Episode 6

1656 Words
Quickly clearing her screen, Sparkle got busy doing whatever she could think of to erase the evidence of the conversation from the computer’s hard drive. She wasn’t stupid. Couldn’t be too careful these days, and, she didn’t want anything pointing to her in case her Spanish contact tried to implicate her involvement later. While she worked, her mind spun about the things she had to check on to find the man in question. The man was simply known as J3 and no further details. No one knew his true identity, except that his father was kidnapped and killed at some point because he belonged to a special force that was wiped off by the government. It made sense that these units were after him too when he arrived. He was either very stupid for doing so, or very brave. Sparkle had been shocked to learn he was coming to New York in the article she’d read a few days ago. Apparently, he had designs to take up where his father had left off in his misguided efforts to build schools for girls and immigrants in the rural areas. If Sparkle could find J3’s location when he arrived in the city, she would gladly give him all the necessary aid he needed and help him continue the good work. Soft footfalls behind her sent a wave of alarm through her. She scrambled to put the screen back to his desktop by the time Mr. Walker, reached him. He stopped next to her chair and gave her a suspicious look down his long nose. “What are you doing?” he asked in a more demanding voice than a questioning voice. “Nothing.” She kept her attention on the monitor as she moved items around on the desktop, though she could see him on the screen’s reflection against the black background. “Just cleaning up some files.” He frowned, his mouth pulling into a thin line of disapproval that marred his otherwise attractive face. His short dark hair was neatly trimmed and meticulously hidden underneath the police cap. “Sparkle, you are like my own daughter. Don't do anything stupid.” It came out more like a threat than a warning. “I'm certain that you are up to something, but for the sake of this department and yourself, I hope you will be smart about it.” “I am up to nothing, sir. Remember your orders.” “I hope so.” About to walk away, he turned again to face Sparkle. “How far have you gone with the hit-and-run case?” “Not so much. I thought I was to be taken off of my suspension and reinstalled back to fieldwork?” “Sparkle, that is your problem. You think this job is all about what you want. The earlier you take your mind off certain things you think that you can fix, the better for us. You can't possibly fix everything in this universe. Get on that case!” he reminded her sharply, making her feel like a girl being scolded. And right out in the open where everyone could see. She could feel the stares aimed in their direction from around the large open room where the desks were organized into tidy rows. Jaw tight, she turned in her seat to look up at him, brimming with resentment. “I’ll have it for you by the end of the day.” Mr. Walker sighed and folded his arms across his chest, unintentionally dragging her gaze to his frowning face. While that was going on, one of Sparkle's staff, who felt that she was the best and wanted to do everything possible to earn the chief's favor, turned her way to them. “Sir, I have the report about the fire incident. Where am I to drop it?” she asked? Irritated by the action, “drop it on his head,” Sparkle mumbled unconsciously. “What was that?” her colleague asked. “Nothing,” she mumbled. “Thought I heard something,” the lady sarcastically said. “Good job, Sabrina,” the chief commended, taking the folder from her hand. Sabrina? For some reason, Sparkle kept on forgetting her name. She despised Sabrina's arrogance. Sabrina's uniform was a bit too tight on her, which caused her breasts to strain against the fabric of her pale blue shirt. She belonged to the undercover agents, so, she wasn't mandated to wear the police uniform when on duty. She could put on whatever attire that fit the case she was working on. Who knew what she was up to? Because the report and rumors that made it back to the department had it that she was a w***e who couldn't control and contain her s****l desire. For what it was worth, she got the job done. If Sparkle could have her way, she would have fired Sabrina or had her transferred. But she didn't have that power. All she could do was wish. “Sparkle, remember before the day runs out,” he reiterated. “I’m doing it as fast as I can.” It was hard not to choke on the measured response when she secretly longed to put Sabrina in her place. It had taken her hard work and bravery to belong to this prestigious family. That was the only reason she was still holding on. Sparkle knew too well to cause a scene because Sabrina would take it to her advantage and make her miserable. She was smarter than that. Far smarter than anyone here gave her credit for, she thought with a surge of smugness. Mr. Walker briefly shook his head, “Sparkle, for the last time, take your hands off that case.” Looking at Sparkle one more time, he left. Sabrina remained behind, her gaze flicked to Sparkle's desktop screen, then back to her, her right expression telling him just how pleased she was with the fact that Sparkle had gotten into some kind of trouble with the boss. Leaning down, “Perhaps you need to manage your time better then.” Meaning, stop playing around doing things that don’t matter and get your work done. Sparkle couldn't keep her contempt of her from showing up. Sabrina was just a few ranks higher than her. Still, even if they got into a fight, both of them would get equal punishments because Sparkle was also a very important asset in the company. “Maybe you should invest your time in choosing more appropriate outfits, rather than involving your sassy ass in matters that don't concern you.” Letting out a chuckle, “you know what, you should be nice to me and the other staff. Don't forget that you are still on suspension for going against the orders of the minister. Continue with this attitude, and I might just keep you at the desk. Forever. When I become the chief.” “You wish. Nobody would ever make you the chief of this unit. Get that out of your blocked head.” Sparkle had no problem offending Sabrina because what she said was the truth. No one in their right senses would take that step of promoting someone who would run down the division. “Say whatever you like. Guess who is in charge of the hit-and-run incident?” Sabrina asked, “me!” she exclaimed. Give the report to me by the end of the day, or, I’ll find someone else to finish it for you. And when that happens, don't think it will go unpunished.” “For your information, I don't answer to you.” "You think so? Maybe I should just replace your disrespectful ass.” With that unexpected reprieve and added threat, she turned on the point of her high heel and walked away, those spiky heels clicking against the tiled floor. Seething inside, Sparkle tamped down her frustration and pulled open the report in question. If she only knew how much she resented her, she fumed. She’d be fired from the division within a week if anyone found out exactly what she thought of her and all the women like her—overrated whores who got to the top because of who got into their pants and connections they associated with, and not because of their qualifications. Her kind affected the real ones, who were smart and suitable for their jobs. In fact, some of the more qualified ones got turned away because ladies like Sabrina used their v****a to get their jobs done and not in a logical way. Sparkle had barely gotten into her job on the second try because of women like her, despite her perfect recommendation and passing all the tests and exams. It was wrong. It had to stop. Having low qualities like her in the field brought a dent to the image of the police force. Not that she’d always been so radical in her thinking, of course. She made a few mistakes, but it was for the greater good of the department. She just wished that her voice would be heard. This was the reason why certain evils went unpunished because of favoritism and godfatherism. If they followed what she was fighting for, injustice and crime would be reduced to the barest minimum. So many people knew that but were cowards to doing what was necessary. The encounter with Sabrina made the fire inside her burn more. At a click of the mouse, the page she had been working on before she abandoned it came on screen, but her mind wasn’t at work. As she typed in commands, she mentally compiled a list of things she needed to do, including places to check once she got home where she could safely continue her most important work. Find J3 and bring goodness one step closer to being recognized by the world and the Police Department.
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