Episode 10

1046 Words
“Chad! What kind of a sick joke is this.. Please tell me this isn’t some kind of your stupid idea of a prank. Do you have any idea what you have put me through and how terrified I’ve been?” I sputter as I get up on my feet getting ready to give him a hot slap across his face. “This isn't a joke... sit your ass down right now!” He glowers. I observe the deadly burning anger in his eyes I flinch and find my butt back on the ground. “Why are you doing this Chad?” I ask with a frightened soft voice. “You thought I’m stupid and I wouldn’t find out right?” “Find out what? What are you talking about?” I'm baffled and genuinely clueless. “You are cheating on me you b***h!” “What?" I gasp, "I wouldn’t dare cheat on you...why would you think that?” I question. He restlessly paces back and forth as if that is to help keep himself from exploding. “Tyra I have been following you today from the time you left the apartment that I pay for... Dressed like the w***e you are and then I saw you in the club dancing with your LOVER, whispering, laughing and fooling around.” I don't have time to marvel at the fact that he has been spying on me and now is not the right time to dwell on that. “Oh no Chad…you got it all wrong we were just…..” “Just shut up,” he thunders as he lands a feisty clap on my poor cheek. “You dared to get him in the car that I bought... where were you driving off to huh? To a cheap motel to screw each other? How dare you cheat on me Tyra after everything I have done for you?” He goes ballistic and I have never seen him this enraged before. “I would never cheat on you Chad I love you please believe me,” I beg as tears begin to fall from my eyes. “I thought you were different from other girls.. but as it turns out I was dead wrong. I'm so sorry but I cannot forgive you for breaking my heart and bruising my ego that is why I have decided to kill you for f*****g with me.” Upon hearing that my eyes widen and I swallow hard. I lift up both my hands as I attempt to calm him down. “Listen to me babe I am not cheating on you I could never do something like that to you. I only met Ayden today... he is friends with Maria’s boyfriend and he saw me sitting alone and asked me for a dance,” I stagger as I try to explain. He again slaps me across the face this time with the back of his hand. “Do I look like a fool to you...do you think I’m blind? Nobody dances like that with a guy they just met and how do you explain being in that club in the first place and driving off with him in my car?” He scowls. Now that I'm aware my kidnapper is not a dangerous random stranger but a man I intimately know, I call his bluff. I do consider the fact that there are boyfriends who murder their girlfriends and it is mostly the abusive and controlling men who end up committing such crimes but I refuse to believe that Chad is capable of killing not just me but anyone. I make up my mind to stop playing his sick game. I'm not going to keep explaining myself to him or begging him to believe me. “Chad I am not going to do this with you I want to go home, this is kidnapping and I can get you arrested for this,” I huff before I get up and start walking away. “Tyra! Stop right there or I will shoot you,” he threatens. I freeze for a second and then I proceed to walk away. He points the gun at me, pulls the trigger and shoots. The world stops, there is coldness entering my body. Shock hits me hard upon the realization that my own boyfriend actually shot me despite the fact that I'm innocent of any wrong doing. My heart shatters into a tiny million pieces as I drop to the ground and blood starts oozing from my body. As I lie on the ground, fading in and out of consciousness I'm thinking, "This is it...this is how I die...in the hands of the man I chose to date...perhaps if I had listened to Maria and broke up with Chad long ago maybe I would have a tomorrow." Chad frantically rushes over to me, petrified and distraught. He did not mean to shoot me he only wanted to scare me by shooting at the tree that was in front of me but he forgot that he is not a good shooter and now he has shot me. “You….you... shot.. me,” I weakly whisper with my tone expressing my broken heart and tears trickle from my eyes. I stare at him one last time before my eyelids shut as I blackout. “Oh my god what have I done…..what have I done? I am so sorry Tyra I didn’t mean to shoot you...it was...it was...a mistake,” he wails not yet realizing that I have passed out and therefore I cannot hear him lamenting. “Tyra...Tyra... please wake up,” he sniffles while shaking me hoping that will cause me to wake up and open my eyes. He masks his voice as he calls for an ambulance while holding me in his arms. He doesn't let go until he hears the ambulance siren from a distance. He carefully lays my head on the ground and runs back to his van and drives away hoping and praying that I’m going to be okay. The police and the paramedics split up to search for me in the dark woods using flash lights. They manage to locate me quickily and I'm rushed to the nearby hospital. Upon arrival I'm immediately taken to the theatre for surgery.
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