Chapter 14-2

2656 Words

At that point, Ananada had stuffed three thousand Baht into Shell’s hand and helped his wife away, before she broke down in public. “She’s suffering badly!” declared Ross. “Yes, well, now you have an inkling of what we’re up against”, said Craig. “It’s really sad, but she could turn the force of all that fear and misery onto Soom like a laser. That’s why we have had to be so careful, and it’s not over yet”. None of them felt like staying in Bangkok for the night, so when the ceremony was over at eight o’clock, the four eldest took it in turns to drive back while Soom slept with or took care of her daughter. They got back to Baan Suay at two fifteen am. “I don’t know about you guys, but I could do with a few beers”, announced Ross. Craig looked at his wife but didn’t think she minded.

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