
1418 Words

Ava’s POV My heart pounds harshly against my chest as I walk towards the bedroom. I was being led by Brielle since I didn’t know my way around the palace yet. We walk for about two minutes and finally get to the breakfast table. “Oh My!” I exclaim in a hushed voice as I stare at the crowd of people that were present at the table. My anxiety level just hit the roof and I want nothing more than to run away. I fumble with my dress nervously as I feel all eyes on me. “This way, my lady.” Brielle said, snapping me out of my daze and I clear my throat. “You’ve got this, Ava. Be confident.” I tell myself and walk confidently to the table. My eyes carefully scan the table and I notice that Sebastian isn’t here. Is he going to be absent? Fear grips me at that thought. He might be a stranger

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