
1269 Words
Ava’s POV “Welcome to the Lycan Kingdom, Princess.” Sebastian said with a smirk and soon, the bodyguards appeared outside the door and opened them. As I stepped out, sudden fear embraced me and I found myself hesitating. Did I make the wrong decision by coming here? What would my life be like here in the lycan Kingdom? Various thoughts ran to my head and I could feel my anxiety level increase by the second. But, all my fears and worries flew out the window the moment Sebastian held my arm firmly. “You’ll be fine, Ava. You have me.” He assured and I nodded, taking a deep breath as I held onto his hands tightly. The moment we crossed the door, we were met with over twenty people all lined up at both sides, bowing to Sebastian. We left the werewolf and human kingdom around 8pm and the flight took over six hours. It was already 2am in the morning but these people were already out to welcome their king. ‘Is this normal?’ I ask myself as we walk ahead. It bothered me that Sebastian wasn’t acting like people were there but, what do I know? He is a King after all. He was probably groomed to be this way. We get to the end of the line and he suddenly halts, turning around to face them. “This is Ava… Ava Wellington. She is my mate and your queen to be. She will be living here from now on and I expect that you all treat her with respect.” He said and they all chorused a ‘ Yes, my King. ’ My shoulders were high and I could feel my head swelling. Itwas actually happening! I am going to be respected and treated like a person with feelings! “Come.” Sebastian pulled me softly, not letting me ogle at the beauty of the mansion. We walk up the stairs and through the hallway until we get to a door. “This is your room. My room is just above yours. If you need anything, you can always come to me yourself.” He said and my brows creased slightly. “I… I thought mates are meant to share a room. Isn’t that how it is done?” I ask and Sebastian’s lip curls into a small smile. “Yes, Ava. Mates are meant to share a room. But, I prefer my privacy more than anything and have never slept on the same bed with anyone. Not even my women have slept over.” He says nonchalantly and it is as though a dagger passes through my chest. “Y-your women?” I squint my eyes at him and back away, my heart hammering against my chest. Sebastian stares at me for a while, a look of guilt flashing through his eyes. “I am a man, Ava. You did not expect me to be a virgin, did you?” He asks and I feel my cheeks redden so, I quickly look away. Of course, I didn’t expect him to be one but how could he tell his own mate about it like it didn’t matter? “I am a King… a Lycan King at that. It is expected of me to have as many women as I can to prove my strength. I didn’t have a mate also so, that was a way of keeping myself busy.” He says and moves closer to me, pulling me by my waist. “Now that you are here, things might change.” He says and my blood boils. Using the little strength in me, I push him off me and back away once more. “This is my room, right?” I say and turn the knob. Thankfully, it is open. I immediately run in and s**t the door, leaving him outside. “I am so stupid.” I mutter to myself, leaning on the door. I was beginning to regret my actions. Maybe I should have just stayed with Alpha Jackson. He wasn’t a man-w***e at least and his reasons for rejecting me were understandable. It doesn’t mean that I forgive him for rejecting me but, I understand his reasons. He had to protect his people and having a weak Luna like me would do him no good and might even put the pack in danger. Sebastian on the other hand didn’t need to worry about a weak mate because he was already so powerful. It didn’t matter if he had a weak mate. I don’t know why I expected him to be Mr. Perfect. I didn’t expect him to love me but with everything he said back at the pack, I thought he would only want me. Now, he talks about having other women. No! That has to f*****g change! I don’t know how many minutes I spend on the floor but, when I open my eyes my worries fade away as I stare at the exquisite room. It was definitely designed for a queen. For me. Deciding not to worry about anything, I lie on the bed and drift into a deep sleep, not even bothering to change my clothes. * * The next morning, I am woken up by a disturbing sound. It sounded like they were people in my room and when I open my eyes, I realize that I am right. There were six women in my room with a full clothing wardrobe and various bags. “Excuse me? What is going on?” I say, ignoring the urge to stretch like an animal. That was the best sleep I have had in a very long time and the king sized bed was far too comfortable. “Good morning, Miss Ava. King Sebastian has instructed us to bring in a new set of clothes for you as well as other things you might need. We are also here to help you prepare for breakfast which takes place in… one hour.” One of them says professionally with a robotic smile on her face. “You are?” I ask, wanting to know her name. “Brielle, My lady.” She replies and I nod, looking lazily at the ton of clothes in my room. I go into the bathroom and freshen up before joining them in the room. “Is there a party going on?” I ask and she chuckles, going through the clothes and ordering her girls on where to place them. I casually look at the price of one of the dresses and my eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. The money used to purchase these clothes could certainly feed a whole village! “No, my lady. Just breakfast. Here at the palace, breakfast and dinner are big events. Lunch can be eaten however but it is a custom that we must all gather for breakfast and dinner.” She explains and I feel a weight on my chest. My moons! I am not ready for that! I shut up and let her carry on, prepping myself for the party… breakfast, I mean. Thirty minutes later, my hair has been curled to perfection and a beautiful red dress has been put on my body. As ridiculous as dressing for a breakfast sounds, I actually liked how everything came out. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and a smile appears on my face as the realization that this would be my life from now on dawns on me. I am no longer a mere rogue wolf. “It is time, My lady.”
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