Book 2 Chapter 29

4297 Words

{Allie’s P.O.V.} “Because…” “AH!” Dorian and I turned around saw Selene standing behind us. “Must you always sneak up on us like that?” I ask while holding my chest from the near heart attack I just had. “Oh please, you are being so overly dramatic Allie,” she says waving me off. “Selene, it’s been a while, to what do we owe the pleasure?” Dorian asked nicely. “Aww, such sweet manners,” she complimented Dorian. “I am here because Allie is wondering why I would mate Deacon with Heather,” “Peering into my thoughts again?” I asked. “Always,” she smiled, and I just shook my head and smiled back. “The reason why is because Heather needs to be punished,” “I’m guessing you’re talking about her sleeping with mated wolves?” I asked. “Yes, Heather has ruined countless bonds because of her n

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