RAVEN: Dearest Father

1097 Words
The sound of someone screaming my name seeps into my dreamless sleep state and awakens me. Stumbling from the bed, I walk out and see him standing there looking at me annoyed. I guess I am going to see him more than once in a blue moon, so I need a name. “I never got your name.” I don’t fancy calling him Dad, he isn’t. “Dave. Look, I need you to clean up through at the other house.” He holds out keys and I laugh. My eyes clash with his. Wait, he’s serious? “Raven, do as you’re told for once. The kitchen, bathroom and bedroom need cleaning. I need to go, behave and have it done and you out without an hour.” Turning he walks off. So I have a choice, I can not do it and get s**t from him, or do it and give in? I have just got here, so I at least want to get settled before any major arguments. I walk through to the other house and begin to clean his mess. It’s clear from the contents of the rooms, that he had another woman here, which means this all ends soon again. I’m doing this purely so we don’t have to move soon. Staying longer than a few months would be great for me to be able to save enough and stay once he does. Once I finish, I walk back through to the other side of the house. Stripping I shower and get ready for work. I will go to the bar and meet Ava before starting my shift. Leaving in the car I find myself looking around the neighbourhoods wondering where I would fit in. Stopping outside the bar I laugh. Hell, I didn’t expect this from Ava, it’s a bikers club. Does she really work in a f*****g bikers club? Getting out of the car, I admire the bikes as I pass them. I would love one, but moving so often and having a bike makes it impossible. A car I can throw my s**t in and drive, a bike, I would need to figure out a way to move my things. My mother never lets me put my things in the moving truck, apparently, my filth will rot her expensive crap, which it is, crap. Walking into the bar I look around, pulling out a stool I slam myself down on it and call Ava from the other side of the bar. I watch as she runs to me and gives me a quick hug before handing me a drink. My eyes follow her as she turns and goes back to the guy. She stands talking to him, nodding he walks off and she comes back to me. She leans against the bar smiling. “So, you never said it was a bikers club, I could work here instead of dancing, hell I could work here dancing.” I laugh and she groans. “It’s been twenty-four hours and I already know you’re f*****g crazy girl. Plus, I don’t think Big Bear would be happy having you strip and dance here.” She laughs and I’m about to ask who Big Bear is when someone speaks. “I don’t know, I would pay extra to see her strip here.” I smile at the guy. “Thank you, see, he would pay extra.” We both laugh. “That’s because Jake would pay extra for any woman to strip, wouldn’t you Jake?” She looks at him and he nods laughing. “Busted, so you dance?” He looks at me and I nod. “At Skinsteel. First night tonight.” I feel nervous which isn’t like me. “Well, I may come to cheer you on. What do you think Ava, shall I get a few guys to come to cheer her on?” He laughs and Ava shakes her head. “No, you won’t, or if you want to, ask Big Bear.” “Exactly how big is Big Bear?” I need to know, then I won’t piss him off by mistake. I watch as they laugh. “Big Bear isn’t big or a bear. He got the name after he hit a big ass bear with his bike, and broke both his legs.” Jake laughs and I roll my eyes. “See I was picturing this big, muscling guy, beard, tattoos, wearing leather.” I look around and point to a guy. “Like him. I could have wet dreams of him all day.” “That Diesel. He’s a crazy fucker. So if you want to daydream of him, go ahead but don’t make it known.” Ava laughs and I nod, sitting I talk to her before going to the club. I don’t see this ‘big bear’ guy, but some of the guys in the club are friendly and welcoming. I leave and hug Ava goodbye. Walking into work Alexa greets me and I go through to the dressing rooms. Ella and Sasha are getting ready and talking me through tonight's routine. I find myself relaxing and having fun with them before it’s my turn to dance. The stage helps me relax, dancing I make my way to the smaller stage, and wrap my body around the pole as I move. I like this place, all the tables can be replaced with a pole and mini stage. It removes the restriction of pole dancing to being just on the main stage. It means I can dance closer to customers using the pole. I spin and dangle myself upside down, my hips grinding against the pole as I do. The first dance ends and I head backstage, quickly getting changed while Ella does her solo. As I’m strapping the shoes on I hear the song begin to finish. I rush out and get ready to walk onto the stage as she walks off. We give each other a quick nod but nothing more. Taking in a deep breath I step onto the stage, this time I dance, slowly removing my clothes until I’m in lingerie. My body moves to the music as I dance between the tables, stopping by one I lay across it, my body moving and taunting the men. I wink at him before dancing my way back to the stage in time for the song to finish. The following hour passed quickly, considering my nerves before I was shocked by how relaxed I became and how quickly the time passed.
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