Chapter Three - A New Way Home

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I woke up wrapped in warmth feeling more content than I had in almost a year. The three of us had spent most of the night talking. I knew Felix and Calin were trying their best to make me feel at ease with them. They didn't know what I truly am or what I have been through and I didn't have the courage to tell them everything, at least not yet. I wasn't sure what was holding me back, if it was the fear that they would turn on me like my pack had done, or if they would reject me when they found out. Whatever it was, I couldn't face it, not yet. "Hey, you're awake," Calin said, smiling softly at me when I met her sleepy gaze. I felt Felix tighten his hold on my waist slightly just as Calin stroked my cheek with a light feather touch. I closed my eyes at the sweet contact, snuggling deeper into Felix's front. "What was on your mind? It looked like you were very deep in thought," Calin asked. I looked at Felix who was still sleeping peacefully before facing Calin. "I was just thinking about my old pack." I confessed, sighing before continuing, "They will kill me if I go back. I have no home, my parents are dead, and I have nothing left."I said sadly, tears threatening to fall. Calin stroked my cheek. "Come with us. Come to our home, find a new family, people to love who love you back. Come back home with us." She said, almost begging. I smiled at her words before replying, "There is nothing I would love more." She grinned as she kissed my cheek, then my forehead with tender excitement. "Felix, wake up. We gotta go." She called out to her brother, who groaned his disapproval at being woken up. In a flash, Calin was sitting on her brother in an attempt to get him up. "Calin geese get off me, I'm awake, what the hell has gotten into you?" He said groggily, pushing her off of himself and on top of me. "Hey there," Calin said seductively, causing me to blush instantly. She kissed my cheek before jumping off the bed. "Felix, Astra is coming home with us," Calin announced as she walked out of the bedroom. Felix, who sat up after pushing his sister off him, turned to look at me. "Is that true? You really want to come home with us?" He asked. I sat up, touching his cheek gently, moving strands of hair out of his face before replying, "It's the only thing I want right now." I smiled at him as he rested his forehead against mine. "Then I guess we should get going." He said, pulling away as he stood up. He stretched out his hand, offering it to me to help me out of bed. I grasped it as he lifted me up and out in one fluid movement, my feet landing on the floor in seconds. I backed my hands against his strong solid chest so I wouldn't fall over. He waited for a beat before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the bedroom, down the hall, and into the kitchen where Calin had busied herself with making us coffee. "I took a guess, two sugars, and milk?" Calin asked. "Um yeah, that's right," I said slightly surprised as I sat down on the sofa. Felix had taken it upon himself to start a fire as Calin brought the coffee over to us, placing the three mugs on the table before taking a seat to my left. "Felix has his without milk and one sugar. I have no idea how he can stomach that. I have mine with milk and one sugar, a perfect combination if you ask me." She said, taking a sip of her coffee as Felix made his way over to us, taking the empty seat on my right. "That's because only the strong can drink black coffee." He joked, taking a sip of his own. Half an hour later, the three of us made our way out of the cabin. Calin and Felix shifted into their wolf form. They stood proudly at six and a half feet tall with matching pure white coats, their piercing blue eyes glancing at me. I took a breath before shifting. I was shorter than them at only six feet, which was still much taller than an average wolf. They made their way into the forest, waiting for me to follow before they started running with me hot on their tails. We ran more than 200 miles before coming to a sudden stop on the outskirts of a massive clearing. We all shifted back to our human form, then made our way out of the forest lining and into the clearing. I gasped at the sheer beauty of it all. "Astra, welcome to the FrostFang grounds," Felix said, smiling sweetly at me. Calin grabbed my hand and led the way through the grounds. "Alphas! Alpha is back!" Two kids shouted out gleefully, running towards us. "Christos! Angelica!" Calin and Felix called, bending down just as the two kids ran into their arms. They hugged the kids tightly as they stood up, swinging them in the air while they giggled gleefully. "Did you miss us?" Calin asked the little boy in her arms. "Of course we did." The girl in Felix's arms said, smiling widely. I smiled at the pure joy that surrounded them. "We would like you to meet someone," Calin said as she and Felix turned to me. "Christos, Angelica, this is Astra. Astra, these two little gremlins are warlocks." "Hi, Astra." The little girl, Angelica, greeted sweetly. The little boy, Christos, reached out to me. Calin handed him to me smiling. Christos smiled widely before hugging me tightly. I laughed and hugged him back. "Come on, let's introduce you to everyone else," Felix said, putting Angelica down as I did the same with Christos. I watched them run off as we continued walking. "Are they siblings?" I asked. "Yeah, but it's rare to see true warlock siblings. Usually, there is only one child born of the same parents. Their parents died four years ago fighting another pack. We all pitch in and take care of them. There are other orphans here as well," Felix explained. We continued on with the tour of the grounds. The 200 square miles of land held five different training facilities, dorm rooms, houses, and a large kitchen and dining hall that had a big garden next to it. In the middle of it, stood a five-story pack house where meetings were held and pack affairs took place. Only Alphas, Betas, and council members stayed in the pack house unless they had their own home with their mates. We came to a stop outside the grand pack house. It was beautiful with modern finishes intertwined with classical Greek architecture. Calin slipped her hand in mine. I looked down at our intertwined fingers, and then up at her as Felix placed his warm hand on the small of my back. "Let's introduce you to your future pack." He said, smiling warmly. I nodded my head as they led me inside.
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