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The girl stops in her tracks, surprise showing on her face. “His mate?” “That’s what he said,” I respond, still wary of her. Her eyes roll around her sockets. “He told you or you know so?” she starts to circle me. I wonder if I have to tell her everything that happened. “He said so.” Her shoulders relax. “How old are you?” “Almost eighteen.” Her eyes widen as her mouth makes an O shape. “I see,” she comes closer and sniffs me. “You’re a werewolf,” her eyes dart all over my face and body. “And you’re so beautiful. Your blue eyes are so deep.” “Thank you,” I murmur as I maintain a distance. “Where are my manners?” she smiles genuinely. “I am sorry for that. My name is Cara, and I am Nathan’s sister,” her smile widens, lightening up her eyes and entire face. I can see the resemblance between the two of them. “That makes me your sister,” she giggles and jumps on me to tightly hug me. Her giggles vibrate in her chest. When she pulls back, her eyes go still. I wonder who she’s sending a link to. “What’s your name?” she asks as she pulls me down to seat. “Jessica,” I reply, slowly relaxing. “Beautiful name,” her eyes haven’t stopped roaming over me. “We’re going to have so much fun, sister.” The door bursts open and a gorgeous woman with beautiful black hair and green eyes like Nathan’s, enters. “His mate?” she asks as she waltzes towards us and stops before me. “Stand up, child,” she commands in a funny way. My feet move before my brain, which has suddenly stopped working. “Magnificent,” she breathes, looking at me in awe and admiration, like her daughter. “Name?” “Jessica.” “Beautiful,” she says before sniffing me. “His scent is all over her. Have you two mated?” My face burns with embarrassment. “They haven’t,” mother and daughter giggle before breaking into fits of laughter. “Look at her face!” Cara shrieks, holding her sides. “Don’t mind us, dear child. I am your mate’s mother and you are welcome to the family,” she embraces me in a warm hug. She’s taller than me, and my face rests on her chest. “Welcome to the family,” Cara says when we separate. “I want to know everything about you, Jessica. We are going to have a girl’s afternoon hangout and get to know each other!” my mate’s mother announces. “To my room.” She tugs at my hand, but I hold back. “Nathan said he won’t be long.” Not that I didn’t want to go with them, I just feel the need to stay where Nathan left me so he can find me easily. “I know,” she gives her daughter a knowing look. “And we will be done with our chitchat before he is done with his pack duties.” “Are you sure? Won’t he be mad if he finds me gone?” “Mad? I am his mother, and you’re his mate. It’s only right that we get to know each other,” she explains with a warm smile as she cups my face in her palms. “Don’t worry your head off, Jessica. Come on.” She tells Cara to link the kitchen head for snacks and drinks. Her room is as large as the one we left. Small cushions fill the floor on one side that overlooked outside, giving one a view of mountains I didn’t know existed on the pack. “The view is breathtaking, right?” Nathan’s mother says beside me. “Mountains surround all our borders. We will all take a tour one day. Maybe tomorrow.” My eyes widen at the thought of that. “I would love that, very much,” having never been allowed to explore my surroundings at the Montana pack, this is going to be an adventure for me. “Come, dear. Tell me all about you, your family, pack and how you met my son,” her voice fills with expectation as she leads me back to sit on a cushion. My enthusiasm and joy fall down with a loud plopping sound. I wish Nathan were here to save me. How do I even begin? The two women in front of me are waiting for me to speak, eager to know about me. When I don’t even know anything about me other than what I was told by alpha Kizziah. “Jess?” Cara’s frown shows her worry as she calls me. “Are you okay? If you prefer not to talk about it now, we can do so later.” I bite my lips as I begin to arrange my thoughts and choose the best place to start. Her mother rubs my shoulders, gently and lovingly. “We can do something else. How about you tell us how my son makes you feel?” My emotions change course, pushing in the few sweet memories of my mate. “Safe and loved.” “Now, you’re talking,” Cara shrieks in delight. “You don’t know how long we have all been waiting for him to find his mate.” “I thought he would never find her,” her mother says to me. “Thank you for saving him.” “He saved me,” I say and see how they both look shocked at my words. “He saved me from a very unpleasant future.” “What do you mean, Jess? Explain.” “I was about to be mated to a brute when Nathan announced I was his mate and took me away.” Cara gasps, her eyes wide with shock. “Oh my God, that’s terrible!” Nathan’s mother’s face softens with concern. “You must have been so frightened.” I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I was. I didn’t know what to do. Alpha Kizziah had decided my fate without asking me, and I felt so helpless. Then Nathan appeared, and everything changed.” Her mother takes my hands in hers, squeezing them gently. “You’re safe now, Jessica. Nathan will protect you, and so will we. You’re part of our family now.” Cara smiles warmly. “And we take care of our own.” I feel a wave of relief wash over me. “Thank you,” I whisper, tears welling up in my eyes. Nathan’s mother pulls me into another hug. “No need to thank us. We’re just glad you’re here.” As we sit back down, Cara asks, “What was it like growing up in the Montana pack?” I hesitate, trying to find the right words. “It was... different. Strict. I was taught to follow the alpha’s commands without question. I never felt like I belonged.” “You belong here,” Cara says firmly. “With us.” “Yes,” her mother agrees. “This is your home now.” I smile, feeling a warmth spread through me. “I think I’m going to like it here.” Cara grins. “We’re going to make sure of it. Now, let’s talk about something fun. Do you like shopping?” I laugh, the tension easing out of me. “I’ve never really had the chance to go shopping.” Cara’s eyes light up. “Well, that’s going to change. We’ll take you on a shopping spree you’ll never forget.” Nathan’s mother nods. “It’ll be our welcome gift to you.” I can’t help but smile at their enthusiasm. “Thank you. I’d like that.” Cara claps her hands. “It’s settled then. A shopping trip tomorrow!” As we chat and plan, I start to feel more at ease. Maybe this new family won’t be so bad after all.
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