2118 Words

*Heaven’s POV* After taking my usual long night baths and getting into my nightwear, I settled myself into bed, using the large blankets to cover my cold body. I liked my new place a lot but I miss Eunice. I don’t know if it’s wise to say I miss all my former chores too but I still help out occasionally.  It just feels like a lot has been happening at the same time since Declan told me I’m his mate. I still find it so hard to believe, like a whole me? I have avoided the topic and even him as much as I can because I do not want to be disappointed. About four days back, his father had sent for me and told me that I’m not fit to be Luna and that Declan is probably confused so I should just go on living my normal life so I don’t get surprised when he eventually rejects me. Declan has been a

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