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Alpha Jackson’s POV It felt really good to be back in the Pack house after four years. Not much had changed but a lot of the pack members looked different. As I walk into the house, cheers and applause erupt from everyone as they rushed to welcome me. It didn’t feel like I had been gone at all as I could still recognize everyone. “Son.” Dad said as he pulled me in for a hug with a smile on his face. From the corner of my eye, I could see mum patiently waiting for her turn with happy tears in her eye. “Welcome back, son.” Mother said and wrapped her arms around my neck once Dad released me from his hold. “Welcome back, Alpha. We have long waited for your return.” Beta Oliver said as he pulled out his hand for a handshake. “I’m glad to be back, Oliver.” I replied with a smile as I took his hand and shook it firmly. As I look around, I see Elsie staring at me with puppy eyes, obviously happy that I was finally back. It was almost the end of the year and neither of us had found a mate yet which meant that we might have to mark ourselves soon. I didn’t feel so good about it because as an Alpha, being with your fated mate made your wolf stronger. It wasn’t the same with a chosen mate. “Alpha Jackson.” She smiled and waved at me but I only nodded in response. As I continued to look around, I noticed that something was missing, someone rather. “Where is Ava?” I asked Oliver who was immediately taken aback by my question. It wasn’t just him, every other person present in the room wondered why I was suddenly asking about Ava. “Ava doesn’t live here anymore, Alpha.” Elsie’s voice was the first I heard. “Why?” “Mother and father disowned her after she failed to morph into her wolf on her eighteenth birthday. She lives alone now.” She explained further and I felt a stab in my chest that I couldn’t explain. Although Ava had never seen me before, I always watched her from afar as I had been smitten by her the first time I saw her. All through the four years I spent out of the pack house, I patiently waited to return to so I could see her again. I always hoped that I could get Dad to make her my chosen mate instead of her sister, Elsie who was nothing but a mean b***h. “She failed to morph? What does that mean?” I ask, turning to Oliver. “Ava doesn’t have a wolf, Alpha. She’s a disgrace to this pack.” He said and the others nodded in agreement. “Do not bother yourself with someone as irrelevant as Ava, my dear. Come, let’s get you settled in.” Mother said and grabbed by arm to pull me away but something in me wouldn’t rest unless I laid my eyes on her so, I request for her presence. “Call her to the pack house. I’d like to meet her.” I say and everyone immediately objects, giving me reasons why I shouldn’t call her here but I stand my ground. As I waited for Ava to arrive, I could feel my heart racing out of fear. My wolf was excited to see her which could only mean one thing; She is my mate. I am not yet certain which is why I have to see her for myself and confirm. Exactly thirty minutes later, I caught a sweet intoxicating flowery scent but I couldn’t trace where it was coming from. I am about asking the others if they could perceive it to when the front door opens and her tiny figure walk into the house with one of the omegas walking beside her. The scent gets stronger, making me walk closer to her involuntarily. It was unlike anything I had scented before and all I wanted was to pull her close. “Mate.” I said before I could control myself and I saw her eyes widen, followed by the others in the room. Ava’s eyes glowed with hope and I could imagine her already looking forward to being my Luna. I knew that to her, this was a way of changing her life forever. “What? How is this possible?” I heard my mother scream in frustration as she eyed Ava. Even I had no answer to that question. How is it possible that I, an alpha would be mated to a wolf less she-wolf. Impossible! Ava was a sweet girl and I already had feelings for her before finding out about us being mates but this, this changes everything. If I mark her as my mate, it won’t just put myself at risk but the entire pack. “A-alpha Jackson.” She stuttered with wide eyes as she struggled to look me in the eye. “Are you wolfless like they say?” I ask, wanting to hear it directly from her mouth since I couldn’t trust anyone in this house, especially when it came to people like Ava and the other omegas. She lowered her head in shame and I could see her desperately trying to hold her tears in. That sight made my wolf whimper and all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and comfort her but I couldn’t… not yet. “Do not keep me waiting, Ava.” I resist the urge to grab her creamy arms and pull her in. “Yes, Alpha. I failed to get my wolf on my eighteenth birthday.” She bit her lips as a tear slid down her cheek. I could see all the hope she had when she heard me call her ‘mate’ fly out the window. As I hear her confirm the words of the others, my chest falls and immediate sadness takes over me. ‘How is this possible? What crime did I commit that would make the moon goddess punish me with a wolfless she-wolf as a mate?’ I thought and I could hear my wolf, Jax, telling me to overlook it and mark her. To him, it didn’t matter since he would still get stronger as long as he was with her. But, my main concern was the pack. If I decide to overlook the negatives and go ahead with this, other packs will see us as weak and lose their respect for us. I can’t let that happen. “You know what you have to do, son. For the sake of the pack.” I hear my Dad say and Ava looks at him with a confused look, wondering what he was talking about. I turn to Dad and nod before looking back at Ava, her full pink lips shaking with fear. Muttering a silent ‘ forgive me ’ to my wolf, I hold Ava’s hand. “I, Alpha Jackson Edgar, Reject you, Ava Wellington as my mate.”
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