Episode 15

2420 Words

Thinking extensively, he stopped what he was doing to meet his eyes. Did he want him to lie? “Honestly? I’m not sure.” A wry grin curved his mouth. “Not the nicest introduction to Harlem.” “No.” Worse than he’d ever imagined, and he’d imagined plenty of awful things in the past few weeks. “Well, if it’s any consolation, you held it together better than most civilians would have under the circumstances. You impressed the hell out of Spark, and that’s not easy to do.” That triggered his curiosity. He set the tube of ointment aside. “She said that?” “Pretty much.” He lowered his tall, muscular body into a wing chair near the bed, leaned back into it. “We called Oliver to tell him you were all right. You want something to eat while you wait for him to get back?” “I couldn’t eat right now

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