CHAPTER ONE: The Broken Omega

1040 Words
STACEY’S POV: Why does it have to be me, always the outcast, never wanted, never cherished? I wonder if there will ever be a place for a heart as broken as mine. I’m an Omega by birth in a family of proud Betas. My adoptive father, the Chief Beta of the pack, has denied me, not only of his last name, but also the birthright of his rank. He says I’m not his blood, so I don’t deserve to be a Beta. My half-sister, Tara, loathes me with smoldering intensity, as if my very existence is a crime against her. I crave the sisterly bond I've read about, but all I receive are her cold glares and biting words. My biological mother is a ghost of a presence. Her eyes are always on Tara, never on me. I wonder sometimes if she even sees me at all. Her attention is a rare and fleeting thing, and I’ve long since stopped reaching for it. For twenty-two years, I’ve lived like this. Pain and sadness are my constant companions, but they’re predictable, at least. Until,... four years ago when I found my mate. Zaide Raven, the newly proclaimed Alpha of our pack, is a force of nature. From the moment our eyes met, I felt something shift inside me. For the first time, I felt seen. Truly seen. To him, I’m worth every second of his time. He always makes me feel alive in a way I’ve never known before. Even though his late father, the former Alpha, and the high officials of the pack disapprove, even though they see our love as a threat to tradition and order, Zaide never wavers. For that, I’ll always be grateful to have him in my life. *************** I sit on the edge of my narrow bed with a pregnancy test in my trembling hand that displays a clear, undeniable result. Pregnant. Different emotions clash inside me—nervousness, excitement, and a happiness so profound it brings tears to my eyes. I’m going to have Zaide’s baby! I expect the scrutiny this news will bring, but none of that matters to now. This is perfect timing since today is Zaide’s twenty-fourth birthday, and this news will be my gift to him. I jump up then pull open the small closet and retrieve my best dress—the white one Zaide gave me for my birthday last year. It’s simple, yet beautiful, flowing gracefully down to my knees. I pair it with the only shoes I own, a pair of delicate sandals Zaide also bought for me. Lastly, I tie a big ribbon around my long, thick brown curls, completing the look. Standing in front of the cracked mirror, I take a deep breath. I can’t be late. I overheard the high officials discussing that Zaide will introduce the pack’s future Luna. Zaide will finally ask my hands for marriage! I ascend the creaky basement stairs, reach the main floor, then exit the house. The streets of our pack’s village are already buzzing with activity. Members of the pack are milling around, the air thick with anticipation. I slip through the crowd, unnoticed as usual, my eyes fixed on finding Zaide. Zaide’s family’s mansion’s front gates loom ahead, their wrought iron intricately twisted into the pack’s insignia. Beyond them, the grand estate stretches out. And there he is. Zaide looks every bit the Alpha he’s born to be. His gold eyes gleam with confidence. His square jaw and chiseled features are framed perfectly by the fashionable printed suit he wears. As I take a tentative step forward, the crowd seems to part for me, but not out of respect. It’s as if I carry a contagion they fear. Their judgmental stares and whispers follow me. “There she is, the bottom of the bottom…” “I can’t accept her becoming our Luna…” “Yeah, I’m still puzzled at what Alpha Zaide saw in her…” Each word is a dagger, slicing through my fragile confidence, making my steps falter. Zaide glances up and our eyes meet. But he’s still engaged in conversation, and the obligations of his position hold him in place. I know Zaide will come to me as soon as he can. But in the meantime, I find a place at the edge of the gathering where I can wait for him. Unfortunately, the celebration begins before Zaide and I can reach each other. Though I hope to get some time with him, I also understand that he's overwhelmed with duties. He'll surely seek me out afterward. Through a microphone, Zaide speaks, “Thank you all for coming. Your support during my ascension after my father’s passing has meant the world to me. Tonight is not just about celebrating my birthday. It’s also the night I will formally introduce to you the woman I will be marrying, your future Luna.” Cheers erupt from some parts of the crowd, while others turn to look at me with disdain, their expressions hard and unforgiving, but I refuse to mind them. A rush of emotions jostling through me—anticipation, joy, and a deep, abiding love. I smile, tears of happiness welling up in my eyes as I wait for Zaide to call my name. However,... My excitement is short-lived. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tara stepping forward. Dressed in a red, sexy jumpsuit that clings to her every curve. Tara walks confidently toward Zaide. My confusion turns to anxiety as Zaide extends his arm, welcoming Tara as if he has been expecting her all along. “What’s the meaning of this?” I whisper to myself, my heart pounding in my chest. Then,... Zaide’s next words feel like a physical blow that leaves me gasping for air. “Let me introduce you to your future Luna, Tara Valentines.” The world seems to tilt, and I feel as if I’m falling. My vision blurs with tears, the cheers and murmurs of the crowd blending into a cacophony of noise that makes me wanna puke. W-why? H-how could this happen? Zaide has promised me, has looked into my eyes with such love and certainty. Has it all been a lie?
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