Calling Harvey Again

1115 Words

Quickly, I redial him and the robot voice says he's unavailable, most likely trying to call me back. I pause a bit and wait impatiently, tapping my foot on the floor. In less than a minute,my phone rings and I don't even bother with the caller ID before answering it. "David?" I call expectantly. "Yes I..." "Oh David I'm so glad you called. My dad just got back home and my brother is yelling my name for reasons unknown to me and I don't know what to say, or how to say it to them.. I just..." I say all at once, not stopping to breathe. "Anye!" David snaps, cutting me off my rushed speech. I notice just then I'm panting slightly. "Hmm?" I mumble back. "Okay first of all, calm down." He starts and pauses for a second before adding, "Done?" I nod in response and add a quick yes, remem

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