#5 The Attack

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The monster boy was kissing one guest in a lonely corridor. She only hoped the girl is not a princess! The scene was very unsettling for Scarlett. Who was this boy! Scarlett ran as unwarranted thoughts evaded her mind. Scarlett wondered if it was some kind of magic that helped him attract all the females like bees, or he was a master of such charm. He looked exquisite with his tall figure with muscles at all right places. His unkempt hair suited his mean persona, enticing even her stubborn heart. Or It could be his deep green eyes, for all she cared. They were too dark and too beautiful. "Where are you running, Scar? Slow down! You will get hurt!" Kate called Scarlett, running behind her. Kate's voice snapped Scarlett from her trance. She facepalmed herself and scolded in her mind for her earlier indecent thoughts about that monster. No matter how good he looked from outside, his inside was monstrous. She ignored her friends and sighed. Then she continued running in the direction she saw the guy and the lady. How much she wished she could jump from all these floors and catch him immediately. The long corridors leading to the stairs are only delaying her. She can not allow him to seduce guests, especially when they were inside the palace. What if someone catches them in their act? It will bring shame to the Dragonmere clan that a man like him trapped a noble lady! When she reached the corridor on the ground floor, she could find no one. Either they left or had gone somewhere more secluded to finish what they had started. She let out a sigh of frustration. She tried hard to hear something or get any clue. Her friends behind her were clueless and could not understand her erratic behavior. They were repeatedly asking her several questions that were breaking her concentration. Why were they following her on her quest? “Can you both leave, please? I need to do something on my own!” Scarlett had to use her princess tone so that they will have no option but to oblige and leave. Scarlett felt guilty to use that on her friends, but she immediately shrugged it off. It was essential for her to stop that monster. She was not yet ready to discuss what she saw that day in the marketplace about him, including her dearest friends. Her direct command left Abigail and Kate with no choice but to leave. "Just be careful, okay," Amanda warned her. They gave each other a questioning and confusing look towards Scarlett before leaving. Scarlett nodded her head for an answer, moving forward, trying to get hold of the monster guy and the lady. As she went further inside the corridors leading to many rooms, she could hear soft pants. Probably they were trying too hard not to make noise. Scarlett was unsure if she should pursue them any further or wait outside for them. Her aunt had said that if the lady is not objecting, then it should be fine. Even though Scarlett was not sure, she hoped the lady was in a position enough to decide for herself. From what she saw, it was not looking like he was forcing himself on her. But what if he was using some magic to seduce girls! She can not allow such things to take place inside her castle. It will bring a bad name to her kingdom. Who in the first place allowed that monster inside, she wondered. It was not that Scarlett was unaware of the illicit affairs, concubines, or Vasco's rendezvous. But this guy was too much to do whatever he feels like inside the castle! Scarlett was not sure of what would be a better choice at the moment and thumped her foot. She decided to go back to the event. Next time she saw him, she will clear to him that he should keep his deeds outside the castle, at least! When Scarlett was about to leave, she heard both of them coming out. The girl panicked when she realized Scarlett had caught them. The girl stammered, trying to explain herself when the young man gave her a flinty look. She immediately lowered her head and hid behind his tall figure. Scarlett could say from the girl's clothes that she was no noble lady. She was probably one of the extra hands hired for the festival. Scarlett sighed a breath of relief. The man in front of her kept staring at her intently. It was as if he could see Scarlett's soul. How could someone be so handsome and so preposterous? No wonder all ladies fall for his tricks. But it was impossible to break Scarlett. She would not fall for his charms. Scarlett decided to discuss the matter with him then and there. She would end his chapter in this very moment. Scarlett ordered that girl to leave and stood her ground till it was only the two of them. “Are you going to make me stand here forever, my lady! Or do you think I am too handsome?” The guy smirked, sending a shiver down Scarlett's skin. He approached her slowly. Does this man have any shame left! “I don’t want to know who you are. Or why are you in our lands? But keep your dirty hands to yourself and don’t do reckless things inside the castle. It is not good for our reputation.” Scarlett said in a flow, using her princess tone. She wanted to sound like she was in charge here. “Now that I see you up close, you are the one from earlier this morning on the farm!”, The tall figure said indifferently, closing the distance between them. “And that is none of your concern!” Scarlett took a few steps back to maintain the distance. She raised her hand, pointing out at him to stop where he was standing. “But that is my uncle’s land. You were an outsider, making you my concern.” He slightly stretched his lips left and grinned. Scarlett took a few steps back and regretted her decision immediately about facing him alone in a lonely corridor. “And now you are in my house. I forbid you from doing such reckless things inside.” Scarlett tried to sound bold. She wanted to show it was her who was still in charge. “You are the second princess! Aren't you? I wonder what work a princess has with my uncle!” He stepped closer again with a smirk, looking at the scar on the face. This man has no shame or fear! “And that’s none of your concern, I said,” Scarlett rebuked, looking down. She raised her hand, trying to cover her scar, only out of mere reflex. Why was he having that effect on her? Was he using some kind of magic! Such charm was impossible for anyone to possess. “Why are you so afraid of me? Do you think I am a monster?” The boy retorted, looking towards her moving feet, showing that she was stepping back again. It only increased her anger. Who was he to mock her? How adamant could he be? He does not know her, yet he was treating her like some desperate girl. Scarlett’s eyes glowed for a split second. It happened every time she was furious. “Oh, but you are a monster!” She yelled. It did not go unnoticed by him, but it did not baffle him. Scarlett was about to open her mouth to say something when this guy moved with lightning speed towards her. He grabbed her hands, pushing her to the nearest wall, caging her between him and the wall. Scarlett was furious. She did not waste any moment before kicking him in the chestnuts. The young man writhed in pain. When Scarlett was about to kick him again, her eyes landed on the bleeding hand of this man, holding a knife. Not just any knife, but a Draconian knife meant to kill dragons. There was so much blood in his hand that Scarlett was nauseated. He was rolling on the floor with one injured hand and the other over his pants. When did he grab this knife? He caught the blunt side of the blade! Definitely, someone targeted her with the Draconian knife to end her life, assuming she is a dragon, like her siblings. Why did she not realize that he had only gotten close to protect her? She felt at a loss. The guy was injured because of her. She shouted at the top of her voice for help! Hearing the princess shout for help, nearby guards and passerby rushed towards the place the sound came. It was a b****y sight. A young boy was writhing on the floor in pain. There was a deep cut on his hand. The knife was now lying on the floor, and blood was flowing rapidly from his wound. The princess looked exceedingly terrified, panting out of fear.
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