Book 2 Chapter 30

3758 Words

{Dorian’s P.O.V.} I turned over in my sleep and was met with empty space. I opened my eyes, and sat up, “Allie?” I turned on the lamp and saw that I was alone. I got up and put on some shorts and went over to Allie’s office because that was the last place I saw her before I went to bed. I opened the door, and sure enough, Allie was passed out with her head on the coffee table, and her schoolbooks and notebooks all over the place. Allie had finals this week and has been studying nonstop and pulling all-nighters. She has gotten through two of her courses so far and had two finals left. Unfortunately, these were two of the harder courses she had. At least that’s what she said, “Allie,” I gently shook her. “What!? I’m not late for school am I!?” she started to panic. “Whoa! Calm down bab

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