The Letter

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This part of the letter is when Agus meet the mysterious man and was left with a letter especially for him and then left leaving more question for him. Mysterious Black suit man Is this Agus? if this is good, Ehm sorry about your mother last month I could not be there with both of you. I was planning to meet you and your mother last month but due to the sudden rise of the problem, I could not meet both of you, no can't be with the two of you. Leaving both of you in this cruel world and I'm sorry about it as I don't want the two of you to get harmed because of me. From Your supposed father Sukrisno, With Love. --- This part of the letter is when Agus was given a letter by Melati and only have time to read it when he was at his home apartment. Melati's message Agus by the time you read this, My father wishes to invite you to my father's corporation it seems my father saw your name in the board name who has potential being his employee but not sure why he wanted you to go to the company in Meruya street. I know this is surprising but it seems he wants to speak to you about something and even the dean agreed which is surprising even to grant his request for your visit to his company. Please take care of tomorrow... By Melati
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