2066 Words
Ryan’s POV When the meeting was called in the Blackwood pack regarding the missing supernaturals, I knew what it meant. The Dragon King was rising to power and that meant his fight with the Oracle was imminent. The Oracle… I still remember the first time I saw her, the violet-eyed baby. In fact, it was one of my first memories and I could describe it better than if I need to explain something that happened the past week. I could just close my eyes and the scene of walking over to the crib and seeing the newborn baby open her startling violet eyes plays in my mind as if it was happening right now. And that was the moment I knew she was mine. I was too young to know mates and bonds then, but still I knew that she was mine. Growing up, I had always wanted to be close to her and with the distance between our packs; it was not possible, but still I found every opportunity to rush to their pack, along with my parents, who had already accepted her as their daughter-in-law. When she turned eighteen, it was not a surprise to anyone that she was my mate. I wanted to whisk her away to my pack and complete the mating ceremony right the moment the mate bond set in officially. But Sierra insisted that since I had just taken charge as Alpha, we should wait till I get used to it. I reminded her that I was born ready for it and ruling my pack came to me as easy as breathing but she was adamant in her decision.  Reluctantly, I agreed to her decision, but when I asked her about it months later, she told me to wait until Ethan takes charge as Alpha a few months later. But this time I knew that it wasn’t the matter. If it was anyone else, I would have thought she didn’t like me and was hence avoiding me. But this was the girl I had known from the day she was born and I knew her like an open book. My girl had something else in mind and now I guess I knew what it was… Maybe she must have had the premonition that the battle with King Nicholas would happen sooner than we like. King Nicholas coming out of his hiding means Sierra would be facing him, and I had mixed feelings about the matter. On one hand, I didn’t want even a thorn to scratch my girl and wanted to take her and run away somewhere where Nicholas would never find her. On the other hand, I knew that it was her destiny and wanted to support her while she fulfilled her purpose.  So when the meeting was called regarding the missing supernaturals, I didn’t know what to make of it. Only one thing was for sure. If Sierra ever crossed paths with the King, he would have to go through me before he could even touch the hair of my mate.  In all this hassle, there was one good thing. I had a lot of work in the past months regarding the transfers of warriors from the neighboring packs and hence I couldn’t visit Sierra. Now I could see her after months and I couldn’t help but wait for the moment I could have her back in my arm. Before the meeting began, I asked Aunt Synthia about her whereabouts and that was when she told me that Sierra and the gang weren’t allowed in the meeting. As if that would stop them… I felt her the exact moment she stepped into the room. My very soul hummed in response to her presence and I looked around, trying to spot my rebel of a mate. When I didn’t spot her or get her scent, I knew that she must be using her illusion again. You naughty girl! I stopped trying to use my senses and just let the bond take over. There! I could feel a pulse of energy from the corner of the room and turned towards the place. Though I couldn’t see her, I knew she was standing exactly where I was looking at, probably watching me right back. I stared as if I could see her and smirked. Now let her stew on that. I can’t let her think she got away with her stunt, can I? By the time the meeting finished, I knew that what I had always feared was coming. It was time to face the Dragon King. It may be Sierra’s destiny to kill him, but no one said that she would have to do that alone. She would be the one who strikes the killing blow, but I would be the one watching her back and pawing the way for her. I won’t let my girl go to the battle blindly while I still had breath left on my body. Ancient King or not, no one would touch my girl and live to tell the tale! As everyone left the room, I focused on the energy and I could feel it still in the place I had felt it earlier. Oh, so you are waiting until everyone leaves so that you could sneak out, huh? I went and stood, waiting for her to acknowledge my presence. As if my thoughts summoned her, she materialized in front of me, but she was facing the opposite direction. Then she turned and ran straight to my chest. Real smooth, Sierra… I held her from falling and looked into her flustered face. The brilliant violet eyes I adored blinked at me dazedly, and her red, pouty lips parted in surprise. Goddess, I love this girl… “Now how did I know that you were eavesdropping on this meeting you weren’t supposed to attend?” I asked with a straight face, and she grinned at me sheepishly.  “Well, I can’t let you have all the fun alone, right?”  Right… “That aside, I have a better question to ask,” I declared, and she watched me curiously. “Missed me, baby girl?” Goddess knows I did… I didn’t give her a chance to respond before I pulled her to me, and as her body hit mine, she melted into my touch. I looked into her mesmerizing eyes before bending down and claiming her lips with mine. She didn’t hesitate before kissing me back, just as hungrily as I did. Oh, how I missed this… It started as a slow gentle kiss but soon; we lost ourselves to the passion. Every nerve in my body hummed in response to the kiss as our tongues tangled together, fighting for dominance. I clutched her waist and pulled her even closer, sparing not even an inch of gap between us. My wolf surfaced over at the proximity of my mate, and the only thing I wanted to do was claim her and complete our mating bond.  As if sensing my thoughts, she pulled back from the kiss and looked at me with her eyes full of regret. I groaned as I tried to calm myself down from the frenzy she has pulled me into. Why are you torturing us both like this, Sierra? Why won’t you let me complete the bond? Please, just come home already... “What is the real reason that you wanted to wait before completing our mating? I know it is not about me or Ethan being Alpha,” I said, calling her out on the bullshit for the first time. She looked taken aback at my sudden accusation and blinked at me dazedly.  “I- What do you mean?” “I know it has something to do about your purpose as the Oracle. Do you think I will hinder your destiny?” There. I had said it. How could she not know that I won’t ever stand in her path? “No… It is just… Would you have loved me if we didn’t have a bond?”  I stared at her in shock. Now where had that come from? “Why are you even thinking about such things? As far as I am concerned, loving one’s mate is not a problem. It is only worrisome if you can’t feel love for your mate, and I know we both love each other. Why would you doubt our love?” “I… I think it would be best to wait until I defeat the King.” I looked at her with a puzzled expression before it finally clicked. Oh hell… “You think you won’t win the battle? You are trying to delay our mating because you don’t want it to affect me if anything happens to you?” I asked in disbelief. She flinched but didn’t reply, letting me know that my assumption was right. Oh baby… “Sierra, nothing will happen to you. Not while I still breath. You will defeat the King and I will be there with you, watching your back. And even if something happens to you, which it won’t, do you think I can move on simply because we don’t complete the mating bond?”  Her cheeks turned red at my question, and I knew that it was exactly what she thought.  “No, my angel. Mate bond or not, you are mine. I don’t have a life without you in it, whether we complete our bond or not. So if you are trying to protect me if something happens to you, then it is pointless.” Sierra looked at me with surprise before bursting out into tears. I looked at her with wide eyes as I saw her in such a state. My girl had always been tough, and the last time I saw her crying was years ago when she was just a little girl. Seeing her like this, my heart twisted painfully inside my chest.  “Please don’t cry, baby. I can’t see you like this…” I said, as I patted her back awkwardly. I am used to loving her and our little fights. But consoling a crying woman was uncharted territory for me. Damn it. What am I supposed to do?! “Don’t worry dummy. I am not crying because I am sad. These are happy tears…” Happy tears? There was such a thing? “I am crying because I have you with me. You will always be with me, right? You will always love me, won’t you?” “Where are all these doubts coming from, girl? I have always loved you and will always love you. No one can take you away from me, not even the Dragon King. I don’t know if I would have loved you if we didn’t have the bond, but I know it doesn’t matter anymore. Even if the bond vanished at this moment, I would love you regardless.” “Pinkie Promise?” she held her pinkie out with a solemn expression and I huffed out a laugh. Goddess, this woman was crazy, but I loved her, craziness and all. And I wished she would always be like this. Happy and silly. Mine… I touched her pinkie with mine and kept a solemn expression matching hers. The manner of making the promise was silly, but the intention was not. It was as strong as or even more than a blood oath. I promise you... Then I held my hand out, and she walked into my embrace, right where she belonged. I don’t know what life held for us, but I know it wouldn’t be easy with the Dragon King coming out of his hiding. Still, I was certain of one thing. I would never let him lay a finger on my girl. That’s a promise I made to myself…
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