2125 Words

*Declan’s POV* The journey to the witch hut was quite exhausting. I don’t even know why I agreed to this in the first place and I’m already having a rethink but it’s too late to turn back now. For someone as stubborn as I am, I didn’t think I could ever be convinced to do something I do not believe in but I’m so desperate to find a solution so that I can be with my mate. I’ve barely said a word to my dad in the past hours since he has been driving. I hardly ever have any conversation with him that did not involve my pack duties anymore. Once, my father used to be my role model, but I can’t say that anymore, not after he drugged me and suggested that I reject my mate. How could he even suggest that? The mere thought of it was already making Swift growl but I still feel elated about how I

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