Heartbreak and a second meeting

1352 Words
It wasn't till we were back in New Orleans did I hear of the plans, a long wait to have to hear about the plans of my own future. My father wasn't even the one to tell it to me, he could barely even look at me. I wasn't complaining I wasn't too happy with him anyway though I couldn't hold him completely to blame after all going against it would be signing a death warrant for everyone especially since Santos had now agreed. So I gritted my teeth on our return home, the inside of my cheek almost bleeding from the constant gnawing till I was finally in my room. Staring at myself in the mirror I was supposed to be a sixteen-year-old girl but what was I now... The future wife to some gangster. My future had always been an open book ready for pages to be filled as I went but now it felt as though it was already written and I wasn't even the one to tell the story. Without noticing my aunt had snuck into my bedroom standing behind me as I sat at my vanity and beginning to brush my hair like when I was a child. Her long delicate fingers helped take down the elegant updo before she reached for the brush on my dresser. It was a long while before I began to notice tears running down her flushed cheeks “Aunt Patrizia?” I questioned reaching for her hand that clutched the back of the chair. “I'm sorry” she practically whispered “I...I wanted a better future for you and now...” I sighed holding her hand tightly in my own “Now...” “I never wanted you to have a life like mine, Catarina. To have a marriage...” she sniffled “a marriage like mine.. Cursed to be with a monster” what could I say. I wasn't sure myself what Santos was like I had met him once it wasn't the best basis on things so I remained quiet clutching my aunt's hand “you deserve better, Catarina. Always such a smart girl” Patrizia knelt suddenly beside the chair her hand keeping hold of my own. I should have expected this despite her conservative side my aunt still carried the wounds of her miserable marriage no matter how much she wouldn't want to admit the scars adorned her skin as a constant reminder and now she looked at me, thinking of a future similar to her past it was a terrifying reality “my sweet Bambina” Patrizia placed a hand over my cheek, her hazel eyes teary clouded with worry and sadness “if...I--if you did something to get out of this” her voice suddenly lowered to a whisper “none of us would blame you do you understand?” her words were as clear as a bell and I had to try and hold in a gasp in surprise my aunt was always one for tradition for her to even speak of such things was unheard of and certainly they would have been in a lot of trouble speaking of such things. “Aunt Patrizia, don't say such things... If anyone was to find out it would be the end for us both. I'm not happy either but I've accepted my fate” I was shattered truly but what was I to do but accept what was inevitable. “Do you know the stories of him?” my aunt suddenly asked. “Not really” I answered I tended to stay out of that side of life and I hated socialising as it was let alone wanting to listen to gossip. Patrizia gave me a long look I didn't like this one filled with pity. “Hopefully they are just stories” it was an obvious struggle for her reassurance. She was giving a weak smile now but that sadness hadn't at all disappeared. “You never know...” I attempted to shrug it off. Giving the best smile I could muster what else was I to do. The hard truth was there but to tell my aunt there was no hope seemed too cruel so letting us both sit in denial for a moment seemed the lesser evil for the moment. ::: It wasn't till almost a year later that I saw Santos again. His brother Marco was getting married and as his ‘fiance’ which I was soon officially going to be with the engagement party, we were apparently having which was another nice surprise to hear. I had to attend as his date having to leave my beloved New Orleans once again and back into the big city of New York, I was accompanied by my brother to make sure I made it safe and sound but only as an escort into the city otherwise Santos was there to pick me up for the wedding itself. A sleek, black town car was out the front of my hotel ready to greet me with Santos waiting by the door on the day of the wedding. He wore a suit that was tightly fitted to the large man’s figure. Of course the dress I was made to wear matched his tie the perfect coupled outfit was enough to make me want to gag. My heels tapped against the pavement as I made my way to greet him “there she is. As beautiful as ever” he greeted me with a large smile as soon as I got close enough he took a hold of my hand to kiss it. “Yes dolled up like this, so happy it’s a crowd-pleaser considering it wasn’t even my choice” I rolled my eyes but Santos just continued to smile enjoying my irritation ever so clearly. “We all have to play our roles, Catarina. Something you will learn” Santos opened the rear passenger door for me and stepped aside. “I understand my role much to my displeasure” I grumbled before facing him with a teasing smile “What’s your role, today chauffeur?” I snarked before climbing into the vehicle which looked exactly how I assumed it would. Leather-clad and expensive. “You know you will have to get used to me eventually” Santos spoke climbing in after me and closing the door. Green eyes watching my every move as we sat side by side it felt like forever before he finally signalled for the driver that we can go. “Eventually doesn’t mean now” I was determined to hide my true voice once before but failed miserably and now I was in the unfortunate spot of being Santos’s soon to be wife I couldn’t seem to care much. My family were worried for my well-being but at the end of the day, I was the one stuck with this man so if my mouth got me killed so be it At least I was being honest. Santos sighed, his brows had formed into a frown which made him look older. He was only seven years old than me really one thing I couldn’t complain about when some woman had it much worse with men up to thirty years their seniors or more. “As much as I am already enjoying your smart mouth, Catarina. This day is already going to be a pain in the ass so I would prefer it if you were on your best behaviour” this was our second meeting and this was the first time he had seemed serious it was unsettling, to say the least. Such a large man was intimidating as it was but a brooding look on his was downright scary it wasn’t as though his words were threatening of the sort it was simply the shift in tone that could cause a cold shiver down one's spine. It only made me wonder further about what the depressing future between us would hold.
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