3178 Words

CHAPTER 6: His Fear AUDREY FAITH'S P.O.V COMPLETE THE QUEST: MISSION: You need to know what's your soulmate's biggest fear in life. If you got the correct answer on the 7th day when the quest ends, you could choose a skill or ability to help you get closer to your soulmate, and if you don't get the correct answer when the investigation ends, your soulmate will face the consequences. Your mission will begin now! (Reminder: You can't ask your soulmate for the answer!) Napatitig ako sa hologram na nanggaling sa marka ko matapos kong mabasa ang nakasulat sa Quest. Hindi ko alam kung anong dapat kong gawin para malaman ko kung ano ang pinakakinatatakutan ni Drake kaya naman nang makalabas na ako sa kwarto ko ay nakita ko naman na abala ang mga magulang ko sa trabaho nila kaya naman nagpaa

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