Wedding Prep and a warning

1196 Words
Not even a week had gone by since my birthday and we had returned to New York, Santos’s family insisted to try on the wedding dress. A dress I hadn’t even seen, the whole wedding I hadn’t been apart of not that I cared much for it anyway. Those sorts of celebrations had never been an interest of mine I was however delighted to be able to see Fia. My sister and aunt accompanied me to the store which was ridiculously overdone but I expected nothing less. Santos’s family I was happy to see his grandmother Loretta his aunts and soon to be sister in law however were very upper crust sort of woman their nose so high up in the air they probably never saw their feet “So wonderful to see you again my dear” Loretta beamed once we were in the store she was quick to embrace me. “Yes, you too” I greeted politely. I was still tired from the plane all I wanted to do was sleep in my hotel... Truthfully all I wanted to do was return home unfortunately that was not what my fate had in mind. Loretta went to greet my aunt and sister while Fia rushed over to me I was quick to embrace her in a tight hug. “Oh, Rinny I’ve missed you so much” she whispered in my ear. My arms wrapped tightly around her waist somehow she seemed thinner than before. Fia had always been a petite framed woman. “I’ve missed you too” I whispered in return before leaning back. She was dolled up but seemed tired “are you okay?” “Yes, of course,” Fia plastered a grin on her lips. I was about to push when Santos’s aunt Simona called out. “Dominica! Come help us with the dress” she shouted at Marco’s wife who carelessly sat on one of the chairs her phone glued to her hand. If I didn’t know she was twenty-three I would assume she was sixteen by her behaviour the irony is that I was the youngest one in the room. I stood by with Fia as the three women busied themselves pulling out a dress. I could see my aunt and sister attempting to hide their worry with fake smiles on their faces “Catarina go into that dressing room and try this on” Simona handed it over to me. It was very white and heavy but I carried it to the dressing room. “Fia could you help me with it” I called after my cousin. It would probably be the only time I could talk to her alone. “Are you really okay?” I whispered as soon as I closed the door trying to keep the others from hearing us. Fia held a tight smile she had always been so beautiful yet I could only think how tired she seemed as she helped me into the dress after I had tugged off my summer dress “Fia...” she silently helped me into the dress but I watched her closely in the large mirror in front of us. “I’m worried” she whispered her eyes meeting mine in the reflection of the mirror. “What about?” I continued keeping my voice low. “You...” “Because of Santos?” I asked to which she nodded in confirmation. I let out a long breath our similar cocoa brown eyes staring at one another “he’s been good to me so far” I attempted to diminish her worries. “So was my husband... In the beginning” she muttered. “Fia” I turned to capture her hand in my own before she could finish doing up the buttons. “Everything okay in there?” Bel asked from the other side of the door. “Yes, we will be out soon!” I called out but my eyes remained on Fia full of concern. The woman who had always been so full of life seemed withdrawn those eyes which were always so much like my own were dull, the light in them was diminishing and frankly, it made me feel like I was looking at my future “please, Fia” I whispered. “New York isn’t like home, Rinny” she whispered in return her nervous hands began attempting to do up my dress “they aren’t like us... Not like our New Orleans, our home... It’s different here, colder, the people are more distant here...” she sniffled “it’s lonely... Valerio... He’s no different the front they usually hold to the world, he’s no different at home.” “Oh, Fia” I sighed turning around quickly and wrapping my arms around her. Fia was quick to reciprocate she clung onto me as though desperate for human contact. “Maybe... Maybe it will be different with you here. We can spend our time together. They are usually so busy anyway no doubt Santos is the same and you will be like me and free of him most time and when you do see him just... Try not to set him off it will be easier that way” her words made my heart drop... Drops so much it felt as though it would fall. Such a defeated attitude and she had only been here two years what was next. “I told you Fia” I stepped back “Santos has been okay” I attempted to assure her. “Come on” Simona suddenly knocked at the door startling us both. Fia sighed doing up the last button on my dress “Fia...” “And I’m telling you that’s now after the wedding he will have you, you will be his and that will change” Fia stepped away a sad smile on her face almost pitying as she left the changing room. Her words had settled in my mind and repeated over and over. I wanted to help Fia get away from Valerio it will be one of my first tasks when I move to New York and second I only hoped her words were that of worry and not warning. I still didn’t really know Santos what if she was right considering his reputation and all. “Come on now, Catarina” Simona called I took one glance in the mirror the whole time I hadn’t thought much about how I looked and now... I still didn’t think much about it, it wasn’t as though it was my choice or even a dress I would choose. I looked like a Pom Pom if anything but sighing none the less I walked out of the room. “You look beautiful” all the women began to gush “and just think of it in a few days you will be a stunning bride” a bride, I would be a bride and by the end of the day a wife to one of the most feared men of New York. I could only hope Fia was wrong before being tied to Santos Damiani forever.
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