someone like you

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"You really sure about not joining the party?" Nicolas inquired, casually leaning against the doorframe, his unwavering gaze fixed on Darven. Not once diverting his gaze from the book, Darven retorted in a frigid tone, "I never speak without being certain." Nicolas persisted, "It might be worth reconsidering. This party's purpose is to foster connections before the official start of classes. Since you're new here, it's an ideal opportunity to get acquainted with the squad?" “What squad?” He shifted his gaze at him with his demeanour radiating cold indifference. "I don’t do a squad, don't you know that? Or did my father fail to provide you with that very important information?" Unsettled by Darven's stern look, Nicolas lowered his eyes and stammered, "I apologise if I offended you. I simply wanted to..." He cut him off sharply, "Let me make this clear once and for all: I'm content with my solitude. So, kindly leave me to do it." Nodding hastily, Nicolas took a step back from the door. "Don't take it to heart; I was just here to convey your father's..." In a fit of anger, he forcefully closed his book and glared at Nicolas, his expression even more intimidating. "Stop being my father's pet and live your own life." Nicolas's expression shifted to one of solemnity. "Believe me, if I could do that, I wouldn't be here," he said with palpable frustration in his voice. Taking his gaze away from Nicolas, he replied with resolve, "Well, that's your problem, not mine. I'm not here to meet my father's or anyone else's expectations. My purpose here is to chart my own course, and if that means steering clear of your so-called 'precious party,' then so be it." Pressing his lips against his teeth, Nicolas nodded firmly before taking a step back and leaving. After he left, Darven couldn't shake off the weight of his strained relationship with his father, and it plagued his thoughts, making it hard to concentrate on the book he was reading. Determined to find inner peace, he settled on his bed with his back straight, his legs crossed in a lotus position. Closing his eyes, he focused on his breath and tried to clear his mind. Suddenly, an external commotion shattered his meditation. He reluctantly opened his eyes, only to be met with a face of remarkable allure at some distance. Witnessing the figure climbing the tree, he slowly got down from the bed and moved closer to the window. Suddenly, the air that had mist aroma mixed into it was different. It was the aroma of bliss which he had never experienced before. He was just drowning in that aroma, but then he saw the figure tumble down the tree. Swiftly he made his way to the balcony as if he would risk it all to save him. But seeing it was too late for that, he stood on the top of the wall and tried to get a better view. As he couldn’t get it, he leaped off the wall and landed beside Calix. When he stared down at Calix, the moon's gentle glow painted on his face made a unique feeling stir within him. He felt as though he was waiting for this moment. A moment when destiny had finally brought them together. “Did that hurt?” he inquired in a concerned tone, but he got nothing in response. “I asked if that hurt!” he asked again, this time lending his hand so that Calix could get up. But he had no idea that Calix would just refuse his help and get up on his own. More shocking was his reply, which he didn’t comprehend at all. "Of course, it hurts, man. So, I'm not going to let him take what's mine!" “What?” he scrunched his face in confusion and just as he was about to inquire about it, Calix walked away from him. He was totally amazed seeing the way Calix climbed the wall and got to the other side. He had a doubt whether he was the same person who was struggling to climb the tree a while ago. When he followed him to the top of the wall, he saw him heading to the party hall. Contemplation for sometime brought him to the decision to attend the party which he had refused a while ago. Driven by an inexplicable need to ensure the well-being of the stranger he had glimpsed earlier, he made his way to the hall. He had just got to the entrance when he saw Calix pulling Nicolas away. Sensing that he was there getting in trouble with a girl, he no longer felt a need to be there. Turning around, he was just about to walk away when suddenly he heard Mega shouting, “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?” As her shouting reverberated through the night, her boyfriend, Nicolas's frustration boiled over, and he couldn't contain it any longer. He reached out and swung a punch at Calix, who was caught completely off guard, stumbling backward as if on the brink of falling. Just as the situation threatened to escalate further, Darven, swift and watchful, sprang into action. He reached out and firmly grabbed Calix's arm, preventing him from toppling over. With his adrenaline pumping, Calix, not caring about who had saved him, impulsively swung a punch back at Nicolas, determined to assert himself. However, he underestimated Nicolas's strength. Before he could land a blow, Nicolas was already upon him, launching a counterattack. Just like the previous time, Darven again reaches out to save Calix. He firmly grabbed Nicolas's fist, preventing the attack. “Enough, man!" Darven's voice was authoritative. Standing between the two, he acted as a buffer that eased the tension. Nicolas reluctantly took a step back, not meeting his eyes. With the situation under control, Darven turned around, but to his surprise, Calix had already disappeared from his sight. Checking around, he spotted him with Mega, attempting to hold her hand. However, she pulled her hand away, grumbling, "Stay away from me!" His voice quivering as he held back tears, Calix whispered, "Why?" "What do you mean, why?" she snapped, folding her arms and looking away. "You must have read my text." "Just 'Goodbye' with no reason? That's not fair. You need to explain why you're doing this." "Don't make a scene, Calix. Just go away. I don't want to be with you anymore." His anger and frustration mounting, Calix grumbled, "That's not fair. You and I... we were meant to be together. In fact, we were together last year. So, why suddenly—" "Because I can't afford to be with someone like you anymore," she interjected, staring at him with her wide angry eyes. "Like me?" he scrunched his face in confusion. "What do you mean, like me?" "Yes, you, who's pretending to be like us and has no power at all." The shocking truth left everyone gasping. "That's not true," he muttered. "Of course it is. You're already eighteen, and there's no sign of your power. Not a single sign, not even the ability to shift. How can I be with someone who is wolfless?” Calix shook his head, not wanting to believe her words. “You… You are bluffing, right?” he stammered, forcing a smile. “No, I am not,” she said, standing her ground. “This is not a joke. I, Mega, descended from the Frostclaw pack, right now and right here, reject you as my mate."
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