
SEH The Next Generation


Surviving Elite High fans, the wait is over! More romance, drama and mystery are unfolding at Elite High before the back-to-school bell has even rung!

Seventeen year old, blond-hair, blue-eyed and adorable Robbie Carroll, orphaned at a young age and mysteriously never adopted, has finally found his dream family. Nick Hawking and John Ames, now married, wealthy, and powerful, make Robbie their son, defying the young man’s past- one that Robbie himself has no memory of- that has scared all other prospective parents away. Now, Robbie has great parents and a hot brother, Nicky and beautiful sister, Lily, who take him into their midst and make him part of their tight circle of friends who all go to Elite High.

One of those friends is Tim Mercer, a gorgeous football player at Elite High. Tim’s dark looks and simmering eyes capture Robbie’s heart at first sight. But Robbie can’t be sure that Tim feels the same way, or even if he’s gay too. Moreover, even if Tim is available, there are some people around him who don’t want Robbie to get close to him, and will go to ANY lengths to keep him away. Why? What do they want with Tim? What is the secret that Tim is harboring? And who is that strange man in Robbie’s visions, who haunts his life and his dreams? Find out here!

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Chapter One
Chapter One The ball made contact with Maria’s face and exploded into a thousand, wetting her cinnamon skin and her long black braided ponytail. She giggled in excitement and threw a green projectile through the air that laded a few feet away from her target, Sean. In a split second, more water balloons flew through the air as the joyous laughter of children filled the air. Robbie stood watching them from the safety of the second floor through a small window in the dormitory section of the orphanage. This had been his home since he was seven, and in all honesty, it was the only home he knew. He didn’t remember his previous life and couldn’t even if he wanted to. Retrograde amnesia had been his diagnosis. At first, he didn’t know what it meant, but, as he grew, he found out that he would never recall any of his memories before the accident. The accident. That was what Allison Lewis, his caseworker, called it through the years. Allison was the only reason, that at seventeen years old, he hadn’t run away and left the orphanage behind. She was like the mother and father he’d lost and would never have. She would brighten his day with her contagious smile and would take him to Burger King on all of his birthdays. He loved her and she loved him, too. If not, she would have given up on him a very long time ago. For ten years, she tried to get him into a home, but she simply couldn’t find him one. She searched far and wide with no results, but she never gave up. That wasn’t Allison Lewis at all. She never told him the main reason why she couldn’t find him a home, but after eavesdropping on her and her co-worker one day, he found out that there was something about the accident that would scare them off. But what could it be? Thousands of car accidents occurred each year, leaving a few children without a home. Usually, these kids were the first to go because people felt sorry for them, so why was he still there? Why would a simple car accident throw them off and make the Orphanage of Good Deeds his only home? Why? Robbie took a deep breath. If he could only remember what happened that day, he would have an idea. But as much as he tried, he simply couldn’t remember anything at all. Maria fell on the floor, giggling and screaming, as Felicia landed on top of her laughing as well. Unexpectedly, the dormitory door swung open and Allison stood there, smiling. “Knock knock!” Robbie spun around to face her and smiled, extremely happy to see her. Allison Lewis was a beauty queen. She had long golden blonde hair that hung over her thin frame and deep blue eyes. Her white skin seemed to give off its own glow and her lips were perfectly red and luscious. “You look beyond excited.” She went up to him and sat down on one of the beds. Robbie sighed, deeply, and sat down in front of her. “I am. I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life.” Allison smiled, warmly, like she always did. Robbie loved her smiles. They always seemed so sincere, honest and carefree. She always made him feel comfortable in his own skin and she was also the only person who knew he was gay. He was eleven years old when Chad, a previous caseworker, worked for the orphanage for a few months. Robbie had felt attracted to his blond hair, blue eyes and tight shirts that enhanced his muscles and upper body. Robbie confided in Allison about his crush on Chad and her quick, accepting response shocked him, in a good way. She’d simply smiled and gently tussled his short blond hair and stared into his light green eyes. “That’s okay, sweetheart. One day, you’ll find someone like him and you’ll be extremely happy. You’ll see!” “Really?” Robbie had beamed a contagious smile. “Really. Really.” She kissed his right cheek. “You okay?” Allison asked, waving her right hand in front of Robbie’s face. “Yeah,” Robbie looked away, trying to hide the redness of his cheeks. “I was just remembering the good, the bad and the ugly.” Allison nodded. “Don’t dwell on the past, but simply move on with your life.” Robbie agreed with her. He loved Allison’s sayings. He never found out where she got them, but he had written every single one of them down in his journal. “Are they really a gay couple? They sure don't seem that way.” “Yes.” Allison answered. “Don’t worry. I’ve known these two guys my whole life. I wouldn’t place you in a home where I didn’t think you’d be safe.” Robbie gave her a slight nod as a strange sensation developed at the pit of his stomach. He was worried. He had never known anyone else who was gay or been near another gay guy, or worse, two. Chad, his only crush, happened years ago and he had no idea how to act around them. “Relax.” Allison held his hand, sending pleasant tingles throughout his body. “But why did they choose me? Why didn’t they choose one of the young ones?” What he was really trying to say was, why didn’t they run off like everyone else? Allison took a deep breath. “As I told you, Nick and John already have a son and a daughter and they simply want to expand their family by adopting someone. I told them about you and they fell completely in love with you. Thank God they finally decided to give adoption a try. I’ve been begging them for years now.” “How long have you known them?” “I’ve known them since my high school days. I dated Nick for a while, but we were horrible together! We had to be with someone else in order to grow and mature.” She laughed, hiding her smile with her hand. “You dated Nick?” Robbie questioned, baffled. “Isn’t he gay?” “Nick is bisexual.” “Okay. Yeah, I figured.” Robbie took a deep breath, getting ready to expect the worst from Nick and John. “Good.” Allison stood, walking to his bed. She picked up his suitcase and turned to him. “Ready to go?” “No.” He confessed, feeling anxious. “Let me take a second to breathe and I’ll meet you guys there.” “Sure.” Allison smiled. “Take your time. When you’re ready, meet us at my office.” Robbie’s heart pounded. This was it. He was about to go home with his future mom and dad or dad and dad. What should he call them anyways? Dad One and Dad Two? “See you.” Allison left, closing Robbie’s door behind her. Robbie stood, shaking from head to toe. He had to calm down or he would puke all over the floor. He closed his eyes tight and took in a deep breath. He needed to find his happy place and focus. Nick and John were simply two normal individuals like everyone else. He just couldn’t believe his incredible fortune. He was being adopted by none other than Nicholas Anthony Hawking, two time openly bisexual governor of New Jersey, and everyone’s hero and politic extraordinaire. And by John Henry Ames, his husband, lover and social activist. He was the president of the Hawking-Ames Foundation that fed thousands of children every single day and provided much needed homes for the poor. He needed to relax. He’d met with Nick and John a bunch of times. They’d taken him to lunch with Allison and they’d all had a great time. He’d gotten a feel for what wonderful, caring people they were. They’d been Allison’s friends for many years and she certainly would know how perfect they were for him. He surely didn’t have to be panicking like a schoolgirl on her first day of classes. Robbie opened his eyes again and went up to the door. He was ready. There was no going back. This was the moment he had been waiting for all his life. This was the beginning of his life with Nick and John. Robbie stood outside the wooden hallway and focused his attention on the set of steps in the distance. All he had to do was walk to them and head downstairs. After taking a deep breath, he took the first step. His legs felt heavy and wobbly at the same time. Once he hit the stairs, he held on to the railing for support and walked, or thanks to his skyrocketing heart rate, floated down the stairs. Allison’s office was the second room to his left. He managed to walk to it and froze outside, listening for any sounds. Two new voices, apart from Allison’s, were coming from inside. One sounded deep and masculine while the other one seemed delicate and soft. This was definitely them, Nick and John. With every ounce of strength he could muster, Robbie lifted a shaky hand and knocked on the door or by the massive sound he caused, pounded on the wooden frame. “Come in!” Allison answered from inside. Robbie’s heart skipped a few beats. As he took a deep breath, he twisted the knob, pushing the door open and stumbling inside. The first person that came into his field of vision was an older man with short light brown hair and eyes. He wore a pair of glasses, a light blue shirt and a pair of khaki pants. He smiled from ear to ear and went up to him. “Hi!” he said, reaching out his hand. “How are you, Robbie?” “Good!” Robbie took his hand, shaking it. “How about you?” “Great.” John looked behind him. “Nick, come say hi to Robbie.” Robbie spun around and his breathing stopped for a second or two. Nick had dirty blond hair and eyes that were crystal blue like the sky. A five o’clock shadow adorned his lower jaw and his skin seemed to glow luminously. A long-sleeve shirt stretched out across his body, screaming for dear life, as it helplessly tried to hold on to his muscles. Nick was the embodiment of a Greek god or anyone’s fantasy come true. “Hey there! Nice to see you again.” Nick offered him his right hand. It took Robbie everything he got to move and held Nick’s hand, shaking it feverishly. “You too, sir.” “Sir?” Nick laughed. “You made me feel forty.” “You’re two years away.” John laughed. “So you’re not fooling anyone.” “Shut up!” Nick went over to John and wrapped his arms around him. “I can’t believe it!” Robbie breathed out. “I'm finally going home with you guys.” Allison laughed while Nick chuckled. “We’re not that big of a deal.” John answered. “He is to me.” Nick kissed John’s right cheek. A part of Robbie melted to the ground, sending shivers up and down his spine. The love that those two radiated was intoxicating, but in a good way. Nick loved him and John loved him with equal or even more intensity, if that was even possible! It was then that Robbie hoped and prayed that he would find someone like Nick or John. Someone that would make him melt on the spot and make him feel good, loved and wanted. “Okay!” Allison interrupted his thoughts, bringing him back to life. “I’ll give you a few minutes to talk, but I’ll be back with Nicky and Lily. How does that sound?” “Great!” Nick took one step away from John. Allison approached the door. As she strolled next to him, Allison caressed his shoulder, making him feel at ease and at peace. “So?” John started, the second Allison left the room. “Allison said that you love reading and writing. Why didn't you tell me?” “Yeah.” Robbie blushed, glancing at his feet and feeling a little lightheaded and weak. “I’ve got a journal that I write in every single day and I sort of forgot.” “Really?” John exclaimed excited. “I loved writing when I was younger, but now I barely have time to breathe. If I’m not mistaken, my journal is open for public reading at our little library.” This got Robbie’s attention. Reading was his passion, his weak spot. “You got a library at your house?” “Yeah.” Nick answered. “Nicky and Lily use it as the study room. It will be yours as well.” Robbie’s heart did a somersault. They were already making him a member of their family! But wait a minute, Allison said that they had a son and a daughter, but Nick and Allison mentioned Nicky and Lily. Two girls. Were all of their kids adopted? No. Allison also said that she had been asking them to give adoption a try for years. So what the hell was going on? How did they come to have Nicky and Lily? He needed to find out. “How many kids do you have again?” “Two.” John informed him. “Lily and Nicky. Lily is the oldest. She’ll be starting her third year at Harvard in a few days. Nicky, on the other hand, is the youngest. He’ll be starting his junior year at Elite High in a few days as well.” “He?” Robbie asked, curious. Was Nicky a guy or a girl? Nick chuckled, and damn he looked amazing laughing. “Nicholas Anthony Hawking-Ames, the Second. We call him Nicky in order to avoid confusion.” “Oh!” Robbie understood everything now. “I love to call him Nick Junior.” John glanced at Nick and stuck his tongue out at him. “Right, Nickelodeon?” Nick went up to him. “Right, Jaan.” Robbie blushed, looking away. They really did love each other. John focused on Robbie again. “Do you have nicknames?” “None.” “We’ll find one for you if you want.” Robbie looked away, no doubt his cheeks were bright red. The door swung open again and Allison stepped inside with two teens that appeared his age. The girl on Allison’s left was beautiful, too beautiful to even describe. Her long golden blonde hair hung over her shoulders and her eyes were like two crystal blue diamonds that shone brighter than the stars. She was the spitting image of her father, Nick, but what took his breath away was the guy standing on Allison’s right. He was a few inches taller than him and drop dead gorgeous. He had tanned skin that seemed to glow, the perfect body hidden behind his tight clothes, light brown hair that waved from side to side, and the purest hazel eyes that Robbie had ever seen. They were simply too mesmerizing to be real. “There you are!” John approached them, placing an arm around them, and gently pushed them forward. “Robbie, this is Lily and Nicky.” “Hi!” he screeched like a little schoolgirl. Nicky smiled shyly while Robbie bowed his head, trying to hide the redness of his cheeks. What the hell happened to him? Why had he lost the ability to speak? Why did he croak like a little girl? Why did he have to make a fool of himself in front of the hottest guy on earth? “Hey!” Lily walked up to him, lifting his head and smiling happily. “Don’t worry. It’s just us here.” She hugged him, squeezing him tight. “Welcome to the family, little brother.” Robbie felt it deep in his soul that she meant every word. “Yeah, man.” Nicky approached him and gave him his hand to take. “Welcome to the Hawking-Ames Express, next stop, heaven.” Robbie laughed, taking his hand. It was hard, rough, and warm. Nicky was a man like his father Nick. “How old are you?” Lily asked while Nicky reached into his pocket and took out his cellphone. He smiled at the screen and began to write on it. “Seventeen.” He answered, focusing on Lily. “Cool. You’re Nicky’s age.” “Nice.” Nicky continued, glancing away from his phone for a few seconds. “It’ll be great to have another guy in the family.” “I couldn’t agree more.” Nick butted in. “What the hell does that mean?” John and Lily asked them at the same time. Nicky flinched. “Nothing. Nothing.” He continued staring at his phone. His father, Nick, looked away, doing his best not to stare at John who stood next to him, eyeing him closely. From what Robbie could see, both Nicks were bossed around by Lily and John. This made him smile. By comparison, both Nicks looked stronger and bigger than them, yet there they were squirming at their feet nonstop. “So, you play any sports?” Nicky was obviously trying to change the topic. “None. Never been good at them.” “Don’t worry.” Lily said. “You’ll fit in just fine. The only ones who are into sports are Pops and Nicky.” John nodded. “Yeah. I was never good either.” “Good?” Nick chuckled. John elbowed him, making him flinch. Allison tried not to laugh while Robbie simply held in his laughter. “Okay.” John cleared his throat. “This is the moment we’ve been waiting for weeks now. Is there anyone you’d like to say goodbye to before you start a new chapter in your life with us?” No one was his answer. He never really bonded with the other kids because they were all younger than him and the only thing that they had in common was the fact they were all orphans. However, there was one person he had to say goodbye to, Allison. She was the only one who had stood by him and never let him down. He went up to her and squeezed her tight. “I’ll miss you so much.” He choked on his words, doing his best not to cry. Allison hugged him tighter. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I’ll be around, but I’ll miss seeing you here.” Her words made him quiver in delight. They broke free from their hug and looked at the new family awaiting Robbie. “Okay!” Lily interjected, fanning herself. “You’re going to make me cry.” “Me too.” John held her shoulders. “Why don’t we go home?” They all nodded. Nick picked Robbie’s suitcase from the ground and John led them to the door and beyond. Robbie couldn’t believe it. After ten years, he was finally going to a home to start a new life. Once outside, Nick directed them to a white Cadillac on the parking lot. He popped open the trunk while John and Allison said their goodbyes. “If anything, call me.” “I will and see you at the party.” “I’ll be there.” Allison turned to Robbie and waved at him. “Take care and see you soon!” Robbie smiled, his heart bursting and yet tight at parting from Allison. “Later.” “Come on!” Lily took his hand, dragging him to one of the backdoors of the luxurious vehicle. “You’ll love it back home.” Lily pressed her thumb on a light green pad next to the vehicle’s handle. The back door swung open, inviting them inside. She hopped in and signaled him to get in as well. Robbie climbed in, closed the door and glanced at Lily. She smiled. “You’re nervous, aren’t you?” “A little.” Robbie admitted. “Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine. We’re not a bunch of crazy old coots who run in the wild.” Robbie chuckled. Of course not. Allison certainly wouldn’t have let him be adopted if they were. “Ready to go?” Nicky jumped behind the wheels of the car. “What are you doing?” Lily asked him through gritted teeth. “Getting our asses home. Duh! For someone who’s attending Harvard you sure are stupid.” “Don’t call me stupid!” Lily smacked him playfully on the back of his head. “Ouch!” Nicky turned to Robbie, grinning. “See what I’ve had to put up with for seventeen years?” Robbie laughed. “Ha-ha! Very funny.” Lily continued. “You’re not allowed to drive until the new school year, you know that, right?” “Which is a few days away.” Nicky grinned, feeling the steering wheel. Robbie was now curious. “Why? If I may know.” “He’s the world’s most reckless driver! He ran three stop signs in a row.” “What?” Nicky shrugged his shoulders. “I wanted to take a dump so bad.” Robbie laughed, heartily. The driver door swung open and Nick stood outside, staring at his son. “Get out of there now.” “Sorry, Pops!” Nicky flinched and jumped out of the driver’s seat. While Nicky ran to Robbie’s side, Nick hopped behind the steering wheel and buckled his seatbelt. Nicky opened the door next to him and beamed. “Scoot over, little bro.” Robbie slid closer to Lily, feeling a little anxious since Nicky made him completely nervous. Nicky, however, took out his phone and began to browse through his device, smiling to himself, as he relaxed in the backseat. Within seconds, he completely ignored his existence. The passenger door opened and John got in. “Ready to go, Robbie?” “Yeah.” he answered, trying his best to control his fast breathing. “Good!” Nick grinned. “Next stop, the Hawking-Ames household.” The drive to his new home was nerve-wracking to say the least. Nick, John and Lily asked him tons of questions that he wasn’t prepared to answer. They wanted to know everything about him, from how old he was when he landed in the orphanage until the very second he jumped inside their car. Nicky would occasionally ask one or two questions, but he was more interested on what was on his phone. Who was he texting so much anyways? His girlfriend perhaps? Or his friends? “We’re almost there.” Lily slapped him back to reality. Robbie glanced through the window. His attention fell on a white wall surrounding a property near the outskirts of town. Nick slowed down and a black metal gate came into view. The car came to a sudden stop in front of it and John took out his phone and aimed at the black entryway. The gates parted and Nick drove through. As he maneuvered the car down a thin gravel road, Robbie could see the great walls of an enormous white manor. As the trees cleared out, a one story mansion appeared in the distance, making his body shiver uncontrollably. Giant white pillars held the ceiling from falling to the floor while a thin line of gold decorated the edges of the fancy building. Thousands of different types of flowers surrounded a small fountain of a baby wearing a pair of wings while several wild rabbits ran from side to side. The giant building boasted two garages, one on each side, and an enormous backyard that expanded far and wide. Nick parked in front of the main entrance and took a quick look at Robbie through the rearview mirror. “Welcome home, kiddo.” The doors swung open and they all got out. Nicky ran to the front door and unlocked it by pointing his phone at it. Nick retrieved Robbie’s suitcase from behind the trunk and stood next to them. “Come.” John placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and directed him to the entrance with Nick and Lily closely following him from behind. With every step he took, Robbie’s heart pounded harder. The inside of the house was incredibly beautiful from top to bottom. The small entrance hall or foyer led to a very spacious living room and kitchen. On his left was the dining room and to his right, there was another hallway with several doors, but a wooden door with the word ‘Office’ written in a gold plate caught his attention. Beyond the living room and through the windows, Robbie could see something shining brightly as the sun. It was definitely a swimming pool. “You guys got a swimming pool?” “Yeah,” John answered. Lily and Nick came in just then. Lily went straight for one of the sofas and sat down. Nicky, on the other hand, walked into the kitchen, yawning and stretching. “Want something to drink?” “No, thank you.” “Okay, Robbie,” John said, his enthusiasm obviously bursting. “This hallway leads to my room.” He pointed the right side of the house where he had seen the door with the word office in it. “My room is the one at the very end.” “Cool!” “Yeah! This one leads to the study room and your room,” John said pointing to a hallway between the dining room and the kitchen on his left. Robbie noticed another hallway on the other side of the kitchen. “Where does the other one lead to?” “To the theater room.” Nicky replied, opening a cola and taking a sip. “The best room in the house.” Robbie’s mouth dropped open. “You guys have a theater inside your house?” “Yeah.” Nick nodded, suitcase in hand. “It was my idea.” “Best idea ever!” Nicky walked to the sofas and sat down next to Lily who was now browsing through the channels. “The library was the best idea ever.” Robbie simply couldn’t agree more with her. “You want to see your room?” Nick asked Robbie. “Yes please!” “Come,” John directed him down the hallway between the dining room and the kitchen. Nick walked behind them, keeping a close distance between them. As Robbie looked around, his eyes fell on tons of pictures on the walls. Several were of John and Nick when they were younger and many of Nicky and Lily when they were toddlers. However, there were several pictures of a black haired girl with porcelain skin and a redhead with dark charcoal eyes. Who were they? Were they John’s friends? Or Nick’s? He saw Allison in a few of them and a very handsome man with green eyes and black hair. Who in the world was he? He was extremely hot. “This is the study room or library.” John pushed open the last door at the very end of the hallway. The library was massive with every inch of the walls covered with books. Among the walls, however, he saw three doors, one on each wall. “The left door leads to Lily’s room while the right one to Nicky’s. The middle one is yours.” “Really?” Robbie asked, thrilled. He never had his own private domain before. “Yeah.” Nick gently pushed him towards it. John opened his bedroom door and Robbie’s jaw dropped. A king size bed stood on the left side while a giant flat screen hung on the opposite wall. There were also two more doors opposite to the door. “The right door leads to your closet while the other one to your bathroom,” John told him as Robbie looked around the room and spun around like a ballerina. “I know the walls are bare, but I thought you’d want to decorate it yourself.” “Wow!” Robbie whispered. “It’s so huge.” “I take it that you like it.” Nick placed Robbie’s suitcase on top of the bed. “Of course I do!” Robbie beamed, genuinely happily. “Okay.” John squeezed Robbie’s shoulder affectionately. “If you need anything, let us know.” “And if you want to talk,” Nick added, “we’re here for you.” Robbie’s stomach swirled into an impossible knot. His feelings got stuck in his throat while his body shivered. “Thank you, guys, for everything. This is more than I could ask for.” “You’re welcome,” John answered. “We’ll leave you to unpack.” With those words, they stepped out of the room, leaving him all alone. Robbie dashed to the bathroom to see the inside. The small room consisted of a medium sized tub, a white shiny toilet and a sparkly little sink. He left the room and ran to his walk-in closet. It was the same size as the bathroom and had several empty cabinets and shelves all over the walls. Like a speeding cheetah, he retrieved his suitcase from his bed and started unpacking all of his belongings. He barely managed to fill one-fourth of his closet and by the time he was done, his back ached. Yawning, he retrieved his journal from inside his suitcase and ran to his bed, falling onto the silky covers. He found the last page he had been working on and began to write his feelings down. Overall, he loved Nick and John! They seemed like the perfect couple in every possible way. Lily was a sweetheart and she had welcomed him to her family with open arms. Nicky, to him, was the bomb! He was extremely good looking and Robbie was really hoping and praying that Nicky turned out gay like his parents. That would be the icing on the cake to his perfect day. He would have gained two dads, a sister and a boyfriend. No! He couldn’t think of Nicky that way. There was a huge chance that Nicky was straight like most guys on earth. By the way, who had parented Nicky and Lily? Nicky resembled John a lot and Lily was the exact replica of Nick, but two guys couldn’t reproduce, right? Science hadn’t reached that far yet. So, how were they made? Through surrogate mothers? One night stands? As Robbie wrote his thoughts down, there was a knock on his door. “Who is it?” Robbie asked, hiding his journal under his pillows. “It’s me!” Nicky answered. “Can I come in?” Robbie’s breathing was cut short for a second or two. What did Nicky want with him? “Yes! Come in!” Robbie managed to murmur as he sat up. The door swung open and Nicky stood at the foot of the door, eating what seemed to be chocolate pudding. “Dad wants to know if you’re hungry.” “Dad? Which dad?” He still didn’t know what to call Nick and John or how they referred to them. Nicky laughed. “By Dad I mean John. We call him Dad or Daddy. We call Nick Papa or Pops. I personally like to call him Old Man.” “Oh, I see now. What do you think I should call them?” “It’s up to you, I guess.” Nicky replied with a grin. “Just don’t call them ‘Sir.’ They hate it. You’ll make them feel old.” “Oh!” Robbie blushed, wishing that he had known that earlier. “So? Are you hungry?” Nicky questioned again. “Not really.” Robbie answered, honestly. “I ate something before you guys arrived.” “Cool. Come then, it’s Friday, so it’s Family Movie Night.” “Really?” Robbie asked, bewildered. He was about to have his first family movie with his new family. “Really really!” Nick turned around. “Follow me.” Robbie jumped to his feet and followed him out of the room. Once they reached the kitchen, they found Lily sitting on the counter and talking to John. Nick was lying down on the sofa as he watched the news. “And he said that Abby did it to him.” Lily told John. “Abby is a little like her mom so I believe she did it.” “He’s not hungry.” Nicky announced as they stepped into the conversation. “Are you sure?” Lily raised her eyebrows. “Dad is a magnificent cook and he taught me everything he knows so I’m one hundred percent we can make something for you in five seconds.” Robbie’s heart did a somersault. They were all just so sweet! “I wish I was hungry, but I’m not. I ate something back at the orphanage. Allison treated me to a Pepsi and Burger King.” “You love Burger King too?” Nicky sighed deeply. “Dad loves Burger King.” “That he does,” Nick walked into the kitchen. “When we were younger, he wanted me to buy him the entire company.” John laughed. “I never asked you to buy me that company. All I wanted was one of the many buildings all over town.” Nick wrapped his arms around him. “Yes you did. You said buy me the company or no more wedding bells.” John shook his head, turning to Robbie. “Not true! Don’t believe a word he says.” “Are we going to see a movie or not?” Nicky rolled his eyes. He clearly was tired of witnessing their love and admiration for each other. “Yeah,” John answered. “I prepared the room ages ago.” “Then let’s go!” Nicky headed down the other hallway next to the kitchen. Lily jumped down from the counter and wrapped an arm around Robbie. “He’s such a little diva.” She whispered into his ear. “I wonder who he takes after,” Nick murmured. John’s elbow made contact with his right ribcage. “Ouch!” “He takes after you! I swear he’s more your son than mine.” Nick and John continued their playful arguing as they followed Nicky to the theater room. Robbie’s jaw dropped open as he looked around the enormous space. A giant screen completely covered one of the walls of the room while four rows of what appeared to be reclining chairs stood on the opposite side. The first row had four chairs, the second, three, the third, two and the last one, one. But the last one was special. It was twice as wide and large. It looked like if a couple could comfortably sit together and still have enough room the stretch. Behind the last chair, and at the very end, was a counter. Behind the counter was a popcorn machine and several types of sweets. Nicky sat on the first row as he ate his pudding. “Do you want popcorn?” Lily asked Robbie. “Yeah!” He beamed. “Cool! Pick a seat while I get it for you.” Robbie looked around the large space. Nick and John sat comfortably on the double seat, holding each other tight. It was evident to him that the last chair was theirs. So, where should he sit? Close to Nicky or close to Nick and John. “Sit anywhere you like,” John told him as Nick surfed the Net on his iPad. Robbie took a seat in front of them. “What movie do you guys want to watch?” “I don’t know.” John shrugged. “Lily?” “A good one.” She carried two bowls full of popcorn and a bag of candies to where they sat. She handed a bowl of popcorn to John and then went over to Robbie, handing him the other one. She sat next to him, taking one of the red candies into her mouth. “How about a classic?” “How about a comedy?” John suggested. Nicky sighed, rubbing his face. “Just play anything. You two always pick anyway.” Lily took a sweet and hurled it at Nicky. The object bounced off his head and landed on the floor. “Ouch!” Nicky hid from another sweet that missed him by a few centimeters. “You’re in a horrible mood.” John acknowledged. “I know. I wonder why.” Lily replied, smiling. “Shut up, Oliver Pine!” Nicky playfully slapped at her. “Come and shut me.” “Okay!” Nick told them. “Enough already! Since Robbie is the new member of the family, let him pick.” “Me?” Robbie asked. He had been observing everything, trying his best not to laugh and truly enjoying the moment. “Yeah!” Lily said. “Pick one. Any one.” “Don’t pick a chick flick.” Nicky suggested from the safety of the front row. “Nicky.” Nick warned him. “Sorry, Pops.” Robbie laughed. He knew the perfect one. Mad Max: Fury Road. “Yes!” Nicky exclaimed, standing up with his hands in the air. They all laughed. “Mad Max it is.” Nick dimmed the lights with his iPad and played the movie on the big screen. The movie was action packed and everyone seemed hypnotized by it. All throughout the movie, however, Robbie couldn’t help to notice that Nicky kept texting someone. But who could he be texting so much? He spent most of his time on his phone than watching the movie on the big screen. After the movie came to an end, they played a second one which was followed by a third. “I’m exhausted!” Nick complained as the credits of the last movie rolled in. “Me too.” Lily yawned. “Okay, guys.” John got their attention. “I think we should call it a night. We do need to rest. Tomorrow is another epic day.” They all got up and Robbie was about to leave with Lily and Nicky when John called him back. “Robbie?” “Yeah?” He rubbed his eyes, turning to them. Lily smiled warmly and kissed him goodnight. Nicky grinned looking truly happy. “Night man. I’m happy you’re here.” “Night.” He answered shyly. The second they left the room, he went up to Nick and John. “Yes?” He yawned. “Here,” John gave him a box with the Apple logo on the cover. It was the latest iPhone. “This is yours.” Robbie froze, feet glued to the ground. “I can’t take it, you guys.” “You can and you will.” “Yeah.” Nick continued where John left off. “Everyone needs a phone these days. You’ll find out soon.” “But this is just too much.” Robbie honestly thought he would never even get close enough to smell an iPhone, never mind own one! “Listen. Financially, we’re doing amazing.” John told him. “You’re our son now, so we’ll treat you like one.” A knot in his throat formed, suffocating him. It was all just too much for him in one day. He buried the urge to cry and took the shiny box from his hands. “Thank you, for everything. For inviting me into your home and for welcoming me with open arms.” “You’re welcome.” John answered him with a warm smile. “We told you this before and we’ll tell you again, if you need anything or simply want to talk to someone, let us know. We’re here for you.” Robbie looked away, tears threatening to escape. “I will.” “Good,” Nick replied. “I’ll tell you everything about the Family Security System later. Off to bed with you now.” “Night, guys.” “Good night, Robbie.” John and Nick answered at the same time. Robbie turned around and ran out of the room. He found his way to the library and into his room. Once he was inside, he jumped onto his bed and ripped into the box that was holding his new phone. He took the phone out and turned it on by swaying his hand over it, just like he had seen on TV. He started opening all of the applications and came across his contact list. There were five numbers already inside, John’s, Nick’s, Lily’s, Allison’s and Nicky’s. His body shivered uncontrollably, feet going completely cold. He had Nicky’s phone number on his cellphone! He contemplated on the idea of calling him, but Nicky was probably far away in Dreamland. Robbie sighed as he placed his phone next to him and admired it. Nicky. All he wanted at that moment was a hug or a kiss from him, nothing more and nothing less. Nicky. The one guy he wanted the most in the world and would probably never have. Nicky was the last thing he thought of as he drifted away into a silent and peaceful night. The door to Robbie’s room crept open, illuminating everything on sight. Robbie’s breath caught in his throat as his eyes shot wide open like an owl in the middle of the night. Out of thin air, a dark figure filled the entrance of his room and stood still for a couple of seconds. Who was that? What did they want? Carefully, the person tiptoed to the edge of his bed and hovered above him like a silent predator ready to strike.

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