1.2 | Coffee And Cream

2083 Words

1.2 | Coffee and Cream Amara was bouncing on her feet as she waited with Pearl, she had given her such a good news she was afraid she would not be able to keep her feet on the ground. "But Maximus did say that he felt a little bad," the happy face was replaced with a sad one as soon as Pearl said that, Amara didn't want him to feel bad. If he wanted she would agree on whatever he like, just to make him feel better, "He would have preferred if you talked about it rather than me. He asked you to call once you are free, something about you not calling him enough." "I'll call him now then," Amara took out her phone in a jiffy to call him but just then her phone rang with an incoming call from Ester, Amara swallowed a groan forming in her throat and picked up her call reluctantly. "Where

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