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How could Zaide do this to me without a warning, not even the slightest sign? How could he stand there with Tara, shattering everything we had, every promise he made? The betrayal stings so deeply. I can't breathe, can't think straight. What did I miss? Was I blind to something so obvious? My hand instinctively cradles my stomach. What will happen to us now? How will I protect this little life when his father has dared to turn his back on me? Lying on my bed while staring blankly at the ceiling, I let my tears stream down my cheeks. My mind replays the scene over and over again—Zaide’s confident announcement, Tara walking forward, his arm around her as if she belongs there. Everyone’s whisper, while mockingly staring at me, celebrating my pain: “I told you, Alpha Zaide is smarter than what everyone gives him credit for.” “Thank goodness, we’ll have a deserving Luna.” How could everything have fallen apart so suddenly? Zaide must have his reasons. I can't accept that it’s truly over, that the love we shared can dissolve just like that. As the first light of dawn filters through the small window, I force myself to get up. I’m still wearing the same white dress from last night, now wrinkled and stained with tears. My eyes are swollen, my head throbbing, and my body is heavy. I need answers, I need to understand why Zaide has a sudden change of heart, to know if there’s any hope left for us. But before I can even reach the stairs, the door to the basement thuds with aggression. My mother’s voice echoes down, sharp and angry. “Wake up, lazy! Help me make breakfast!” My shoulders slump. I’m not in the mood to do any household chores today, but I can’t say no. I can’t express my opinion, I can’t argue. Those rights have been stripped from me, leaving me with nothing but compliance. I emerge from the basement to meet my mother. Without exchanging a word, we move in tandem. As the aroma of eggs and bacon fills the air, I hear footsteps descending the stairs. Pierce, my adoptive father, enters the kitchen, followed closely by Tara, both looking fresh and well-rested. Tara flashes a mocking smile at me that she doesn't bother to hide. Pierce's gaze lingers on me, sharp and probing, as if he’s waiting for me to break down or lash out. But I remain nonchalant. I can't afford to waste any more of my dwindling strength on any of them. I’m saving it for someone more important - Zaide. My mother and I finish cooking and set the table. As usual, my mother, Pierce, and Tara take their seats around the table, leaving me to stand by and wait for their leftovers. But today, the thought of food turns my stomach. I’m not hungry. The need to talk to Zaide consumes me entirely. While they eat, Tara speaks excitedly about her upcoming wedding with Zaide. She giggles as she describes her plans in intricate detail, “I want white roses, a princess ball gown, a ceremony in a garden—” Each word is like a dagger to my already wounded heart. Pierce and mother nod along. They even offer their support and encouragement, their words insensitively reinforcing my pain. “You’ll be a great Luna,” Pierce says. “Make sure you give Alpha Zaide a smart, healthy, and brave heir.” My mother chimes in, “You’ll be a beautiful bride, Tara. And you’ll make Alpha Zaide very happy.” My hands clench into fists at my sides, my nails digging into my palms, but I fight to keep my expression neutral, to appear unaffected. Even though inside, I’m breaking. As if it isn’t enough, Tara decides to turn her attention to the glass of juice I’ve prepared. “This juice is a bit tart. I think it needs some sugar.” I watch warily as Tara walks to the counter, feigning clumsiness. With a calculated stumble, she trips, splashing the juice all over her face and pajamas. “Oh my goodness!” Tara cries out, her voice breaking into an exaggerated sob. Our mother and Pierce immediately jump up from the table, rushing to her side. “Tara, are you okay?” Pierce asks. “I’m fine,” Tara weeps, wiping her face dramatically. “Stacey tripped me! She did it on purpose because she’s mad that Alpha Zaide chose me as his Luna instead of her.” I’m stunned! Before I can deny her lie, Pierce’s big hand connects hard across my cheek. The force of the blow makes me stumble back, my vision spins, pain radiating through my face. Pierce shouts, “How dare you hurt your sister out of jealousy!” Mother remains silent, her eyes cold and unsympathetic as she glares at me. There’s no defense, no words of comfort—just an unspoken condemnation. I wanna run, to even just temporarily escape their toxicity and a.buse, but I can’t. Leaving while there are still chores to be done is an unwritten crime in this family, one that’ll bring even more punishment. So I stay, fighting back tears and the throbbing pain in my cheek. Tara continues to weep while our mother fusses over her. Pierce returns to the table, a smirk of disdain and mockery playing on his lips as he eyes me. He reaches for the remaining food—supposed to be my leftovers—and begins to eat it all with deliberate relish. “You’re lucky I even let you stay here. After everything you’ve done, you should be grateful for the scraps I give you,” he says. “But today, no scraps for you.” I don’t respond, just keeping my gaze down low. What did I do to deserve this treatment? They don't have to love me, but respect shouldn't be too much to ask for. After breakfast, they all go back to their own businesses. I immediately move on with my next chore. As soon as the last dish is scrubbed clean, I make my way out of the house and look for Zaide. Zaide's mansion is just a few blocks away. When I reach the imposing gates, I square my shoulders and approach the Gammas standing guard. "Good morning," I say politely. "May I please speak with Zaide?" The Gammas sneer at me. It has always been like this, their contempt for me evident in every interaction. But there has been a brief respite after Zaide's father passed away, a moment of freedom when Zaide is able to grant me access to his mansion whenever I need to. Now, it seems that time is over too. But then, suddenly, the gates open with a low rumble, and a yellow Lamborghini speeds through, pulling up in front of me. Through the tinted window, I catch a glimpse of Zaide at the driver's seat. His expression is bordering on anxious and dismissive. I don't know how to interpret that kind of demeanor, don't know what it means for our relationship. Zaide gets out of the car. I hold my breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I wait for him to say something like “I’m sorry, I made a mistake last night”, or do something, probably hug me or kiss me like he always does when I’m feeling down. But he stays in his place, maintaining the distance between us. Then, he says, “Stacey, from now on, stop acting as if we’re still mates. Stop coming here. If you have something important to tell me, ask Pierce or Tara to relay it to me.” Shocked, I take tottering steps back. Why is he so cold, so distant? What happened to the man I love, the man who once promised me the world? "Zaide, please," I plead, my voice barely above a whisper. "Have I done something that offended you? Why are you treating me like this?" But Zaide doesn't answer my question. Instead, he turns to his Gammas and orders them to send me away. The dismissal stings, but I refuse to leave without an explanation. As Zaide begins to turn on his heel, preparing to walk away, and before the Gammas can lay a finger on me, my desperation reaches a breaking point. "I'm pregnant!" I blurt out, the words tumbling from my lips before I can stop them. Zaide stiffens. Slowly, he turns back to face me, his eyes wide, his brow furrowed as if trying to mentally navigate the gravity of my revelation. Will he finally understand the depth of our connection? Will he return to me and leave Tara? But Zaide remains silent, his expression remains the same. A knot of anxiety tightens in my stomach. Did I make a mistake telling him? Did I only push him further away? When Zaide finally speaks, he says in a low and dangerous tone, "Come inside. We need to talk."
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