RAVEN: Her Haters

1004 Words
I have been here for a week, and other than my dearest father I haven’t seen anyone. I’m seriously beginning to wonder if my dad lied. Where is his partner and her sons? Something doesn’t add up. I sit and watch Ava serving the drinks. I met Big Bear, he’s far from big. He’s small and thin. He’s nice though, like an old grandpa. It’s clear that he cares for Ava as well. In a way a father should. Dancing on my stool to the music, Ava begins to swing her hips slightly as she walks behind the bar. It’s new. Somehow, I am having an effect on her. She’s more relaxed, and hell, she’s dancing, even if it is just swaying her hips. Today it’s busy though, some of the punters are clearly bikers, and some aren’t. It’s clear the club doesn’t lock its doors to those outside the biker community. Then again, customers are money, even those who don’t have bikes. I glance at the table close to us hearing a laugh. They are clearly on a stag night and are morons, but I promised Ava I would behave and keep my words inside. Ava slides the drink to me and I wink at Diesel, I won’t go there. I would love to but he seems like a crazy fucker, so for now, I stay back. “Disgusting, I’m surprised she can get clothes to fit.” I watch as Ava freezes, hurt building in her eyes and she stops moving. I go to stand and she stops me. “Don’t Raven, please.” She looks at me worried, but like hell will I let them get away with that. I begin dancing, purposely teasing, and she stares at me, shocked. Moving onto the bar, I continue to dance and hear them whistle and cheer. I slip down and behind the bar to Ava. I want to cheer her up, make her see she is better than the moron's words. Slowly I dance with her and move us closer to the table. Reaching them, I use her as a pole to dance and distract them. Their eyes don’t leave my body as I climb onto their table. My hand slowly taunts them as I unfasten a few buttons. The pricks are too busy drooling to notice my sudden move; grabbing the glass, I throw the contents into the face of the bloke who spoke so rudely of my friend. “Call her names again and it will be the glass thrown in your face next time.” I watch as he reaches out to grab me, ducking under his arm, and leaning forward I grasp his hair, pulling him forward so his head slams against the table between my thighs. “Touch me and you lose your f*****g fingers! Pervert!” I push him back and watch them run out. “Raven.” Spinning on the table I smile at Ava. Winking at her I can’t help but chuckle slightly. “Don’t, he deserved more, I didn’t hit him.” I jump from the table and dance with her spinning her around. Slowly she begins to laugh and smile again as I dance on the bar and taunt her by pretending to strip. Her head continues to shake and I laugh, my eyes stop on the table in the corner as three guys watch me. The song finishes and I jump down. Hugging Ava I smile, happy that she is back to herself again. “Raven.” I look and see Big Bear and give him a sweet smile. I didn’t hit them. “They called her disgusting, I was teaching them manners.” He chuckles slightly. “I wasn’t about to tell you off. I was going to say thank you, you saved me a job I heard from the office on CCTV, so thanks. You’re late for work though.” I glance up at the clock, s**t I am. Kissing Ava I wave goodbye to her and rush to work. Dancing I enjoy the night, and move through the tables, each dance I ensure I hit at least two tables. In the final dance, I aim to hit more tables, but I’m shaking and visions keep coming back. I need a drink. I climb down from the stage, dancing between tables. I wrap my body around the pole and dance, watching as the glasses on the table and picked up to ensure they don’t lose their drinks. Ensuring my legs are locked, I fall backwards, dangling upside down on the pole while moving my hips. My eyes see the three men again, they were the ones in the bikers club. I wipe the words from my mind as I continue to dance for them, their eyes never leaving my body. Dropping to my knees I grind against the poll and lie back, grateful the table is bigger. My hair spreads around the table and dangles off the edge. As the song begins to finish I slip down and dance my way back to the stage before going backstage and getting ready. Stopping at the address Ava gave me I groan. Rich house, a perfect house, I can’t complain though, I just can’t ever fully relax. Walking through I see Jasper, his smile widening as I grab a drink and walk to him. “No drinking, I have money to win back.” I laugh and realise he is serious. He has been waiting to beat me. “Been drunk might help, just saying?” He laughs shaking his head, grasping my hand he pulls me through to a room. Right now they are again aiming at a cardboard cut-out. People step aside as Jasper walks through; picking up the daggers, he throws all three and claims he wins, watching people step back. He grins towards me, and I'm amazed no one fights him on this. Then again, he apparently always wins so why would they waste time arguing with him?
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