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A NEW HOME AMERIE/JESSICA “Wake up, flower,” Nathan whispers into my ear, his voice soft and soothing. “We are almost home.” I stir awake in his arms and look outside. A long line of tall trees stretches into the distance ahead. The setting sun is a harsh orange as it nestles among the clouds, casting a warm glow over everything. “It’s beautiful,” I murmur as I sit up, still half-dazed. “Your land is beautiful.” “Our land, flower," he corrects me. Our land. My heart flutters at his words, a sense of belonging beginning to take root. “Soon we will run through these woods. Our wolves will roll, run, and hunt on these grounds. I can’t wait for that to happen,” he says, his eyes lighting up with excitement. My heart stirs again. This time, a warmer feeling wades through it, sending joy all over me. But what if none of this happens? I let out a sigh and drop my shoulders, pulling away from the beautiful view. “What are you thinking?” Nathan asks gently, his hands resting on my shoulders. How do I tell him about my fears? “What if I don’t get my wolf?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. “You will get your wolf,” he replies confidently. “What if I don’t? What if I am not a werewolf?” I feel a knot tighten in my stomach. He buries his face into my neck and takes a deep breath. “You’re a werewolf. I can smell your wolf,” he mumbles into my neck before pulling back and turning me to face him. His green eyes are intense and reassuring. “Even if you’re not a werewolf, you’re still my mate.” We stop at the front of a long stretch of fenced wall with two massive iron gates. The gates open immediately, and werewolves in human and wolf form surround our car, baring their necks in respect. “Do all your men look like you?” I can’t help but notice how formidable they look. “Do we look scary to you?” Nathan asks, a hint of amusement in his voice. Shrugging, I give him a shy look. “Especially you and him,” I say, pointing to Alex. “Not Tyler?” he points to Tyler. “He looks more gentle than you two.” Tyler turns to me, a grin spreading across his face. “Thank you for the observation, Luna. I have been telling them for ages.” Alex and Nathan scoff. “He’s far from that, Luna,” Alex grunts as the car slides down a stony road and curves to the left, revealing rows of houses and shops clustered loosely. Some buildings look different. “Why are those buildings different from the others?” I ask, pointing to them. “Those are offices for our warriors. This is our main town where we carry out many of our commercial and training activities.” He explains as we drive on until we reach another place where another set of wolves are waiting for us just like the first ones. “This is the middle of the town, where we have our schools and colleges for each division of the pack. Some warriors live here due to their job at the borders. “And here,” he starts, “is the inner town. You will learn more about the pack as time goes on. Come on,” he helps me out of the car when we stop at the front of a brown building. “This is the pack house,” he announces. “Where a lot of pack activities happen. Hello, Kelly,” he smiles at a woman dressed in a plain white shirt and black skirt, who bares her neck respectfully. “Welcome back, Alpha,” the woman replies, giving him a brief glance before returning her eyes to the ground. “Thank you. Come on, flower,” he picks my hand and ushers me into the house while his men follow behind us. Alex and Tyler seem to have disappeared. My eyes roam the space, and I can barely keep them in my sockets at the magnificence before me. Everywhere I look screams wealth and sophistication. Chandeliers hang lazily from the ceiling of the enormous living room, casting a warm, opulent glow over the furniture of various sizes and shapes that sit elegantly on the polished floor. “You can check it out later,” he chuckles, noticing my amazement. He pulls me along, and we ascend a staircase with golden railings that gleam under the chandelier's light. Just as we reach the top of the stairs, he pauses, receiving a link. “Jess, will you be fine on your own?” he asks, concern evident in his voice as we stop in front of a grand door. “Are you going to stay long?” My heartbeat quickens at the thought of being alone. Other than him, Alex, and Tyler, I don’t know anyone else here. “It will just be for a while. I need to attend to something,” he says with an apologetic smile, his green eyes filled with reluctance. As the alpha of the pack, he can be summoned at any moment, and he must answer their call. “Okay,” I nod, trying to mask my anxiety. “I won’t be long, I promise,” he reassures me, kissing my forehead gently. “Kelly will help you settle in. Ask her for anything you need.” “Sure,” I manage to smile. He smiles back before turning away with his men. Kelly opens the door for me to enter. “What would Luna like to do?” she asks, beaming slightly at me. “Is this going to be my room?” I inquire, noting the room's monochromatic decor and simple setting. The white walls give me a sense of serenity. She clears her throat. “The alpha will let you know when he returns.” “Okay. Thank you,” I smile back at her before taking a seat on one of the chairs. At that moment, my stomach grumbles. “Will Luna want something to eat?” she asks, her black eyes filled with surprise and a hint of fear. I chuckle softly. “I am not used to being called Luna,” I admit. She nods in understanding. “Oh.” “Anything will be fine.” “I won’t be long,” she says with a relaxed smile before leaving. My eyes roam the room again as I bask in my new home. New home. I like that. Closing my eyes, I picture myself feeling at home in this new place, allowing positive emotions to fill my thoughts. Nathan comes to mind with his fierce green eyes, husky voice, and handsome body. How he touches and holds me gently, like I am a delicate flower. His pet name for me. Flower. The door opens, and a girl with black hair and eyes as green as Nathan’s enters. Her gaze sweeps over me with shock and suspicion as I slowly rise from the chair, feeling like she caught me stealing cookies. “Who are you?” she demands, her girlish voice aggressive and harsh. “I…I,” I stammer as she stalks towards me, her presence intimidating. “How did you get in here?” she presses. Inwardly, I wince at my inability to link my mate. “I asked you a question,” she snaps. “I am his mate,” I manage to reply, my voice shaking slightly.
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