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NATHAN THEY WILL PAY Hearing her heartbeat slowing down and becoming steady eases my tension. I almost regretted saying all those things when she began to cry. But I had to say them. She has to know what I feel for her, who she is to me, and that I will burn the world to save her. The thought of never wanting a mate seems laughable now. Meeting her had turned my world upside down in the best possible way. I place a soft kiss on her forehead, peering down to look at her sleeping face. Her slim and pink lips are slightly parted, tiny warm breaths escaping them as her chest rises and falls. Gently, I press them together, smiling at the quick frown that forms on her brows. “She’s perfect,” Declan purrs, looking through my eyes at Jessica. “Indeed.” “And powerful,” he adds. I nod at him. “We need to find out where she came from. Kizziah must have taken her from her real parents.” He sighs, dropping on his legs. “I could sit and watch her like this forever.” “Me too.” We stay like this, watching her, listening to her heartbeat like the lyrics to a song. But a few moments later, my link throbs and I know someone’s trying to reach me. “What is it, Ty?” I ask my Gamma. “Sorry to disturb you and your mate, but you need to come out. We found something that could help us learn how the rogues entered.” “Where are you?” “At the main gate.” “Can’t it wait?” “You have to see this yourself, Nate.” “Fine. I’ll join you,” I tell him before cutting the link. This has to be urgent for Tyler to request I join them. I heave a heavy sigh, reluctant to leave Jessica. I don’t want to disturb her sleep, but I have no choice. Gently, I withdraw my arms from her, placing her back on the bed and pushing a pillow between her arms. She turns to her side, grabbing the pillow tight, sighing contentedly after sniffing it. Good thing I put the pillow there. My scent all over it calms her. My eyes don’t leave her as I walk away until I reach the door and leave the room. The warriors are still standing at attention. “Alpha,” they chorus. “Link me if you hear any slight movement in the room,” I order them. “Your Luna is asleep and shouldn’t be disturbed.” “Yes, Alpha.” I hurry down the corridor, nodding at people’s greetings as they pass me. The pack looks better now compared to the attack. Things are being moved and cleared in preparation for repairs to be carried out. The air is thick with the scent of ash and blood, mingling with the fresh earth where the tunnel was unearthed. The sight of the destroyed buildings and scattered debris fuels my anger, making me clench my fists. My eyes harden, my anger burning at the chaos around me. Rogues dared to attack my pack to the point where buildings were almost turned to rubble. Hordes of them dared to lay their filthy jaws and claws on me and my men, turning my well-fortified pack into a mere shadow of its former self. They will pay, whoever it is that sent these rogues to me and my pack. I will wet their earth with their blood, decorate the air with their screams as I inflict pain on them. They came at the wrong time. My mate was here, and they harmed her. Though she healed on her own—something I will discuss with her—first, I have to see what Tyler found out. I find him, Alex, and some of the men a few feet away from the gate. The ground looks disturbed, like someone dug a hole into it. “What is this?” I ask as I squat to peer into the hole. It’s wide and deep enough for more than three people to pass through. No one says anything. “I asked a question, I believe!” “We believe this was how they entered the pack,” Tyler answers. “The hole leads outside the gate.” “How come our patrols and cameras didn’t catch them? How did they dig a hole like this and no one heard or saw anything?” I lash out, looking at their faces. “No one saw or heard anything. The cameras were working fine…” “Then how did this happen?!” I growl at my Gamma. “Don’t tell me this hole just sprang up suddenly.” “It seems so, Alpha,” Tyler replies, bowing his head like the others. Right now, I am his Alpha. “Bullshit! This was a planned attack. Holes like this don’t get done in a day.” “It could be witchcraft,” Alex speaks for the first time, and even he has lost his usual spunk. “Did anyone see any witch during the fight?” I ask and watch as they all shake their heads. “s**t,” I mutter. He could be right. Witches and their wicked ways of doing things. “What else did you find inside the hole?” “Nothing. Just their stench,” Tyler replies, following me as I inspect the hole. “Cover it a few meters from the entrance and place bombs inside. Do the same for every three meters and stop at six meters to the gate from the outside. That should bury the ugly things if they come up again,” Once I jump out of the hole, I give the final order. “Fill the remaining space with metallic walls up to the exit into the pack before covering it.” “Yes, Alpha,” they chorus. Tyler and Alex give the order on how to get that done while I look around the place, pondering the hole. Was it really witchcraft? We had no beef with any witch. The witches and we were on good terms, just like with every other creature out there. Maybe this was the work of a random witch. But why would such attack my pack? And when I had Jessica. My mind still tells me this has to be Kizziah’s doing. He and his son are the only ones who threatened me because of what happened at the ceremony. A good excuse to want to destroy my pack. I need evidence to nail this attack on him. “Nate,” Tyler calls me as he hurries my way. “How’s Jessica?” “Resting,” my frown disappears instantly the minute he says her name. “Sorry, I had to disturb you.” “It was necessary. Thanks for being there for me.” “Sure. Want to hear my idea on who could do this?” Tyler gives the place a brief glance. “Kizziah.” “Same person I was thinking about.” “And he will pay for this,” I snarl. “As soon as we find our evidence, but first, we have to speed up our search about your mate’s origin.” “I will talk to her about it when she wakes up,” I tell him and link the warriors at her door for an update. They reply, telling me she’s still sleeping. “Call Alex, and let’s take a walk around the pack,” I tell him and start to walk away. The devastation that meets my eyes makes me want to believe what Alex said. Roofs were blasted through with huge stones that only someone with powers to control such could do. Everywhere I look, I see the handiwork of invisible powers. Maybe Alex was right. My pack was almost destroyed by a witch or witches in this case. Witches that could control rogues or work with rogues. Who knows the dynamics of this whole thing? Other than Kizziah’s threat to me, I don’t know of anyone who would hold a grudge against me and my pack. “Nate!” Mom calls out to me from the bunker where she’s helping the wounded settle in after getting discharged from the hospital. “We are swamped. We need more space.” “Alex, get more beds from the store and set up camp near here,” I order, switching into Alpha mode. Tyler joins me. “How’s she? Is she okay?” Mom asks, pulling me aside. “Sleeping. How are you?” I take her hands, rubbing them softly. “Not like any attack I have survived, but I am doing great. We all are and will get through this,” she sighs, turning to look around. “This is different, Nate. Something feels wrong," her voice turns hard. “I know, and I will get to the bottom of this. I promise." She grabs my hands tight, her eyes intense. “I have a strange feeling it has to do with Jessica,” she whispers. “I feel it too.” “We have to protect her not only from those who want her but from the pack. Rumors are already spreading. Do something about it. I like her already.” “Thanks, mother,” I pull her into a hug. “I love you.” “I love you too, and I think it’s high time I retired.” We both burst out into laughter. “And want grandkids.” “I will give you all the grandkids you want, mom,” I chuckle, before pulling away. As I join her in assisting the people, my mind drifts back to Jessica. She’s at the center of this storm, and I need to find a way to keep her safe. Midway into helping, I get a mindlink from one of the warriors stationed at Jessica’s door. “What is it?” Mom asks. “Jessica is…” “Wow!” Mom exclaims at the same time I see something that entirely blows my mind away.
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