The Alphas ultimatum

1520 Words
Three days have passed since Nia’s transformation. She was asleep for three days and her mother was buried in the pack’s cementary with a blank headstone devoid of tributes. Within those 72 hours, the whole shadow fang pack buzzed with the news of the incident that happened on the night of the full moon festival. How could the weakest omega in the pack overpower the Alpha? Who is Nia Everhart? What is her true identity? Where did she come from and who was her father? These and many more were whispered across the territory. The solitary cabin where she lived with her mother had been declared out of bounds and was to remain a haunted place where no one dared to venture. While the pack had been alive with rumors of her possession by some evil force, Nia was trapped somewhere between the universe and the realm. It felt like her soul floated across the unbounded dark space where there was nothing but peace. It was a space she did not want to leave. Her mind refused to acknowledge the fact that her mother died at her hands. Why did the goddess have to be cruel to her? Why did her mother betray her? Has the shaman been right all along about her being a cursed being? What will become of her now? What does her future hold? Even as Nia floated in the void, the scent of the shaman’s healing herbs did not fail to penetrate her thoughts. Just as her words re-echoed in Nia’s head. Misfortune will come your way on your eighteenth. After three days of lying in unconsciousness, Nia finally opened her eyes and the full realization of what she had done came crashing on her with full force. Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably as she clutched her chest and wailed into the soft pillow beneath her head. Regret rammed into her and stomped upon her heart. As if the universe wanted to break her further, she saw her mother smiling in a field full of sunflowers. A sign, perhaps. But, Nia wept and wept till she could no more. By evening, she had no tears left to shed and she just laid there in an ear-piercing silence. “Welcome back, child.” Thalia, the shaman said as she smoothed Nia’s head. “Don’t call me that.” Nia shot up and swiped the woman’s hand away. “You colluded with my mother to cause me pain.” Thalia chuckled. “colluded is such a strong word. She wanted to protect you.” “From what?” Nia sighed. She was tired of hearing this bullshit about protecting. She would rather they come clean about their crime against her than lie to her. “From forces greater than any of us” Thalia calmly replied. “Care to tell me about these forces?” “It is not my story to tell.” Thalia shook her head. “Why?” Nia groaned in frustration. “Because it is a story you have to write by yourself. Only you have that power.” Thalia’s eyes bore into Nia’s soul. “And how can I tell a story without an idea of how it is meant to go?” Nia asked, confusion playing a game of ping pong in her brain. “Just follow your heart and whatever the Alpha gives you.” “The Alpha?” Nia suddenly remembered how she had challenged and attacked him in the forest. “Yes. He has summoned you. Whatever happens, do not challenge him again and accept whatever decision he makes with good faith.” Thalia urged her, However, the Alpha did not care about Nia’s agony or the death of her mother. He was more concerned about the safety of his pack and the threat Nia posed to them all. A few seconds later, warriors arrived at Thalia’s cabin to escort Nia to the pack house. Nia felt the eyes of the members of the pack on her as she walked the short distance between the shaman’s cove and the gigantic house. She was expecting to be pushed or even dragged into a room full of judging elders of the council waiting to decide her fate. From the balcony of the fourth floor, Nia spotted Lyra watching her with a different expression. It was Something between awe and fear. There was a hint of judgment too. But, Nia could not care less. The warriors commandeered her to the Alpha’s office. Which was surprising because offenders were usually judged in the clearing, by the entire pack. All her life, Nia had always entered the office to clean, serve, or deliver messages from the Luna but never as an offender. She however took note of the little change in how she was treated. One knock on the door sent the Alpha’s come in her way “Good morning, Alpha” Nia greeted without bowing her head. Something had snapped in her. Something powerful and it made her feel like Talon’s equal. His domineering aura and piercing gaze did not affect her whatsoever. Life does work in funny ways. Alpha Talon looked taken aback by the lack of respect from Nia’s end but he wanted to get their business over with. The girl suffocated him with her presence. It was like she had been reborn. “Good morning. Have a seat, Nia” Nia raised an eyebrow in surprise. Never had the alpha used her name much less offered her a seat. She was surprised he even knew what she was called. It had always been slave or omega or servant or human but never Nia “Thank you” Nia muttered and occupied the seat, much to her displeasure. She preferred to stand but defying him much more might make him seem visibly shaken than he already was Talon cleared his throat. “We have buried your mother behind the cabin where you used to live.” “Used to?” Nia asked. “Yes. The council of elders and I have decided to banish you. You are considered a threat to our pack and the realm at large.” Talon visibly swallowed. Nia laughed.”Just because I finally got my wolf? I can be a warrior and still serve you.” “No. You are destined to be more than a warrior. There can only be one Alpha in a pack.” Talon stated ‘Yes, and you are the Alpha.” Nia shrugged. The idea of challenging Talon for the Alpha position was absurd because Nia did not care about ruling. All she wanted was to get her wolf and be like the rest of them.+ Talon sighed and wiped his forehead. “You challenged and attacked me, Nia, you are the first to do so. Ordinarily, the rest of the pack cannot stand up to any of my children, and talk less of standing up to me. but you attacked us instead and you are the first person to accomplish this feat. Plus, your wolf is extraordinarily powerful. The most powerful I have seen. And very rare if I must add.” “Rare, how?” “Long ago, there was a wolf who wanted to rule all of the realm, he was only a warrior and did not have the capabilities to make the Alphas bow to him in submission. To achieve his goal, he dabbled in sorcery and was able to transform his wolf into something bigger and deadlier. A lycan. You might be his only surviving female descendant.” The silence in the room was loud as Nia digested this information. Slowly, the events of that night began to dawn on her and Nia suddenly understood why she was able to defy the Alpha and why she did not cower in his presence. “Your kind rule territories to the north. You would feel very much at home there.” Talon hurriedly added, as if hinting at the fact that it was time for her to take her leave. “One more thing, Alpha. Do you have any idea about the forces My mother tried to protect from?” Out of an open drawer, Talon retrieved a sapphire necklace which he handed to Nia. “This should answer the rest of your questions for I can speak no further about it. But as a hint, try to figure out who your father is and you will finally be at peace. You however have an hour to leave my territory” Nia decided to visit her mother’s grave before leaving for good. The warriors assigned to escort her out of Shadow Fang helped her gather a few supplies for her journey ahead while she wept at her mother’s grave. After kissing the grave three times, Nia stood up with a look of determination. She collected her backpack from the warriors and disappeared into the woods. The sapphire necklace hung on her neck and it served as a source of strength. She was ready to face her past and not once did she look back.
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