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Sierra’s POV I looked at the gang with a stern face. “Remember, they can’t smell you or see you. But they can still hear you because I can only create the illusion that there is nothing where we stand. Minor sounds like our breathing and so on could be covered by us, but no idle chitchat or we are busted. Got it?” I asked and stood straight like a drill sergeant waiting for ‘Yes, Sir!’ My eyes met that of my partners in crime. There was Nathaniel who was the oldest among us. He was twenty-year-old now and six months older than me and Ethan. He was my second uncle Jared and aunt Sophie’s only son. And he was the only pure wolf among our crazy group of freaks, as we call ourselves. Then there was Tanya, Uncle Fred, and aunt Elise’s only daughter. She was eighteen and exactly one year younger than me. She was a witch, but she was part Nymph too, since aunt Elise was a hybrid. And lastly, the youngest in our group, Kyle. He was my elder uncle and the pack’s current Beta, Dominic and Aunt Riya’s son. He just turned seventeen this month and was grooming to take up the Beta position when Ethan would take charge as Alpha. He had a sister named Mallory, but she was just ten and not a part of our gang but we all spoiled her rotten though. The kid is a little red-haired firecracker just like her mother. Both Kyle and Mallory were witch-wolf hybrids, but their wolf sides were dominant.  Right now, all of them were looking at me with rapt attention, as I planned our mission of infiltrating the meeting of supernaturals. Well, we can’t let them have all the fun alone, right? It is not as if we were kids like my Mom oh so eloquently called us. We were adults! Well, maybe not Kyle, but who cares? I was snapped out of my rebellious thoughts when the said non adult started speaking. “As if this is the first time we have done something sneaky like this. Come on Sierra, we know the drill by now,” Kyle complained. I looked at him and raised my brows.  “Doing it several times doesn’t mean that we are untouchable or that we won’t ever be caught. There is a first for everything and I don’t want today to be the first time we are caught while crashing a party we weren’t invited to.” “Yes, boss!” Tanya said with a salute, and I glared at her. These people will be the death of me! I turned to Nathaniel with beseeching eyes. ‘Just tell these morons not to mess it up, will you?’ I mind linked him. He often pulled the eldest card on us and this was one time I hoped it would work. But the i***t just shrugged at me helplessly before finding some interesting pattern in the boring plain white wall to my left. Coward! I turned towards my freak gang with a stern face. “Listen guys. I want to know what is going on and no matter what, I would go to the meeting. If you don’t intend to be serious, I would do it alone, consequences be damned,” I said with determination.  “And you think we will stay back while you have all the fun?” My brat of a twin questioned me. Really?  “Hell no!” chorused four voices including himself and I felt my shoulders dropped in defeat. I could only hope these monkeys can act like the ninjas us claim to be. Only one way to find out… “Alright. Let’s go through the plan again,” I said, and they all groaned in unison. Ignoring their childish behavior, I plowed on. “The meeting begins in about fifteen minutes and now is the time all are entering the hall. I would create the illusion of us being invisible and we can sneak in along with them before the door closes. We should stay in a secluded corner of the room and no matter what we hear, keep silent. Okay?” I asked and looked at Tanya. “It’s your job to mask our scent. You let go of it and we are busted, illusion or not.” Tanya nodded at me with determination. She had the same fighting spirit as Uncle Fred and I knew that I could count on her. Then I turned to the rest of them. “Listen to each and everyone in the room. We shouldn’t miss any details. We have to get the information regarding who all went missing and what exactly they are planning to do. And if anyone has any hints about the King, we need to know…” “And then? Are you planning to search for him alone?” Ethan asked. He had lost all playfulness now and was looking at me with such intensity in his green eyes that he looked every bit the Alpha he was going to be one day. Too bad it didn’t work on me. “Damn right, I am. It is my destiny to stop him before he destroys the world, and no one should come between me and my purpose. You know that is what I am born to do, Ethan. And I would do it with or without anyone’s help.” “You are not doing anything alone!” “Watch me-“ “I will go wherever you go. Try stepping out of the pack without me!” Ethan hissed, interrupting my tirade. I looked at him with my jaw open in shock. I had thought that he meant he wouldn’t let me go but here he was declaring that he would come with me… “Me too!” Tanya piped up. “And me too!” Kyle and Nathaniel shouted at the same time. Awww… these people are crazy but I love them all to death! I blinked my eyes to keep my tears away but still a few rebellious ones escaped. Seeing that, Ethan pulled me to a hug and Tanya followed him. Soon I was in the middle of a group hug and I felt all my tensions drain away. Together we will be unstoppable… As they finally pulled back from the hug, letting me take a much needed breath, I sighed.  “Alright. Let’s get this party started.” With narrowed eyes, I waved my hand over us and let my power wash over our bodies. I turned to Tanya and waited expectantly. I watched as she muttered a spell and as she snapped her finger, I couldn’t scent any of my companions any more. Perfect. “Did it work?” Kyle asked doubtfully, ever so skeptical.  “Of course it did. Only we five can see each other. If you have any doubt, just go and tap the first person you see,” I said, rolling my eyes.  “Good idea!” he replied, the moron! “Dumbass! And what would you do when they look for the invisible guy who tapped them?” “Run like hell?” he questioned and all of us sighed in unison. This is why I doubt the success of our spy mission… We stood in front of the hall and waited as the people began to trickle in. I turned to my companions and counted silently. One… two… three… I watched as Kyle walked next to a wizard and witch, who chatted animatedly while entering the room. Thankfully, he didn’t have the urge to tap them to see if the illusion worked. Then Tanya and Nathaniel walked in along with a group of wolves, and lastly Ethan joined a fae woman who walked alone. Finally, it was just me and taking a deep breath; I selected a random man before walking close to him as he entered the room. However, unlike the others who walked in without any fuss, my luck didn’t hold up when it came to selecting the person to walk along with. The man, a werewolf, paused in his steps and turned left and right, as if trying to spot someone else. Damn! He was one of those with the extra perceptive sense to realise when magic happens around them. I held my breath and waited to see if he could sense me or if it was just a vague feeling. Thankfully, he shook his head and walked again. I heaved a sigh of relief before following someone else. Phew! That was close! The meeting started a few minutes after we settled in different corners of the room, and I looked around, trying to spot a certain Alpha. My gaze passed over a group of fae, witches, unfamiliar wolves and finally, there he was. Leaning back in the chair, his body language screamed that he was at ease. But I knew better. He was one of the most dangerous predators here, and nothing escaped his sharp gaze. And at the moment, those intense brown eyes were focused exactly at the place where I was standing. It delighted me to see him but right now; I was feeling nervous and let out a gasp. Could he see me? His sinful lips crooked up into a smirk, and my eyes widened. He totally could feel me! I looked at him, waiting for him to catch me in my heroic act of infiltrating the high security meeting of supernaturals. Thankfully, my mother began speaking, and he turned towards her.  “Welcome everyone! We all knew that this day would come and indeed it has arrived. As you all know, I had destroyed Afthartos, the mighty weapon which had the power of the tyrant King Nicholas. But unfortunately, he had escaped that night and with his knowledge of the once forgotten Dragon ritual, he is stealing the powers of other supernaturals.” she sighed. “And that is what I believe is happening now. He has grown stronger and hence bolder. We have to stop him before he turns immortal or the world as we know it would be destroyed.” “Wolves from my pack has gone missing,” a man complained. “Witches from my coven are missing too.” “People from our clan have been taken too,” a woman said in a comparatively calm tone and I recognized her as Esmeralda, the shape shifter fae who is an ally of my mom. And standing next to her was the gorgeous golden haired grey-eyed witch Celine, a legend on her own right. She was probably the most powerful being present in the room, but she had little interest in supernatural politics. She lived a secluded life in the Enchanted Forest and I had seen her only a handful of times in my life. Her presence here meant that things were even more serious than I thought. Damn… People began complaining all at once, and I tuned out of the conversation. But suddenly, I heard my name being spoken and looked up sharply. “But isn’t Sierra supposed to kill the Dragon King? Why isn’t she in this meeting?”  Damn right! I looked at the speaker and recognized the sassy red haired woman as Darla, the coven leader from New York. She was my mother’s friend and the Phoenix half of the only other Dragon-Pheonix pair of twins to exist in this age. Right, Darla. Remind your friend! Mom turned pale at the question and sighed. “You are right, Darla. And she would be the one to deal with him. But it doesn’t mean that we should let her go blind to him, does it? We shall find the King and face him together.” Well, I had to agree with that point. Still why wasn’t I allowed to attend this meeting then? “So, anyone has any leads about the King?” a witch asked. “Nothing so far. I think we should stay in alert and inform each other the moment someone goes missing again. That way maybe we can catch them in the act and get a clue…” They all agreed to the plan, and after making some final decisions, the meeting was dispersed. Well, it was time to hunt King Nicholas. Everyone has placed their hopes on me. Would u be able to fulfil those hopes? I watched as everyone left the room and my companions mingled with them, one by one. Finally, I looked at the empty room and sighed. The Alpha I was ogling on had also gone. I guess I would see him before he storms back to his pack… I sighed and dropped the illusion, knowing everyone has left and my partners in crime would be far away from those people by now. I turned to leave the room and hit a hard wall. The hard wall moved, and I realised that it was the chest of a man that my face was now embedded in. I tensed before inhaling the familiar manly scent and relaxed. Damn. How did I miss him standing right near me when my every nerve is attuned to his presence? Ryan Adams, my mate, my other half... “Now how did I know that you were eavesdropping on this meeting you weren’t supposed to attend?” he asked and I grinned sheepishly. “Well, I can’t let you have all the fun alone, right?” “That aside, I have a better question to ask,” he said, and I looked at him curiously? “Missed me, baby girl?” Oh, did I ever? I didn’t know who moved first, but the next moment, his lips were on mine and I was clutching on to him like I needed him more than my next breath. I was home...
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