Leaving everything behind

1030 Words
The sun had begun to set when Nia left the pack and the glow of the moon was not too far away. Each step she took signaled parts of her that would never be recovered again. They signaled her weakness and all the suffering she had endured at the hands of the Alpha’s children. Leaving the pack did not hurt Nia. instead, she felt liberated and alive. She had a new resolve to find the truth about her identity. Who was she? What did she need protection from? With a last glance at the clearing where she had been re-birthed a few days ago, she left Talon’s territory and ventured deeper and deeper into the forest. Her footsteps were heavy with the weight of her purpose. She lightly fingered the sapphire necklace on her neck and felt renewed hope. The necklace served as the only strand of connection to her mother and the link to finding her father or his heritage. Finding out that she had lycan blood coursing through her veins was empowering. It felt good to be powerful and to know that she could easily crush whoever tried to bully her again. The necklace also served as a reminder of the strength that resided in her blood. It reminded her of her capabilities and strength. The world as she knew it began to feel foreign as she walked farther and farther away from Shadow Fang. Nia tried to take deep breaths and reassure herself. She decided not to let the fear of uncertainty rule her mind. It was too late to back down now. She had to face it and discover who she is and what dangers she may pose to the realm. Or what dangers the realm may pose to her She tried not to think about Kira’s death for it haunted her greatly. If only her mother had opened up to her and told her the truth. If only her mother had not colluded with the creepy shaman to betray her. If only she had her wolf under control. If only. Nia did not think she would ever forgive her mother for the betrayal. Neither could she forgive herself for cutting her mother’s life short. But then again, the universe had a way of dealing her heavy blows. Blows she could not handle or dodge. Happy memories of her mother’s warmth and cooking flooded her mind but they were tainted by the pain of betrayal and loss. Wiping the stray tear on her cheek, Nia decided to bury such thoughts in the darkest part of her soul, never to be brought up again. She looked forward to finding her father who had always been a figure shrouded in mystery and whispers. Now, he was her only hope of finding out who she was meant to be. As Nia ventured further into the night, the cool air embraced her and the trees stood as guardians of the night to reaffirm her newly found mission. The sounds of the night creatures were like a melodious song in her ears and she felt renewed hope once again. She perceived freedom in the atmosphere. Although it felt new and foreign, it had a calming edge to it and it was welcoming. She felt like she would indeed be successful in her conquest and she marched on in certainty. After walking for a few hours, Nia got to a clearing illuminated by moonlight. She stepped into the light and took a deep breath, basking in the connection she shared with the moon. The moon goddess had always seemed far away but Nia felt a renewed connection to her through the moon. As she stood there, reveling in the moonlight, Nia heard a rustle in the bushes. Her sense of smell perked up as she tried to pick a scent. Perhaps, Talon had sent warriors to unalive her, or was it the forces her mother so desperately tried to protect her from? Nia squinted her eyes as the rustling in the bushes continued and she instinctively fell into a defensive stance. “If you are brave enough, reveal yourself,” Nia called out in courage. The sneaky movement continued for a few seconds and Nia extended her claws just in case. Her heart pounded in her ears. The air was thick with tension and Nia prepared herself to face the worst. But, it was only a deer playing in the bushes. It walked toward her and grazed its head on her leg before bounding away. Nia let out a sigh of relief. If the forest could be so welcoming, perhaps her journey would not be as daunting as it seemed. With even more determination, Nia pressed on. The pendant rested against her heart like a guiding star and she reaffirmed her resolve to not give in to fear. I will not be afraid. She whispered over and over. Soon, she got a shimmering pool that reflected the stars above. It provided a sense of serenity and warmed her heart. Nia decided to take a bath in the pool and rest for the night. However, a few minutes after she closed her eyes, the nightmare of three days ago came to haunt her again. She stood in the clearing, feeling more afraid than ever. The monster snarled and gripped her neck. She struggled and struggled and struggled. The heinous being overpowered her easily and the light fades from her eyes. She was finally going to die. As Nia gives into the icy hands of death, Kira appears to her “Get up and fight it” she says with eyes full of fire. “Get up, my child. Get up” Suddenly, Nia shot up, panting. The nightmare had felt so vivid. As she took in her surroundings, an arrow woozed past her ear, landing on the tree bark behind her. Her instincts heightened as she stood on her legs and prepared to shift. “come out, I dare you.” she challenged. Soon after, the most devilishly handsome creature Nia had ever set her eyes upon emerged. He had an evil smirk plastered on his face and his eyes pierced her soul.

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