dragon and as he accepted her as his true mate their bond was sealed and he also has a piece of her heart making their bond the strongest to ever exist in time making this the perfect love story ..
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