Trouble Calls

1123 Words

Phoenix|| Cold air washed over my body, and I knew it had nothing to do with the toilet. It was the screams. Axel dashed out of the room with a visible frown on his face and I knew I couldn’t stay back when someone was possibly dying outside. I had to know what was happening. "Stay right here. I'll be back." He growled as soon as he sensed my movement behind him —like I was going to listen to him. I stopped walking and crossed my arms, waiting for him to disappear so I could do the opposite of what he wanted. As the echoes of his legs disappeared outside the room, I followed him slowly behind. His scent was easy to track as he seemed to be the only one in the kingdom that had a blend of earth and snow. But I made sure to leave enough distance between us. The last thing I wanted was

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