Chapter 49 – The Omega Princess.

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Chapter 49 – The Omega Princess. Luca Tomassini paced like a prowling tiger, beads of sweat falling from his round red face. “REPEAT THAT!” he bellowed to the giant werewolf that stood before him. “Alpha Teo defeated Julio’s father, Alpha Pol. They have acquired his pack, integrating it with their own. They have the full backing of the council and have captured Julio who is standing trial in three days for crimes against his pack, and intent to murder,” Resus repeated. Luca growled out, a pathetic sound in comparison to the growl that Resus could make, but he needed this man, and his band of criminals, as much as he hated that fact, it could not be denied, Resus, the most feared Alpha, was reduced to getting into bed with human criminals who had ideas above their paygrade. “So …

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