#4 Plastics

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On the breakfast table, Scarlett felt at a loss, daydreaming about something. Her dark circles were noticeable, proving she was not having enough sleep these days. Hilda wondered why Scarlett had sleepless nights. When her mother had died, Scarlett took a long time before she could sleep peacefully in the nights. Nightmares haunt her until Hilda had to cast a spell to suppress them. Hilda hoped whatever was bothering Scarlett was not that alarming. Hilda wondered why Scarlett had not at least hid them behind a concealer. She looked exhausted and did not care even to hide her fatigue by applying light makeup even at the time of festivities. A lady of the castle should let no one know about her persecutions from her appearances. It was only the two of them who were having breakfast in this home garden. It was in Scarlett's section of the castle. Being a witch, Hilda preferred nature more than the concrete establishments that the Dragon Empire boasted. Her sister Regina, too, favored open sky and gardens. Scarlett had carefully designed this section, keeping in mind her mother's taste. It had many open-roof rooms with creepers running all over the walls. They gave a wild look, making anyone feel closer to nature. Hilda knew the gardeners were skilled and have allowed the growth under control. The garden where they were sitting now had a small artificial fountain. They designed it in such a way that it gave a feel of a small natural spring. The many roses, lilies, Dahlias, carnations made the place look serene. “Is something bothering you, Scar? It seems your mind is elsewhere!”, Hilda finally broke the dreadful silence. “It's nothing serious, aunt Hilda. It's this man… maybe a little older than me..” Scarlett sighed. Hilda was all excited. It was the first time her niece was talking about something that included a boy. Some girls of her age are betrothed or were having fun with young boys. But it was not like her Scar to get involved in the matters of the heart. Scarlett would rather spend time with the needy or in nature. Inside the castle, she preferred studying or learning different fighting skills from her elder brother Arthur or her royal guard Miller. So it was natural for Hilda to get excited when she heard Scar was thinking so deeply about a boy. Her excitement got the best of her, and she could not help but interrupt to ask Scarlett. “A boy? Finally, you are seeing someone?”, she asked excitedly. Scarlett blushed. She was not expecting such open words from her aunt. Even when she had nothing romantic to discuss, she flustered as if Hilda caught her! Her face reddened, only increasing Hilda’s suspicions. “Am I right, Scar! I would love to meet him. Who is he?” Hilda clapped her hands twice to show her excitement and happiness. It was already too much display of emotions for a noble lady. Seeing her aunt already involving them in her head, Scarlett jumped to stop her aunt's train of wild thoughts. She can never like that monster, and she should clear it. “No, aunt. He is a monster.” Scarlett said to Hilda with utter confidence. Hilda’s curiosity vanished. She got tensed for Scarlett, visible signs on her face. Why would her niece call some boy a monster for nothing! What did he do to her? She will kill him if required! “What happened? Tell me more.” Hilda asked nonchalantly despite her paranoia. She was serious. She will not let go of anyone who dares to raise a finger on Scarlett, her godchild. Scarlett noticed Hilda's anticipation. To make it look like it wasn't a big deal to Hilda, Scarlett answered in a normal tone. She did not want to raise any suspicion. “It is just that he is not like anyone from our kingdom! He is very flirtatious, trying to woo the girls in the marketplace! I found it disturbing. Even though he had not seen me, I caught him doing all those mushy things with other girls. I think he does not know how to respect a lady. We teach boys in our kingdom much better, aunt. He must be new. I had not seen him before too. I want to ensure that we do something before he creates more trouble!” Scarlett twisted her memories purposefully to share her frustrations with her aunt without giving the exact facts. To her surprise, her aunt shrugged the matter as if it was nothing. Hilda took it too lightly, giving away her rage. It was as if it was something very casual to do, and Scarlett was making a fuss out of nothing. Scarlett felt defeated and wronged. “Scar, he is a boy! Probably your age, or maybe a little older than you. At such a young age, it is common to have some fun. We should not poke our nose until he does something objectionable. If he does that with you, you can always kick him in the chestnuts, as I taught you.” Hilda implied. Scarlett scoffed. She knew the lady was enjoying it. Still, she found the boy immoral for his recklessness. Scarlett tried to put on a fake smile for her aunt. If nags much, it will only create suspicions. Even though Hilda's casual attitude upset her, she chose not to show it. Scarlett pretended to let go of the matter and enjoyed the rest of the breakfast, eating the fruits, nuts, cheese, and meat and talking random stuff about Chastershire. Scarlett had to attend the evening festivities without fail from that day as her father, the emperor, especially arranged all of it for her as pre-celebrations of her impending eighteenth birthday. Her father had invited every kingdom that had a good relationship with Eallesborough. The palace was packed with guests. Many kings, queens, princes, and princesses from neighboring kingdoms have already reached. And many more were on their way. They would all stay till her birthday and enjoy the festivities while, in the backdrop, they negotiated politics. It was a time to bond and plot. The last event to happen on such a grand scale was the twins, Lorelei's and Vasco's, birthday two years back. That time, Arthur met with Princess Agnes of Harstings. They got betrothed the following year. Agnes was one of the first guests to arrive. She was already acting like a lady of the Dragonmere family and helping Arthur wherever she could. Arthur was also spending whatever free time he found with Agnes. Laurent was the carefree brother who had less interest in politics or war despite having the fiercest dragon. If he had picked interest in politics, it would have been difficult for the emperor to choose the heir between Arthur and Laurent. Their age gap was not very significant, nor were their abilities. Laurent was an avid traveler and would be out most of the time, traveling far lands. Laurent was not hostile towards Scarlett like the twins, but he was neither friendly. They were more like acquaintances living in the same place, sharing the same father. But what was odd was Laurent was not very close with his other siblings, too. He would speak bare minimum with them. He would only return to Eallesborough during occasions, special events, or when summoned. What surprised Scarlett about her cold brother Laurent that he differed in the company of his friends. He would laugh for hours and blabber continuously, making funny jokes. His friends were usually males, not that having a friend from another gender was common. Laurent paid no heed to the emperor's wish about finding a noblewoman of interest. He was not ready to settle down and was disobeying their father by shunning interested women. Everyone passing by Scarlett would congratulate her, and few would even gift her costly things. Some young ladies of her age tried befriending her, but she had always been selective about picking her friends. Anyway, most of them were putting up a fake act while gossiping against her with Lorelei or Vasco. She preferred speaking her mind with her friends and staying from chameleons, whom she cannot trust. The Dragonmeres always have to be more careful on whom they put their faith in because of all the politics and pretensions. Everyone wanted to expand relationships with the Dragonmere clan of the dragon empire, the most powerful kingdom. She wondered if people would still like to befriend her if they find out she was not a dragon and was barely a witch. She was almost like a null for her liking. Scarlett's friends Abigail and Kate approached her when they saw her tensed face from below. She should be the one smiling and enjoying. It was all for her, after all. “Scar, are you alright?”, Abigail started the conversation. “I am fine. Thanks for asking." Scarlett put up a half-hearted smile for her friend. "Congratulations! Your father got recently promoted as the third general. It is such an honor! House Renards are the most loyal and hard-working.” Scarlett praised with her eyes sparkling with admiration for Abigail's family. Abigail was brilliant. She was doing a lot in the field of potions and medicines. “Thanks! But I think you should mix with a few princesses or princes. They expect you to be friends with them!”, Abigail contemplated. Abigail was grateful that the princess befriended them despite the difference in their ranks. Scarlett always treated them equally and even insisted they call each other first name basis. Theirs was a healthy friendship. But Abigail knew the princess needed to step up her game to survive in the Dragon Empire. Scarlett cannot hide away from her destiny forever. “Scar, you know she is right, right?” Kate reckoned. Scarlett felt lucky to have them as her friends. Abigail was her childhood friend. Abigail's mother, Sofia, was Scarlett's mother, queen Regina’s maid. Abigail's father was in the army. Sofia would bring Abigail to the palace as she was a toddler like Scarlett. Being of the same age gave the young girls some advantage, and they bonded quickly. The queen also approved of their friendship, ending all possibilities of discussions inside or outside the palace. But Kate entered Scarlett's life after the incident that had taken her mother’s life. Kate is the child of the imperial librarian, Patricia. When Scarlett returned from Hilda’s house, she would spend most of her time in the library as very few people frequented the place. Scarlett always felt gloomy during those days. She was still recovering from her mother's death, dealing with nightmares, and trying to accept the fact that her face had such a deep scar. Scarlett avoided Abigail, fearing her friend would reject her too, like everyone. During those hard times, she met Kate in the library. It was Kate who inspired her to read books. Kate was different from other kids of their age. She had pure white hair and six fingers. So everyone made fun of her. It was too much for 6 years old. But she never complained. She was strong and accepted her fate gracefully. She would flaunt her gifts and would say very high of her. Her confidence had attracted Scarlett to befriend her. She was the one who had helped Scarlett get over her fear of the scar on her face and embrace it. Kate explained to Scarlett how beautiful and extraordinary it was. She told Scarlett that the scar was a token of the love and sacrifice of her mother. Kate even gave her confidence to befriend Abigail and apologize. Ever since the three girls are inseparable. They are each other's support systems. Scarlett was grateful to have such valuable friends. Why would she need to befriend plastics? "When I have gems like you in my life, why would I need plastics?" Scarlett bragged. Scarlett hugged her friends. Her mood had finally lifted. They were planning for the events when she saw something unexpected that made her unusually furious. The monster boy was kissing one guest in a lonely corridor. Scarlett only hoped it is not a princess! 
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