1160 Words

DISNEY Once we arrived home, I noticed that Paris was feeling very sad and followed her to her room. "I don't know what to do anymore," she cried. "I've tried my best to get Jake to look at me. You even told me that he loves me as well but he keeps avoiding me and always asks me to go with Bliss. The only time he lets me get close to him is when you interfere or when you are around. My heart is in a lot of pain as I keep longing for him. Why can't he give me a chance? It's not like he is dating anyone." Seeing her tears, I felt sorry for her because I understood the pain of unrequited love. I didn't know why Jake was still holding himself back from being with her when I had already convinced him. I wiped her tears and said, "Please, don't cry anymore." "Should I move out?" She asked.

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