Mrs. Lim started to unfold the history of the Dreamwalker Tribe

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Mrs. Lim stayed quiet for a bit, her eyes showing deep, painful memories. She seemed to be thinking hard about what to say. Finally, she spoke, her voice full of sadness and determination. “When you were seven, our tribe was attacked by the Pixers,” Mrs. Lim began, her look distant as if she was remembering the past. “They came to destroy our community, capture those with special abilities, and e*****e others. The Pixers wanted to control all 99 tribes in the universe. To do this, they needed slaves and had to remove any threats. They knew about you, Daai. They knew you could become a powerful Dreamwalker, someone who could control dreams. This made you a big threat to them, and they wanted to eliminate or control you at any cost.” Mrs. Lim continued, “Daai, your hidden power, once fully awakened, can expose their ugliest truths. You have the ability to reveal the darkest secrets of their leaders, showing their people the deception and tyranny they’ve been subjected to. The Pixers fear you because your power could turn their own people against them and bring their plans to ruin.” Daai’s mind raced with the enormity of what she was hearing. She remembered vague, fragmented dreams from her childhood, filled with fear and confusion, but never fully understood them. Now, those memories began to make sense. “But why don’t I remember any of this clearly?” Mrs. Lim sighed deeply. “Your grandmother protected you. During the attack, she used her abilities to shield your memories, to keep you safe from the trauma and to hide your power until you were ready. The Blue Coat Man was sent to guide you in your dreams, to ensure that when the time came, you would have the knowledge and strength to face your destiny.” Daai felt a whirlwind of emotions—confusion, fear, and a burgeoning determination. She had so many questions swirling in her mind, each more urgent than the last. “Mrs. Lim,” Daai began hesitantly, “I have so many questions. Who are you, really? And how could you hide yourself as a Dreamwalker living among the Pixer tribe?” Mrs. Lim remained silent, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and resolve. Instead of answering, she reached into her bag and pulled out a photo, handing it to Daai. Daai took the photo and gasped. It was the same family photo that had always sat on her office desk—the one with her grandmother, her parents, and herself as a child. But there was one significant difference: in the background, standing off to the side, was the unknown craftsman from her dreams. As Daai tried to process this new revelation, she was suddenly jolted back to the present by a knock on her office door. One of her staff members poked their head in, looking apologetic. “Daai, I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s a client here to see you about the Anego tour.” Daai blinked, trying to shake off the remnants of the intense conversation with Mrs. Lim. She glanced down at the photo one more time before tucking it into her pocket. “Thank you,” she said, forcing a smile. “I’ll be right there.” Her staff member nodded and closed the door. Daai took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of thoughts in her mind. The connection between her family, Mrs. Lim, and the Pixers was becoming clearer, but there were still so many pieces missing. Determined to get through the rest of her workday so she could focus on uncovering more about her heritage and the mysteries surrounding her, Daai stood up and headed to meet the client.
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