Return to New York

1210 Words
Our car ride continued awkwardly, we sat on either side of the backseat, I was clinging to the door to be as far away as possible, a silence was now hanging between us and I had never felt more like a child especially as my fingers toyed with one another in my lap “I didn't mean you had to be quiet, Catarina” Santos suddenly sighed shifting slightly in his seat to face me but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. Scowling down at my lap. “I thought you wanted me to shut up” I snapped out at him in a huff. “Did I tell you to shut up?” “It was implied” “But did the words actually leave my mouth saying shut up?” “That's what it seemed you wanted!” my voice was growing louder in annoyance and so was his I still wouldn't meet his gaze but I could feel the eye daggers from his emerald pair. “f**k, woman!” he snarled out “is this your way to get out of marrying me? Annoy me so much I don't want you anymore?” “If I do annoy you so much then don't marry me!” I went to turn towards the window but his large hand caught me by the chin and steered my head to face him. There he was before my eyes a clear annoyance across his face, his eyebrows in a frown which made him look older. His thumb stroked along my jawline a lot gentler than a man like that I assumed would. It wouldn't have even surprised me if he had smacked me a few that I know would have especially for speaking out of turn. Before I knew it the car had come to a stop yet Santos remained unmoved with his eyes seeming to analyse my face. “Don't open our doors yet” he called out to the driver who was getting out of the vehicle. Leaving us alone again. I was nervous Santos could have done anything to me and no one would of bat an eye however he simply let his hand slide from my chin to my cheek where it rested practically taking up the whole side of my face “today is going to be a long and you're going to be amongst New York and Vegas, you are not home, me telling you to behave is a warning from some of the assholes in there understand?” I nodded “as for the other thing you can annoy me as much as you like, Catarina but I will not give you up not now, not ever. I've picked you and that is it” the declaration perhaps would have been romantic if it was from love but it was merely a possessive thing but again I nodded. I wasn't usually the quiet type but his closeness seemed to tongue-tie me. Reaching his other hand out he tapped the glass of the window, the gold rings that adorned his fingers rattled against the glass. Santos leaned forward making me nervous but he only placed a kiss on my forehead before pulling away and retreating out of the car as soon as the door opened. I waited patiently for mine to open and when it did I followed formal procedure. My hand took hold of Santos’s and he helped me from the vehicle while the driver held open the door. I gave a nod in acknowledgement to the driver before slipping my arm to be hooked into Santos’s which was a little awkward at first with him being so tall. His face had hardened once we were in the public eye and all this was giving me an odd glimpse to my future however his gentleness so far could all be a rouse. ::: It was ridiculously grand inside the church. The irony most of the Mafia were actually religious. I kept my pace with Santos walking closely by his side keeping my eyes straight ahead and trying to avoid all contact with anyone else. If this was a regular gathering I could easily slip away into the background unfortunately I had now been put on display with the top of New York making me unable to crawl back into my shell. Santos led me to a seat at the front of the aisles, his father already there with a large grin across his face as we sat down beside him “Hello, Catarina, you look stunning” Enzio complimented before leaning closer to his son his voice quietening “Things go alright this morning?” Santos merely nodded his body was tense it was obvious especially with his hand resting on my thigh as it tightened its hold on my dress and skin “good” Enzio simply replied turning his attention back to the preparations in front of him. Santos remained tense and his unsettled form somehow gained my sympathies as I gently pat his hand on my thigh, the touch caught his attention and his attention was quickly turned to me. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do frankly I turned my gaze in front of me not sure I wanted to even see his reaction but I felt it instead. his large hand turning over and taking a hold of mine. If there were things I would expect from my life with Santos majority of what he had shown me so far was not at all what I assumed it would be. Before either of us could say a word the music began it was typical, classical amongst the grand traditional place it suited however the girl that was guided down the aisle by her father was anything but classic. A very revealing wedding gown with a plunging neckline, her back completely bare and a large slit up the side of the dress looking closely I wondered if the thing was made of white leather the colour of it was almost identical to her bleached hair as well. I wasn’t sure how old she was but with her face overdone with makeup she looked much older than I assumed she would be. “My poor brother” Santos whispered in my ear as soon as we sat once she was at the end of the aisle. I looked at him questioningly “I suppose poor us as well dear sister in law” I could practically hear the groan in his voice. “She looks like...” “A b***h” he finished my sentence “she is but she’s the daughter of the head of Vegas. It was to settle things between them” I gave a nod in understanding like me this was a common arrangement “I guess we couldn’t be as lucky as me? Getting the top pick hmm?” he teased but I was a little caught off guard. It was the second time today he was attempting to be complimentary and I was starting to wish he was more of an asshole it would of been easier to hate.
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