An Email From Blue Coat Man

926 Words
Daai let out a sigh as she turned off her computer, rubbing her temples to ease the tension that had built up over the morning. Running a travel agency was tough, especially with the pressure of keeping up the high standards her clients expected. Today was extra challenging, with a bunch of tours to coordinate and last-minute changes to deal with. Just as she was about to take a much-needed break, her phone pinged with a new email. The sender's address, bluecoatman1827@vain.connection, didn't ring any bells. Curiosity got the best of her, and Daai opened the email. It was a request for a private four-day tour to Anego. Her eyes widened as she scrolled down to the attached photo—a picture of her family’s old house. Her breath caught. The picture showed the house just as she remembered, untouched by time. The heavy wooden gate, slightly open, and the quiet courtyard. The scene was identical to her recurring dream: the traditional Bintonese architecture with its intricate designs, the curved roof tiles, the red lanterns swaying in the breeze, and the stone pathway leading to the main house. But she knew that couldn't be right. The house was demolished when she was seven, and her family relocated to the city. Now, that place is farmland. The email gave her more questions than answers. Who was the bluecoatman, and how did he get a photo of a house that no longer existed? And why was he so interested in visiting a place that was now just farmland? The email was cryptic, with vague hints and mysterious undertones, leaving her feeling uneasy. She wondered if this was some sort of prank or if there was a deeper, more sinister meaning behind it. The thought of the bluecoatman standing in front of what used to be her home sent chills down her spine. Daai sat back, staring at the screen, her mind racing. The timing of this email, coming so soon after her dream encounters with the craftsman, felt too coincidental to ignore. Was this connected to her quest for understanding her family’s past? Could this be another layer of the dream bleeding into her waking life? She decided to respond to the email, keeping her tone professional yet inquisitive: Subject: Re: Private Tour Request to Anego Dear Bluecoatman, Thank you for reaching out to Daai's Trekking and Tours. We would be delighted to assist you with your travel plans to Anego. However, I noticed the attached photo of the old house. This house holds personal significance for me, and I would appreciate any information you could share about it. Could you please confirm your preferred travel dates and any specific interests or requirements you have for the tour? Additionally, any context you can provide about the photo would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Daai As she hit send, Daai’s thoughts drifted back to her childhood memories of the house. It had been a place of warmth and mystery, filled with hidden corners and secrets. Her grandmother’s tales of their ancestors had always captivated her, and the house had felt like a living repository of their family’s history. The rest of the day passed in a blur of meetings and planning, but the email and the attached photo remained at the forefront of Daai’s mind. As she walked through the bustling streets of the city on her way home, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was on the cusp of uncovering something significant. The next morning, Daai woke with a sense of restless anticipation. Her mind immediately drifted to the email she had sent the previous night. She hoped for a swift reply from the Blue Coat Man, eager to uncover the secrets tied to her family’s past and the mysterious photograph of the old house. At the office, Daai found it difficult to focus on her usual tasks. Her team noticed her distraction, but she brushed off their concerns with a smile and assurances that everything was fine. Inside, she felt a growing sense of impatience. Every ping of her phone or email notification made her heart leap, only to be followed by disappointment when it wasn’t the response she was waiting for. During a break in her schedule, Daai decided to investigate. She searched for information about the email address "bluecoatman1827@vain.connection," but found nothing. It was an obscure and untraceable address, adding to the mystery of the sender. As the day dragged on, Daai started thinking about her grandma's old friend, Mrs. Lim. She figured she'd drop by after work, hoping to get some more info that could explain the mystery of the Blue Coat Man and the photo. The sun was setting when Daai arrived at Mrs. Lim’s house. The elderly woman greeted her warmly, ushering her into the cozy living room filled with memories of the past. Over a cup of fragrant tea, Daai explained the situation, showing Mrs. Lim the email and the photograph. Mrs. Lim studied the photo closely, her eyes narrowing in concentration. “This house… it holds many secrets, Daai. Your grandmother often spoke of it as a place of great significance to your family’s history. As for the man in the blue coat, I remember seeing someone like that once, many years ago, just before the house was destroyed. He came to visit you in your dream when you were 7 years old.” Daai’s eyes widened in shock. “How could you know that?” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
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