Raven: Winning Again

1079 Words
I watch as Jasper steps closer to me. “Who goes first sugar butt? Am I throwing or you?” I consider it, both have advantages and disadvantages. “See now, if I say me, you can see just how close I get. It might stop you playing it safe, if you go first, then I can see how close you get, and not play safe.” “Throw me a penny.” He shouts out and I watch his hand move quickly and catch one someone threw, everything is silent now as everyone crowds at the doorways to watch. “Call it.” He throws the penny up and I call heads. “If it’s heads you go first.” I watch as he removes his hand, it says tails. Yes! Guess I know what I need to beat. “Don’t go soft now Jasper.” I move and stand by the wall, I watch as he picks up the three daggers and he is struggling and it causes me to laugh. Everyone is cheering him on. “Shut up!” He turns and shouts and everyone laughs, but then falls quiet. I have a feeling he’s getting close, a lot f*****g closer than last time. I can see the concentration in his eyes. The focus, and the worry that he may hit me. I glance around the room and stop when I see the three guys again, shaking my head I look at Jasper and yawn. “I’m dying of thirst here Jasper.” I watch as he moves, and it’s quick, quicker than last time, he throws one dagger after another and another. I look down and see one in the gap between my side where my hand rests on my hip. The one between my legs is stuck through my skirt and the last one is just above my head. “Okay, so I need to get closer, right?” I grin. “You best hope your balls aren't dangling.” Everyone laughs and I watch as he pulls the daggers out from around me, his hand between my legs as he pulls the knife out. “You will soon find out.” He holds out the daggers and stands. Everyone begins to cheer again. “Shut the f**k up!” He shouts and I laugh. He’s worried. “Scared I will lose concentration and hit you?” He looks at me amused and the room falls quiet. I look at him. He’s stood with his legs slightly open, hands on hips. It isn’t good enough. I want him worried. “Hands on your head.” His eyes widen and he knows where I am aiming for. I watch as his hands move to his head. Yeah, I’m aiming for between his arm and head, between his legs, then… I tilt my head and consider the last place, each side of the head. No, I have a better idea. He is so sure I am going to do it at his head. I move, throwing all three knives quickly, and he screams, f*****g screams and everyone laughs. He stops and looks around his head confused. Yeah, he honestly thought I was going to, I would have, but he was expecting that, “Oh, I changed my mind, all three went to the same place.” His eyes glance down and widen. I got close, not close enough to stab him, but I got his jeans. The roar of cheers and laughter erupts. “You’re f*****g crazy woman.” I smile and walk to him, reaching for one dagger at a time I pull them out, and watch him relax slightly. “Crazy or not, I won. Again. Keep your money though, I don’t need it.” I do, but I don’t want it. This was purely for fun, and to do it real this time, not him playing it safe. “Fine, let me get you a drink, Ava is here.” He points to her. Walking to her I dance with her, my eyes constantly going to those three guys. That is three times tonight I have seen them now. They are hot, I can say that. “What are you staring at?” Ava follows my gaze and laughs. “Don’t even go there, it’s the Caddel brothers. Grayson, Emmet and Ashton are not ones to f**k with.” “How about just f**k?” I grin and she groans. “Grayson has a girlfriend or f**k piece. Who knows? As for Emmet and Ashton, they are said to f**k different women, sometimes at once, with Grayson.” I laugh at her words. “You’re serious, all three brothers and one woman?” She nods. “s**t, like that’s hot.” She rolls her eyes at me, I meant it, but I leave it, she’s not comfortable talking about them, that’s clear. I continue to dance with her and sometimes Jasper, watching as I get drunk again, enough to drown out the nightmares. The later it gets the more drunk I become. I look at the Caddel brothers, Grayson, I am guessing picks up the girl who has sat on his knee all night and carries her upstairs. It’s strange, they have sat there most of the night and a lot of people walk to them and talk. “Hey.” Jasper looks at me. “Do you need me to help you home tonight?” He grins and I laugh. “No, Ava is driving me. Thanks though.” I watch as he nods and leaves, I stay another hour and continue to drink before Ava drives me home. She stops and stares at the house. “Thought you hated rich pricks?” She looks at me confused and I laugh. “I do, my father is dating someone rich apparently. It won’t last, just like it never had with my mother.” “There is rich Raven, then there's, this. You will see, eventually, get in and sleep.” She hands me the keys and walks off. I will see what? I don’t even know, I’m too drunk to try and understand. Walking into the house I go through and go to my bedroom. Falling back on the bed I close my eyes. I have barely seen my father, yet the fridge and cupboards seem to constantly get stocked up. So do they have someone who goes shopping and brings it?
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