Chapter 10: Nara's Answer

755 Words
Nara's POV: After having lunch at the Hamilton Mansion, I and my parents went straight home. They weren't asking me anything inside the car. They just kept quiet as if they were really glad that I agreed with the betrothal. I was depressed. I was so young, why should I get married so soon? But I also couldn't deny the fact that my future husband was a very handsome and fine young man. There was only one thing that I found uncomfortable about him. He was very cold-hearted. He didn't seem like a person who would engulf himself in emotions. He even treated this marriage as a kind of deal that he needed to fulfil as part of his job. I couldn't help but wondered, did this guy even like me? Was he even going to love me? Or was he capable of loving someone? He didn't look like a man that capable to bring romance into his life. He was cold, very cold. I unexpectedly let out a sigh. "What is it, honey? Are you okay?" My mother asked after hearing me sighed. "Nothing, mom..." I replied in a depressing tone. "These things are very important, Nara. Don't simply back away from it. You said that you agreed at the Hamilton just now. You can't simply take back your words to the Supreme Leader's family." My father suddenly said. Although he said it in a very soft tone, I could feel the tension from his words. My father was right, I couldn't back off so easily like that. I just kept silent and staring into the card that Reximus gave me before. When we reached home, I went straight to my room and locked myself. *** Later on, that night, before I went to sleep, I took my phone and the card that contained Reximus private number. I gathered the courage to text him. "Hi, it's Nara. Are you still awake?" I could see that he's already seen my text message. So, I waited for a while for him to reply. But out of a sudden, my phone rang. It was him. I gasped anxiously. 'Can't he just text? Why would he even call me? I'm afraid to answer,' I was in a dilemma. Should I pick it up? But then again I thought it might be rude for me to reject the call so I took a deep breath and gathered my courage again to answer it. "Hello," I answered nervously. "What took you so long to pick up the phone?" He asked nicely. Strangely, his voice was quite sweet. Not as firm as the way he spoke with me this morning. I couldn't help but felt a bit relieved. It felt more comfortable talking to him with that sweet tone of his voice. "Nothing. I was in the bathroom just now. Why do you call?" I lied and asked him to divert the topic. "You texted me just now. Do you wish to say something?" "Can we just texting then?" "I prefer to talk directly." I was silent by his words. How did I do this then? I couldn't possibly say that I wanted to marry him so bluntly. I would die in embarrassment if I did that. Probably because I was silent for a moment, he broke the ice for me. "Is this about your answer?" "Yes." "So... you agree?" "Hmm... sort of." I was hesitant. "Is it a Yes or No?" He tried to confirm it again. "It's a Yes." Reximus was silent for a moment. There was a sound of relief coming out from his side. "Okay then. I'll arrange it all. You won't need to worry about anything." He said. He was about to hang up when I suddenly asked him out of the blue. "Wait! Is it true you handpicked me on your own?" "Yes," he answered after a few moments. "So, you're not being forced to marry me?" "No. I chose to marry you." He said confidently. I didn't know how to react to his words. So I just kept silent, he did too. After a long silence between us, he talked again to end the conversation. "It's getting late. You better go to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day." We both hung up at the same time. What did he mean when he said that tomorrow is a big day? Was there something that going to happen tomorrow? I couldn't help but wondering all night until my mind finally got tired and I fell asleep.
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