Eleanor Osborne:- "Of course, a true leader never walks away from his given word. You will get what you asked for just like I will get what I want. As for now, you can take your wife on the honeymoon and f**k the babies out of her and f**k her sister at the same time to make both of them hurt." the bastard replied making me clench my fist and almost kill him by snatching the gun from Atlas but I am afraid I can't do that right now without risking my husband and son's life. "You're a f*****g monster. You know that, right?" I asked and did the unexpected. I punched him in the face and then spat on him " Trust me, you will die out of my hands. Mark my words. The days to your doom are very close. I will make sure you suffer and won't even allow you into hell because even hell is a better pla