RAVEN: Stepbrothers

1032 Words
Last night was a good night, in the sense I had no nightmares. I need to get some new clothes, as much as I hate spending money as it delays me moving out, I need new clothes. After stepping from the shower I grab my clothes. Putting on the bralet and thong I walk out of my bathroom to my bedroom. As I turn to put music on I scream, jumping back and throwing everything in my reach at the f*****g spider. Hell if there is one thing I fear, it’s f*****g spiders. They are my kryptonite, after the devil himself laughed in my face, I fear these fuckers more. The door slams open, and I turn expecting Dave but instead, it’s the Caddel brothers. My calm only lasts a second as I see the spider move out of the corner of my eye and I scream running behind them for protection, my arms gripped onto Grayson. “Erm, what the f**k?” He looks at me confused. “It’s a f*****g spider! A big one.” I point towards it and hear one of them laugh, I watch who I believe is Emmett walk into the room and capture it with his hands before throwing it out of the window. My body relaxes slightly, but now all three are staring at me. Why are they here? In my bedroom? “Can you get out while I get dressed please?” I step around Grayson back into my room. “Do we have to?” Ashton grins. He’s cute, I like him. “No, we can’t, who the f**k are you?” Grayson now looks at me angrily, I’m guessing they don’t know who I am? I’m guessing these are the sons. s**t. Someone could have warned me. “Raven, apparently Dave is my dad.” I shrug and pull on a cropped top and black ripped shorts. “He’s your dad?” Grayson stands confused. His eyes analysing me, no doubt trying to see the resemblance. “For now yes, he was dead for years, but now he is my dad apparently. Who knows?” I shrug and they stand confused still. “So, you’re my stepbrothers then?” I assume they are. “Stepbrothers? When did you get here?” Grayson stands waiting. He’s lost, so had no f*****g idea I was here. Did Dave even tell them? “About a week ago.” “And my mother agreed?” He stands annoyed, I don’t have answers for him. “God, I don’t know, I haven’t seen her. All I know is my mother went to look for a new man to milk dry and sent me here claiming Dave was my dad and he agreed.” “Why are you in this room?” Emmett now steps forward. His eyes are cold and calculated. “Because this was the room my Dave said was mine, is there another room you would like your temporary stepsister to live in? It will be temporary as he appears to be like my mother so this won’t last long.” They look at me amused, I’m been serious though. “Look, had our mother known she wouldn’t have given you this room. That is why I am asking. Take the room next door, this is a room my mother knows randoms sleep in after a party, take the room next to it.” “Do I have to?” “What, did you already unpack and get comfy?” Grayson looks at me unamused. “Actually I don’t unpack anymore. As you can see.” I point to suitcase open on the floor and the box next to it. “Look, my mother wouldn’t let you stay in here, move next door, please. You’re not just here for a night or two, so move to the bigger room.” Grayson turns and storms out, Emmett glares at me and Ashton stands grinning. “I will move your things.” Ashton walks in and grabs my suitcase in one hand and box in the other taking them out of the room. I stand looking at Emmett, wondering why he is staring. “Anything else?” “Yeah, stay out of Grayson's way, he doesn’t do well with house guests.” Turning he leaves. I think that his him saying he doesn’t like house guests. Grabbing a few things of mine, like my Bluetooth speaker and chargers, I go into the next room and freeze. s**t, this is big, actually huge. Even the bathroom is better. I watch Ashton walk out. I finish getting ready and leave, not seeing any of the brothers when I do. They must have gone to speak to Dave or maybe their mum to find out why I’m here. When I get to the biker club, I walk in and see Ava. She smiles and pours me a drink instantly. “When were you going to tell me?” I look at her unamused. “About what?” She leans over and looks at me. Her face says she knows, damn she knew and let me drool over them? “That the three hot as hell Caddel brothers I had been drooling over lived where I did and are essentially my stepbrothers?” Her grin widens, and I stare, shocked. “I’m surprised it took this long for you to find out actually.” She laughs. “Find out? I f*****g screamed at a spider in my underwear and they came running in. Thanks for the heads up, Ava.” I laugh and finish my drink. “So, were they welcoming?” She smiles at me. “God knows, Grayson was cold and evil, Ashton was quiet, a lot and Emmett complained over the room I was in. Other than that, I haven’t seen them!” She laughs at my words and we talk, and it turns out that, other than seeing them every once in a while none of them have spoken to her. Which is unusual as they own the club. I would assume they would have asked her questions and checked she had settled into the role.
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