The Wedding

1369 Words
The wedding day... An exhausting day to say the least where most of the morning I spent as a doll being dressed up for the whole display. From an over the top gown that made me feel like a giant marshmallow, hair in curls with a tiara topping it off. I felt absurd, to say the least, but the whole affair was absurd so at least it was fitting. As I stood in front of the mirror observing myself, I didn’t look like myself really a fake exterior matching the lifestyle we lived anyway “You do look beautiful” my father spoke by the doorway of the dressing room. He hadn’t spoken to me much since all this started whether he was mad that I didn’t listen or upset he was losing me it was unclear but I didn’t push for answers. “I don’t know if that’s a compliment or insult since I look like a completely different” I scrutinised his words still looking at myself in the floor-length mirror. He chuckled “a compliment of course. Beautiful just like your mother” the smile was quick to fade however has he stepped closer. “For the first time, I’m glad she isn’t here to see this. I don’t think she would be very proud of me” I confessed it was a lot since everyday I usually wished for my mother to still be with us, to have her with me through all this but to see this unfold to her child when she wanted us to have as normal a life as possible. “She would be proud of you no matter what Bambina” my Papa stepped closer so close he was able to kiss my cheek. “And you? Are you proud of me? Of this?” I waved my eyes making a show of the over the top dress. “Catarina...” he sighed in exasperation this topic was endless since it happened a relentless argument but this would be its final hurrah now it was my wedding day. “No, you aren’t how could you be right?” I was looking at those brown eyes of his in the reflection of the mirror so heavy and filled with sorrow “I just want you to know... I was always happy you were my father, looking at the people around us how their lives are you always did the best you could and even though I didn’t show it I appreciated it.” “Bambina, we will still see one another. You will always be my daughter this doesn’t change that” he placed his hand on my shoulder and I turned to face him despite what he says the whole thing feels like a goodbye. Perhaps not my family really but my old life and diving into the unknown. The door suddenly opened with Aunt Patrizia standing there. She was so dressed up she hated too much attention so it was nice to see her looking so elegant “It’s time. Are you ready?” she asked. “Do I have a choice” I muttered and my papa laughed before shaking his head. “I will be right by your side walking up there” my father extended his arm in which I took. After the long distance between us, it was nice to have some sort of amends between us before moving to New York. ::: The wedding was long and felt like it would never end as hundreds of eyes watched Santos and me closely. When all this started I assumed when the time came my legs would move for me and I would flee the church before we could even get to the ‘I do’s’ but I stood oddly confident besides Santos exchanging vows and agreeing to spend our lives together forever. Finally, it was over with the briefest’s of kisses after the word announcing us husband and wife. I was thankful for one thing that the wedding reception had a balcony and as soon as I was done with the greetings and pleasantries I took my escape until no doubt I would be called back. The sun was setting at the time in cement scene of New York, its rays just visible between the buildings but the somewhat fresh air was much needed especially in such a tight dress “Of course even at your own wedding you had to get away” out of all the people to intrude it was one person I wasn’t happy to see. “What are you doing out here, Montrel?” I questioned the older man who slipped into the spot beside me. “I came to give you my congratulations, Catarina. You know my middle boy Dario would have loved to come. You and he were friends growing up and he has always had such affection for you” my eyes narrowed at his words. Granted it was true I was close to Dario growing up but all the kids were growing up with parents doing business together you tended to get close. “Yes we were” was all I really replied I wasn’t sure where this was leading. “Dario still has high regard for you, Catarina. If your father had let it I would have insisted you marry my boy but alas we are here” he waved a single-arm gesturing to our surroundings. “Partly your doing. You agreed to this” I said attempted to reign in my temper. “What was I to do? Deny New York? They would have killed us, Catarina you know this as much as I do” he sighed running a hand over his already slicked back black hair “it is unfortunate you had to be paired off with Santos it really is” Montrel seemed to analyse my face for a while as I attempted to keep my eyes on the city “I’ve heard stories of him as I’m sure so have you.... Glad I’ve never been on the receiving end as I hope he doesn’t hold the same personality in your marriage” his words were making me curious on where he was heading was this a warning of some sort. Leaning closer his voice went lower “you will be close to them you know, Catarina... Very easy to take care of things when you are closer” I attempted to keep my cool at his words as he continued “I know you don’t want to live this life, Catarina and I could help you with that Santos has always been the biggest threat of New York and now you have him close it should be easy enough to handle then we could take care of the rest you would be free to live your life” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and realising my role in all this I wasn’t given to them, I wasn’t a way to ease the tension, I was a plant, a pawn in the chess game. “Santos is my husband now, Montrel” It was so odd to say husband even more I didn’t really know Santos however he hadn’t been mean to me and I wasn’t one for disloyalty. “Of course, of course, but remember my dear girl. How long do you think a scorpion can hide his true nature” he suddenly straightened up a smile forming on his lips “just remember also Catarina your family are still in my territory...” “My father is loyal to you and one of your most trusted—“ “And can always be replaced” he sneered “remember that if you think about telling this to anyone and even more so if you think to go against me” his eyes glanced back to the reception “well we best be getting back inside hmm? Looks like it is time for the first dance” Montrel took a few steps to the balcony doors before glancing back at me still a little shocked from his words “congratulations again Catarina it’s been a beautiful wedding.”
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