RAVEN: New Friend

1377 Words
I stop outside the large house. Great, rich people. The garden is flooded with people, and all the lights are on in the house. The music is loud as I drive in and park up. Walking through the garden I look around. While it’s a rich person’s house and party the guests are far from that. The guests help ease my worries, I know I won’t stand out here. I smile seeing three women wrestling in the mud pool, people lounging around the pool. Someone is even jumping off the roof into the pool. I can’t help but laugh as I walk through. I go unnoticed, just how I like it I see a couple in the corner clearly having s*x. While the location and the host are rich, their expectations are clearly not. Stepping into the house I hear the roar of laughter from people and the chanting. I walk through the rooms, grabbing a drink from the box along the way. Most would hate this. Hate that there is no one here they know, but the fact is I don’t even think the host would know everyone here. I see the men throwing knives at a cutout. The catcalls have my head turning and laughing when I see a guy running up the stairs with a woman thrown over his shoulder. She’s laughing and grasping his ass as he makes his way up the steps. I turn my attention back to the guys throwing knives. Walking over I slide my way through the cheering crowd. It’s all men, I have to roll my eyes at that. Slamming the money down on the table, everyone turns and looks at me, the guys laughing like I’m joking. “Scared you will get floored?” I watch as he shakes his head. Clearly, he has been winning for a while, the wad of cash busting from his shirt pocket says so. “No darling, I just didn’t want you crying to your boyfriend when I destroy you and take your cash.” He looks smug, so I want to go a bit more wild. “How about, instead of the cut-out, we use a live target? The closest one to hitting it without actually hitting them wins?” He laughs at my words. “Like anyone would agree.” He’s right, people are p*****s and won’t agree, but he will. “You start, I’ll be your target, you be mine.” I walk to the wall, standing there with my hands on my hips I wait. Everyone calls ‘do it’ and screams as he picks up the knives. “You might just be one crazy b***h, you realise that?” I watch him throw the knife and I have to laugh. “Are you scared of hitting me with one? Maybe I should move closer to it, so next time you actually come close to me?” He looks shocked. “I said closest and believe me, I aim to get very close to you.” I will, I watch as he throws the next two knives and while one comes very close, it’s not close enough for him to win. “My turn.” I yank out the knives, and everyone laughs as he stands there ready to be my target, the room and whole house falling quiet. I look around to see even those outside watching through the window. They think I will hit him. All because I’m a woman, my eyes roll. Throwing one knife after each other quickly I see him shut his eyes, his body tense. I have one between his legs, almost cutting his jeans, one next to his face, and one next to his neck. The roar of cheers and screams overtake the room as he looks down seeing just how close I got to him. “Shit.” He glances back at me as I walk over, grabbing the knife from between his legs I pull it out of the wall. “You win, I won’t even try to argue with that.” He hands over the money. “Most guys here can’t beat me with a cutout, next time, I won’t go so easy on you.” “Oh, you went easy on me?” I laugh and he nods. “I didn’t want to totally kick your ass, next time, I won’t hold back.” Laughing at his words I nod in agreement. “I’m Raven.” I should introduce myself. “Jasper, nice to meet you Raven and hopefully I will see you around. Now, I have to get back to winning more money.” Nodding, I turn and walk through the crowds of people. Each room is different, each one has some sort of game, or betting happening. I find the room where everyone is dancing and slide into the crowd and dance. It is great, that I go unnoticed, which is something I like. I enjoy being under the radar. If I don’t get noticed it means I don’t stand out, it means he can’t see me as easily, I hope. I see a girl standing and drinking alone, a few people walking past and laughing at her. I love her style, it isn’t for me, but I love it. She is dressed like a pin-up girl. Sliding between people I make my way to her. “Hey.” I smile and lean against the wall next to her. “Raven. It’s nice to meet you.” She looks like someone who has little friends and keeps herself to herself. “I’m Ava.” She holds out her hand, but I refuse it and instead pull her in and cuddle her. This won’t be a friendship, not like she would expect. Just someone to party with. Not share my life with. “Tell me everything I’m new to the area. So, give me the gossip.” She laughs and links her arm through mine. We move between the rooms, laughing and drinking, while she tells me about the people she does know. She explains who works where, who studies, and who well, are from rich families and do little other than party. Tomorrow I will meet her where she works at a local bar before I go to work, it will be my first night dancing a drink or two before will help steady my nerves. I catch Jasper’s eyes on me and I can’t deny that he is hot. Ava disappears to get drinks, and it gives Jasper his chance to move in. His body stops ahead of mine, craning my neck I smile at him, talking sucks. Moving I drag him to the middle of the floor and begin dancing with him. My back is against his chest as I move. I grind into his body, and his hands happily sit on my hips holding me closer to him. “I think Ava is having problems.” His voice is quiet in my ear, I look up to see Ava, a guy trying to grab her ass. She is shocked, I watch her freeze, it’s clear she isn’t someone who has shown how to stand up for herself. Pushing away from Jasper I walk to Ava and push the guy back. “Touch her again and your ass is mine and not in a good way!” I push him away from her, and he stumbles before falling over, everyone laughs. I watch as he fights to get back onto his feet. Glaring at me clearly ready to start something, I’m happy if he does, he won’t like being taken down by me though. I watch Jasper step between us. “Leave it, you’re drunk mate.” Jasper stays between us. I watch the guy walk off, Ava is drunk, more drunk than me. “I need to get her home,” I explain and Jasper nods. “Sure thing sugar butt, see you around sometime.” He chuckles and walks off. Holding Ava I help her to my car before getting in myself and driving her home. I walk her to her door and watch her go in and lock it before heading home myself, drinking by myself before falling asleep.
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