Chapter Four

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Chapter Four Robbie froze on the spot unable to move or say a word. As he studied the guy in front of him, his attention fell on his eyes. Those powerful deep blue eyes were simply too captivating, mesmerizing and enchanting to be real. Who in the world was he and what was he doing there standing at his door? Where did he come from? Was he a lost angel from above? “You must be Robbie,” Tim said with a smile. Robbie couldn’t breathe or think as he stared at the stranger who stood in front of him, smiling like a Greek god from Olympus. His skin was light caramel in color and he smelled like he had just stepped out of a fragrance store. “Yes he is!” Abby nudged Robbie in the ribs with an elbow. “Step right in, Tim.” Robbie shook his head, assembling his thoughts and moving out of Tim’s way. “Hi! Yes, I am! I’m Robbie.” “Timothy Mercer,” Tim answered with a hand out to him. The second their hands touched, a strange electrical feeling rushed through every fiber of Robbie’s being, coming to a sudden stop in his heart. His feet went cold while his entire body shivered uncontrollably. His heart pounded hard against his chest, resounding all the way into his ears. “Nice to meet you.” Tim let him go, looking a little anxious and uneasy. “Where’s Nicky?” “In the grill house with Uncle Nick.” Abby glanced at Robbie who looked away, trying to control his fast breathing and reddening face. Robbie took a deep breath, regaining control of his body and thoughts. Why did a complete stranger make him feel and act like a complete i***t? Why was his heart pounding so hard against his chest? Was he about to die? “Nice. Taylor will be here in a few.” “Oh, cool. I haven’t seen her in weeks.” “She just got back from L.A. this morning.” “Timmy!” John caught their attention. “Hello, Uncle John.” Tim shook John’s hand, involuntarily flexing his biceps that were double the size of Nicky’s. “Sorry to hear about your parents. I hope they can fix this problem as soon as possible.” “Me too. But you know Dad.” “He can be a hothead.” John winked. “True.” Tim chuckled. “Nicky is helping his dad.” John pointed behind him. “Cool, I need to talk to him.” Tim focused his attention on Robbie again. “It was nice meeting you.” With those words, Tim and John walked across the room and into the backyard. “I know. He’s so f*****g hot.” “Yeah. Who is he again?” “The star quarterback of the Elite Hawks. He’s also Uncle Johnny’s son who was Uncle Nick’s biggest rival in sports growing up.” Abby explained. “They were simply summer camp rivals and that carried over into high school even though they never went to the same school. But now, they’re very good friends. Nicky and Tim, however, are best friends. Hasn’t Nicky mentioned him at all?” “No. He’s absolutely dreamy.” “Yeah, Uncle Johnny is just as hot as him.” Abby winked. “A total DILF.” Robbie chuckled, finding her comment amusing and entertaining. Abby sounded a lot like her mother, cool and outspoken. He felt so comfortable around her. “Oh my God!” A woman screamed behind them, making Robbie and Abby jump and turn around. An old lady, in a long red dress with a huge and floppy yellow sun hat, stood in the doorway. Her gray hair hung in two braids, at either side of her head, and she sported a huge supply of makeup on her face. She curiously examined Robbie from head to toe, smiling happily. She ran to him and wrapped him in a giant bear hug, squeezing him tight. “Oh my God! Look at my new great-grandson!” she screamed. In a single movement, she lifted him off the ground and spun him around like a ballerina. An elderly, fat man, dressed in full white and wearing a pair of brown cowboy boots and tall ten-gallon hat, stepped into the room. “Margaret! Woman! You’re going to kill him!” “Oh, shut up, Harold!” the old woman answered with a laugh as she placed him on the ground. “He’s my baby’s baby.” The old man went up to Robbie and stood in front of him, smiling proudly. Robbie’s eyes fell on his golden teeth and crooked smile. “Come here!” He grabbed Robbie by his right arm and pulled him into a hug. The old man literally squeezed the air out of his lungs, leaving him breathless and dizzy. “Welcome to the family!” He threw Robbie on the ground again. As Robbie stumbled from side to side, trying to regain his balance, Abby grabbed him by the arm, helping him to find his footing. “He’s so handsome!” “I’ve seen you met Grandmamma and Grandpapa.” Lily appeared from behind them with another old woman who resembled John. She, unlike the two old folks standing in front of him, looked a little younger and healthier. “This is Dad’s mom, Grandma Caroline.” Lily pointed to her. Grandma Caroline had short light brown hair that was elegantly decorated with white strands of hair. Her light brown eyes looked weary, but she seemed genuinely happy to meet him. “Oh my God!” She smiled. “He’s so big.” She wrapped his arms around him. Robbie did the same. “And strong.” “Thank you.” Robbie blushed, letting go of Grandma Caroline. “It’s so nice to meet you all.” “And this is Oliver.” Lily pulled a brown haired guy with dark brown eyes from behind Grandpapa’s shadow. “Yes!” Grandpapa smacked him in the back, almost propelling him forward. “My soon to be great-grandson.” Oliver stumbled forward, regaining his balance and holding in his laughter. “Nice to meet you, man! Lily told me so much about you. I feel like I know you already.” He handed him his hand to shake. “Oliver Pine.” “Nice to meet you, Oliver.” Robbie shook his hand. “We were waiting for you to start.” Kitty interrupted as she and Madison appeared from the kitchen. “Yeah.” Madison agreed. “We’re ready to start. Let’s go!” Abby wrapped an arm around Robbie and they all made their way to the backyard. The backyard was even bigger than the front yard. A giant pool stretched out in front of them with several tables and chairs decorating the background. In the distance, there was a line of trees acting like a fence to the property, but Robbie knew better. The concrete wall was probably a few meters away, but you couldn’t see anything thanks to the hundreds of trees blocking the way. In one of the corners of the pool stood a small grill house complete with a tiny kitchen and several tables and chairs. Everyone was assembled there, talking and laughing. His eyes fell on Tim who was busily talking with Nicky. As soon as everyone saw Grandmamma and Grandpapa, they all started hugging each other all over again. “They’re very peculiar, aren’t they?” Abby murmured while Grandmamma hugged Tim, but not even she could lift him off the ground. “Crazy if you ask me.” “Yeah. But I like them. They seem humble.” “Trust me, they are.” As Grandmamma and Grandpapa hugged Nicky, Tim stepped away and made his way toward them. Robbie’s heart stopped while his chest constricted into a tiny ball. Why was he heading their way? What did Tim want? “Hey!” Tim stood next to him. “What a crazy ass family, huh?” “Yeah.” Robbie nodded, trying to control his fast breathing. “A little.” Abby giggled and leaned into his ear. “You’ll thank me later.” She whispered. “Okay! I’m going to get a drink.” She said loudly, turning to Tim, “Keep him company while I’m gone.” “Sure.” Robbie’s breath got stuck in his throat, suffocating him to death. Why did Abby leave like that? Did she suspect that he liked Tim or something? Like, like him like him? Did he really like Tim? Or was he just nervous to be near him? But why would he be? Tim was just an ordinary guy like everyone else. Or was he? Why was he quivering in his presence and existence? What did Tim have that made him dizzy and anxious? Robbie took a deep breath. He had to calm down. Tim was simply a regular guy like him. There was nothing really special about him. “Hello?” Tim waved his hand in front of his face. “Sorry.” Robbie flinched. “I was simply admiring everyone out here.” “I get it. We’re one giant, weird family.” “A little.” Robbie’s eyes fell on Nicky who was talking with Grandma Caroline. Nicky. Nicky had been his primary focus since the moment he met him and in just a matter of seconds, he was drooling over Nicky’s best friend, not a stranger from the streets, but his best friend. What the hell was he thinking? Why was Tim invading his thoughts? Why? But first, he really needed to define his feelings towards Nicky. Was he attracted to him or infatuated with him? If that was the case, what were his strange feelings towards Tim? Maybe, he was simply infatuated with both of them. After all, they were both extremely good looking and hot. A girl with long, wavy black hair and piercing blue eyes, appeared through the backdoor. Robbie didn’t recognize her or had the slightest idea of who she was. She smiled happily and went up to Nicky, who was not looking her way. Gracefully, she placed her hands over his eyes, completely covering them from sight. Nicky turned around and his eyes sparkled in delight. Whoever she was, he was extremely happy to see her. He pulled her into a hug, tasting her lips. Everyone around them screamed with absolute joy. It was evident to the entire world that she was Nicky’s girlfriend. Robbie’s breathing became forceful and heavy. It felt as if an elephant sat on his chest. His knees became weak while a sharp pain made its way through his chest, settling inside his heart. Of course Nicky had a girlfriend. Someone as amazing and good looking like him couldn’t possibly be single. His eyes felt itchy while his throat constricted. His body gave in and erupted in a violent shake. “Who’s that?” he managed to utter, breathlessly. “That’s my cousin, Taylor,” Tim said casually. “Nicky’s girlfriend of two years. Hasn’t he mentioned her at all?” Robbie shook his head while a giant lump developed in his throat. Tim had confirmed it. Nicky had a girlfriend and Robbie was nothing else to him but his adopted little brother. How could he have been so foolish to think that Nicky was gay? What had he been thinking? His chest felt heavy while his knees shook. His eyes stung while a knot rose in his throat. Was he about to cry? Why would he? Not in front of Tim. Holding back his tears, he turned around and ran through the backdoor. As he ran, he heard Tim yelling his name. What was he thinking? Why was he running? He froze in the middle of the house, trying to gather his inner strength. Why was he behaving this way? “You okay?” Tim placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. Robbie nodded, doing his best to hold back his tears. “I’m fine.” “Come on.” Tim held his arm. “It’s okay.” Robbie took a deep breath, finally calming down. He had to or he would continue making a fool of himself in front of Tim and everyone else. “You okay?” he asked again searching for his gaze which Robbie was doing his best to avoid. “Really, I’m fine.” Robbie sighed. “No you’re not.” Robbie glanced at him for a second and then looked away. Tim took a deep breath. “I may be a jock, but I’m not stupid. It seemed to me that you had a tiny crush on Nicky. Is that right?” Robbie took a deep breath, his heart on the verge of coming to a sudden stop. Had he really been that obvious? Of course he had! He sold himself out in front of Abby first and now Tim. Robbie simply bowed his head to avoid Tim’s gaze. “I see. And you had no clue that he was straight or had a girlfriend, right?” Robbie’s body went cold. He had completely let his crazy emotions get the best of him. Of course Nicky was straight and had a girlfriend! He simply let himself to believe otherwise. Robbie looked up at Tim and nodded. Tim exhaled loudly. “That sucks! Now, I’ll tell you a story, but you’ve got to promise that you won’t tell anyone. Do we have a deal?” Robbie looked up at Tim again, mouth slightly open. What the hell was he talking about? What kind of story? And why now? Was he insane? “Deal?” Robbie nodded, feeling lost and confused. “Sure.” “Cool.” Tim pointed to the sofas across the room. “Let’s go sit down.” Tim led him to one and they sat down next to each other. Tim sighed. “Okay. My story is very similar to yours.” “Really?” Robbie asked, calming down. Had Tim been in love with another guy? “Yeah. When I was younger, I had a crush on the most beautiful girl in the world. When I say crush, I mean crush. I followed her everywhere, to the park, to the mall, and even to the supermarket. I was so obsessed with her that the second I found out where she lived, I’d hide behind her house just to see her.” This made him smile. It sounded sweet and very disturbing at the same time. He wanted to run through the door to safety, but he really wanted to stay and listen to Tim. “So,” Tim continued, “one day, I was riding my bike through the park, hoping to see her, when I did. I saw her standing in the middle of a flowery pasture, laughing her heart out with another guy. All I did was stare at her and smile like an i***t on crack.” “What happened next?” Tim sighed, shaking his head. “The worst. The guy leaned and kissed her passionately. And when I say ‘passionately’, I mean tongue action, saliva exchanging, DNA swapping…the whole deal.” “Oh my God!” “Yeah.” Tim shook his head, exhaling loudly. “I was devastated. Heartbroken. Suicidal. Seeing her with her husband was the worst.” “Husband?” Robbie leaned in, looking around. Everyone was still outside so nobody was listening to their conversation. Their loud laughter and terrible singing let him know that someone had started a karaoke contest. “Yeah.” Tim leaned in closer to him. “She was married?” “Yeah. Don’t tell anyone.” “I won’t.” Robbie shook his head, not believing his ears. Tim had been in love with a married woman. But who in the world was she and what did he do? “So, what did you do?” “I begged my dad to change me to another kindergarten class. There was no way I was staying in her class after seeing her with her husband.” Robbie froze. Kindergarten class? “Wait. What?” Tim snorted, doing his best to hold in his laughter. “You were in love with your kindergarten teacher? When was that? Over thirteen years ago?” Robbie’s eyes fell on Tim who was now fully laughing his heart out. “Yes!” He laughed, louder. Robbie couldn’t believe his ears. He honestly thought that Tim had been in love with a married woman. “You d**k!” He shoved him, slightly. “I honestly thought that this was a recent event.” Tim continued laughing, holding his stomach. “You should have seen your face!” Robbie did his best not to laugh, but he couldn’t help it. Tim got him and he got him really good. As Robbie glared at him, he laughed, doing his best not to laugh too much at his silly joke. “It’s not funny.” Tim did his best to stop laughing and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Yes it was!” “No it wasn’t!” Robbie lied. “I honestly believed you.” Tim shook his head and then nodded, focusing on Robbie. “Okay, on a more serious note, I understand what you’re going through. Believe me when I say this, your little crush on Nicky will pass and someone else will come along and take his place. Just give it time. Okay?” Tim was right. All he had on Nicky was a silly little crush that was going to fade away into nothing. Pretty soon, Nicky was going to be what he was supposed to be, the brother he never had. “I guess you’re right.” Robbie admitted to himself and Tim. “I know I am.” “There you are!” John walked through the backdoor. “You completely disappeared on us. What are you guys doing here all alone?” Tim stood and Robbie did the same. “Just getting to know each other a little more, Uncle John.” “That’s nice.” John beamed. “I wish your parents were here.” “Trust me, Uncle John, if it wasn’t for the fact that they caught him red-handed this time, they’d be here, celebrating.” “I still can’t believe it. He’s Heath’s father.” “I know, Uncle John.” Tim sighed. “But he’d been stealing from us for several months now.” “Will they press charges?” “I don’t know.” Tim shrugged. “Okay. Enough frowning. Let’s start dinner before Madison enlightens us with another horrible version of Teenage Dream.” John gestured to the backyard where everyone was waiting to eat. Tim chuckled, pointing the way. They made their way to the backyard where they found everyone jam-packed in Nick’s grill house, pouring out like a pimple. They were all watching Nick cook his specialty, his version of a half-pound burger filled with tons of bacon and cheese. “Wait!” Nick warned Jacob when he tried to touch one of the overly large patties. “They’re not ready yet.” “Hey!” Nicky went up to Robbie and Tim. Taylor was happily wrapped in his arms. “Where have you guys been?” “Hanging out.” Tim placed a comforting arm around Robbie. Robbie’s heart stopped while his feet went cold. Tim was so close to him that he could almost taste him. “Nice!” Nicky exclaimed happily. Robbie’s eyes fell on Taylor who smiled happily. “Okay!” Nicky addressed Taylor. “Taylor, I want you to meet my little brother, Robbie.” He then turned to Robbie. “Robbie, I want you to meet my other half, Taylor.” Taylor smiled, happily and wrapped him in a gentle hug. “I’ve heard so much about you! It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Robbie wanted to break free from her hug, but Taylor, seemed genuinely nice. In fact, she looked sincerely happy to meet him. And why would he hate her? It’s not like Nicky was his boyfriend. Nicky was her boyfriend. He needed to put his feelings aside and see Nicky like the brother he was and give Taylor a chance. If she was half as nice as her cousin, he definitely needed to get to know her. “It’s so nice to meet you too.” Robbie told her. “You’re Tim’s cousin, right?” “Yeah!” Taylor playfully shoved Tim. “I’m related to this goofball.” “Ouch!” Tim groaned, dramatically. “That hurt.” “Oh, shut up! By the way where’s the Wicked b***h of the East?” “That’s what I wanted to know!” Abby jumped into the conversation. “What did you do to get away from Bianca? Throw her into a deadly pit? Poison her water supply?” Tim’s demeanor changed a little. He seemed apprehensive at first, but quickly relaxed again. Who in the world was Bianca? Was that Tim’s girlfriend? “Ha-ha! Very funny. Bianca couldn’t make it. She had other things to do.” “Thank God!” Abby and Nicky murmured under their breaths. Taylor elbowed them. “Ouch!” Nicky cried out. “She is missed.” “Greatly.” Abby finished with a deadpan face. “You two are horrible!” Tim laughed. “Who’s Bianca?” “Tim’s sweet and kindhearted girlfriend.” Josh appeared beside Tim, with a hand on his chest and with a pair of puppy eyes. “Stop it!” Tim tried not laughing at the way they were expressing themselves about his girlfriend. “She’s not that bad once you get to know her.” Abby snorted. Taylor scratched her head. Nicky whistled and Josh shook his head, rolling his eyes. “Right?” Tim murmured. “Oh yeah, sure!” Nicky replied while everyone else nodded. Robbie tried not to laugh. The whole scene was just too funny. “Sounds like they think your girlfriend is awful,” Robbie told him. “No she’s not!” Tim shook his head while everyone else nodded. “These guys are just mean.” “Riiiiiiight.” Josh whispered. “She’s the worst. Crazier than the Lake View Psychopath.” “Okay!” Nicky raised his hands. “Let’s give the guy a break. Today’s Robbie’s day.” “Exactly!” John walked into their conversation. “Come guys. Let’s eat.” John ushered them to a long table that was packed with every type of food in the world. Robbie’s eyes fell on several bowls of fried chicken, barbecue chicken, garden salad, mashed potato, white rice, freshly baked bread, and several more delicious culinary treats that Robbie had never seen or tasted. He sat between Tim and Nicky and in front of Abby and Josh. Once everyone was settled down, John and Nick led them in grace. “Dear God!” John said, “thank you for another year with all of my family and friends. I ask you to bless and protect us in the upcoming year and in the many years to come. Guide us on the right path and don’t let us wander onto the wrong road.” “Please,” Nick continued, “keep showering us with your blessings and don’t let this family drift apart. Amen!” “Amen!” everyone said in unison. The silence was short lived since everyone started talking and serving themselves whatever they could. Robbie served himself one of Nick’s special burgers that he cooked to perfection. The meat wasn’t dry. It was soft, tasty and juicy. As a matter of fact, everything on the table was delicious and mouth watery. As they ate, they talked nonstop. It was during this time that Robbie got to know a few little things about his adopted family and friends. “You know what was hilarious?” Allison smiled, evilly. “When I was crowned prom queen and I handed the crown over to John.” Everyone laughed. John hid his face with his hands. “Oh my God! Until this very day, I still have nightmares about that day.” “You should have seen your face!” Allison continued, laughing. “It was priceless!” “Was that some sort of payback?” John questioned her, mouth wide open. “Maybe.” Allison grinned. “Bitch.” John mouthed back at her while Allison stuck her tongue out at him. “I think that’s a great memory,” Nick added. “Mine was when we graduated from Harvard. We basically had to juggle school, Lily and work. I was definitely glad when that part of our life was over.” “Oh my God!” Kitty chirped in. “Lily cried for anything.” “I wanted to strangle her.” Madison admitted while the entire table laughed. Lily’s face, on the other hand, was priceless. She wanted to laugh, but she tried her best not to burst into a hysterical laughing fit. “Thank you so much for the extra hours with my therapist.” Lily frowned, pretending to cry. “Aww!” Oliver consoled her with an arm around her waist. “I love your crying.” “Aww! You’re so full of it.” Lily kissed his lips. “Crying is nothing!” Grandmamma took a quick look at Nick. “When Nick was thirteen—” “Oh God!” Nick stared into the sky. “Kill me now!” Everyone laughed. “Please continue!” Robbie laughed at Nick. “Oh I will!” Grandmamma chuckled. “Okay, so Nick’s parents dropped him off for spring break. As you know, our house is a little isolated and in those days, Nick was a fire crotch.” Everyone bellowed with laughter. “He spent day and night in his room, being grumpy and plain miserable. One day, I went to his room to see if he was hungry and guess what I found? I found Nick jerking off in the middle of his bed with his legs wide open.” The entire table exploded in laughter while Nick tried to hide his face behind John. “All my girlfriends were back home!” Nick explained, laughing. “I was desperate. By far, the longest spring break of my life.” “So Pops was hornier than me?” Nicky questioned, laughing. “Talking about embarrassing stories,” Nick started glancing at Nicky. “Back when the Avengers were everywhere, Nicky here was a hardcore fan. So, he had this Spiderman outfit that he’d put on every night along with his Iron Man mask and his Hulk gloves. Everything was cool except for one thing.” “Oh God!” Nicky covered his face with Taylor’s long black hair. “The crotch area had a huge hole in it and you could basically see everything since SpiderNicky always went commando.” Everyone laughed including Nicky. “That was so nasty!” Lily pointed out. “I still remember those days.” “Nasty?” Nicky lifted his right eyebrow at her. “Dad? Why don’t you share your favorite story about your cute little princess?” “The Story?” John asked with a devilish smile. “No!” Lily rubbed her face with the palm of her hands. “Please don’t say it.” “Say it!” Tim started shouting. Pretty soon everyone demanded John to tell ‘The Story’. “Okay!” John lifted his hands, silencing them. “Back when Nick and I moved into our first apartment, I’d do most of the cleaning and babysitting. So one day, as I was cleaning the house, Lily kept following me around and eating a baby carrot. I walked into the bathroom, cleaned the seat and turned around to take care of the sink. As I did that, I heard something drop inside the toilet. Panicking, I turned around and found Lily sticking her inside the latrine and retrieving the baby carrot from inside. And guess what she did next? She ate it.” “Oh my God!” Abby laughed heartily while everyone screamed with laughter. Lily laughed, turning to Oliver. She showed him her hand towel and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. “Please choke me with this until I stop twitching.” Robbie laughed his heart out. Nick and his entire family and friends seemed fun, refreshing and new. How could he have lived without knowing them before? All his life, he dreamed of being adopted, but never, in his wildest imagination, did he imagine every single one of Nick’s family and friends. But one question remained unanswered. Why hadn’t Allison adopted him and introduced them to him years ago? He asked Allison once why she couldn’t adopt him and she answered him the following line: “I wish I could, but I can’t, sweetheart.” Why couldn’t she? Was Brad to blame? As he looked at Allison a few seats away, Brandon Junior sat between them. They were the only couple at the table, sitting away from each other, but why? Were things really bad between them that they couldn’t work it out? “So what do you think about your family?” Tim asked, bringing him back to the present. “They’re pretty cool if you ask me.” “That they are.” Tim smiled, making Robbie’s toes tingle uncontrollably. They continued remembering the old days and about two or three hours later, everyone started leaving the house with huge smiles on their faces. The last people to stay behind were Tim, Taylor and Oliver. They circled a small table and talked the night away while Nick and John lay down on the grass nearby gazing at the stars. “I’ve got to go!” Oliver complained as he stood. “Do you have to?” Lily asked, pouting. “Your father would probably kill me if I stayed.” Oliver flinched. Lily giggled. “Dad too.” “Why don’t you stay for the night? You can room in with me.” Nicky suggested, turning to Taylor and Tim. “Why don’t you guys stay too?” “Don’t you think we’re a little too old for sleepovers?” Tim countered. “Come on, you Buzz Kill.” Nicky elbowed him. He turned to his parents and smiled like an innocent child. “Dad? Can they stay for the night?” “Who?” Nick asked, looking his way. “Tim, Tay and Oliver.” Nicky said, “Oliver can stay with me, Taylor can room with Lily and Tim can crash with Robbie.” Robbie’s heart stopped for a second or two, feet going completely numb. Was Nicky really suggesting that he and Tim share the same bed? Of course he was! But what was he thinking? Why did he have to room in with Tim? “Of course n—” Nick froze as John kissed his neck and whispered something into his ear. Nick shook his head a few times, but at the end, he sighed, turning to Nicky. “Fine, but only if the sleeping arrangements are like you told me.” Lily rolled her eyes. “Please don’t go checking on me every hour of the night like the last time.” Nick smirked, focusing on Oliver. “Just so you know, I’ve got two guns, one for your head and one for your as—” John elbowed him shut. “As long as they’ve got permission, they can stay.” “Thank you, Uncle John,” Tim said with a smile. “Okay!” Nicky glanced around. “Let’s make some phone calls.” The three of them were allowed to stay for the night. Inside, Robbie was screaming with joy. Tim was going to sleep with him on his bed! Or was he going to crash on the couch or the floor instead? In a few hours or minutes, he was going to find out. A little past one, Taylor and Lily went to bed. It was only then that Nick and John decided to call it a night. Robbie, Tim, Nicky and Oliver, lay on the lawn, gazing at the stars. They stole a bottle of whisky from Nick’s personal stash and passed it around, taking small sips. The only one who refused to drink was Robbie. “Do you think there’s life out there?” Nicky asked. “Of course!” Oliver answered. “There’s just no way that we’re all alone in this vast universe. Somewhere out there, there must be couple of idiots gazing at the stars and asking the same question.” They all laughed. Tim yawned loudly and placed his hands behind his head. “I’m dead.” He turned to Robbie next to him. “Want to call it a night?” Robbie’s breathing was cut short for a second or two. He simply nodded and took a deep breath. “Cool.” Tim stood, giving Robbie his hand to take. He held on to him and Tim pulled him to his feet. “What about you guys?” “We’ll finish this and head inside,” Nicky answered him, showing him the bottle. “Night then,” Tim told them as he headed for the backdoor. Robbie dashed to his side. As they walked, all Robbie could hear were his rapid heartbeats, pounding hard against his ears. Why was he so nervous? Why was he freaking out? Why did Tim make him feel that way? What was going to happen between them? No! He had to calm down and control his crazy emotions. “Your room is the one in the middle, right?” Tim asked as they entered the study hall. “Yeah.” Robbie ran ahead, legs weak and heavy. He reached for the knob and opened the door to his domain. His room was dark and the only source of light was the elegant moon shining outside. “I stayed here a few times before,” Tim explained, taking off his shirt. From where he stood, Robbie couldn’t see his body due to the lack of light in the room. “Do you mind if I sleep in my underwear?” “Not at all,” Robbie managed to utter, controlling his shaking body. He was doing his best to calm down by breathing deeply and clearing his thoughts. Shaking uncontrollably, he took off his shoes and pants and ran to his bed. “You sleep on the right or left? I prefer left.” “Right.” Tim approached Robbie’s bed. “Okay,” Robbie whispered, crawling between the sheets. Tim took off his shoes and pants. Carefully, he stepped into Robbie’s bed and slid next to him. Their bodies weren’t touching, but Robbie could feel the warmth of Tim’s body all over him. Robbie took a deep breath and closed his eyes tight, doing his best to calm down. His heart was on the verge of coming to a sudden stop and his body shivered uncontrollably. But why? Why was Tim making him so nervous? He needed to relax or he was going to surely die of a heart attack. “I’m glad they decided to adopt you,” Tim whispered. “Really?” Robbie opened his eyes wide like an owl in the middle of the night. “Yeah. You seem like a really cool guy. Shy, but cool.” Robbie glimmered in delight. “You too and please don’t tell Nicky about my crush on him. I don’t want him to think bad about me.” “Your secret is safe with me.” Robbie’s breathing was cut short while a warm tingling sensation travelled through every inch of his body, dissolving inside his heart. “Night, Tim.” “Night, Robbie.”
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