Chapter 6

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Kristina's POV I decided to ignore her look and made my way towards the opposite corner. Suddenly a lady hugged me. She surely was Nathan's mom. "I must say Nathan you have brought the most beautiful lady I ever saw as your wife. Now I seemed to understand why it took you so long to find one. You surely were looking for the best" she said with a grin plastered on her face. Nathan just gave her a fake smile and walked towards the bar. "'s pretty awkward asking you this...but what's your name sweety?" She asked me. I loved the way she called me sweety. I have never heard anyone say this to me before. Today I felt loved, the love I could never feel since childhood. "It’s Kristina. Kristina Adams. “I replied. Her face fell. I wondered what wrong had I said. And suddenly realization struck me. I am no more Kristina Adams. I am Kristina Scott now. " Oh. I mean Kristina Scott. Sorry, it’s just that I am not familiar with the name change yet." I corrected. It's been just a few hours obviously you weren't familiar. Her smile returned. She held my hand and guided my way towards the dining table. By the time we reached the table everyone was seated already. I was forced to sit beside Nathan. He seemed comfortable with it. It's really hard to understand him. At times he is all rough and at times it seems he hardly cares to comment. strange. How does it matter to me anyway? Does it? At the table, I met his whole family. He had a family of four with his parents, his younger sister and finally him, the eldest one. We all were conversing about general things when all of a sudden, a saw Nathan's head turn towards me in utter confusion. I could not understand what was this confusion for. I returned him his confused graze and he looked at me with anger filled in his green orbs. Is he on drugs? At some point, he is all sweet and calm whereas, on the other hand, he turns really angry. but why was he angry? Who cares...I just came here to enjoy the company of his parents?  He hardly means anything to me... I decided to continue my conversation with his dad about the latest fashion trends when Nathan suddenly got up from his seat and excused himself to the balcony, I guess...soon the dinner ended. "So, have you already shifted to Nathan's place?" His dad asked.  "Mum...actually I haven't yet but I will shift in by tomorrow," I told. But wait...Nathan didn't live here? Obviously, if he lived here then his parents may come to know what a playboy their son is. He surely couldn't afford that. when I was about to leave, I heard Nathan's dad asking him to accompany me to the gate. He followed me to the gate and asked one of the drivers to drop me home. The driver went to the garage to fetch a car, leaving the two of us along. This was the perfect time to ask him what made him angry earlier." what the hell made you give me that angry look at the dining table" I asked with enough rudeness that would not allow him to look at me like that any time later.  "Look, you have been testing my patience since morning so now it would be better if you don't dare to talk to me like that" he replied which made me fuming with anger. "I have been testing your patience? Really. you were the one who dragged me to your house to meet your parents and left me there alone to deal with the fuss we both created by getting married shouldn't you have been there with your parents when they were busy interviewing me?!" I shouted at him. My voice to the loudest I was capable of. And with this, he dragged me to the nearest lamp post holding my shoulder on either side and pressing my back against the pole. I had never seen him that angry. At least not since the day we met. His green eyes met mine. The anger evident in his eyes with a bit of guilt as well "What are you doing? " I asked, now really scared. "I like that on your face." He replied with an evil smirk on his face. "What's on my face?" I asked confused. " I like the scared face you had a moment ago. You have no idea how good a feeling it gives me. "He replied with a smirk. This man is ridiculous. he scared the s**t out of me just to make a fool out of me. I officially hate him now. My attitude returned to me just after he left my shoulder and stepped back. “what are you? Christian grey? Feeling happy when someone's scared? and don't you dare try that again. I am not one of your one-night stands so it’s better if you mend your ways and don't even dare to that again. " I said sternly this time. Before he could reply the driver pulled in with an Audi. I stepped in and I made my way home. How is this marriage going to turn? God help me to deal with his mood swings. If I have to ever face him again. I am never going to shift with him. Never...I hate his rudeness...he is a narcissist.  
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