David I need your help!

1041 Words

"So shall we begin?" David asks, his head bowed a bit as he rummages through his school bag for items unknown to me. "I guess." I sigh. I would rather not suggest my bedroom again, I really do not want to get distracted like the last time. It's only been a few days, and I feel like I'm already illiterate. "Let me go grab my school bag and a notebook." I announce and hurry up the stairs ,straight to my room so I can do as told. My room is in a little mess when I get there and I can't help but gape at it. The sheets have been folded by my legs, thanks to my constant unsettled stirring.I shake my head at myself and pick my school bag that's at the edge of my bed up. I take a mental note to clean this mess after my lectures today. I close the door and fling my school bag over my shoulde

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